The story of Sajak's Is deep and the tiger

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Avatar for sabbbir1010
3 years ago

Statutory Warning. This article is not for those who like to chill or just go to see the clouds. This article is written keeping in mind the people who love jungle and wildlife, who like to walk around a little bit avoiding the crowds. Not everyone has to go here, those who go for a walk in the mountains, if you keep your eyes and ears open, you will find many such places. The fun of giving a tour alone or with two or four people is different.

Even if I go anywhere in the Chittagong Hill Tracts or Sylhet, I want to find the wildlife there. The interest is even greater as Mizoram's Dampa Tiger Reserve is right on the border with Sajek. Sajek is bordered by Tripura, which is an extension of the vast Kasalong Reserve. All in all, there are still some wildlife and wildlife in the area.

This time I went to the resort to talk to the managers, work in the zoom or I wanted to talk to any hunter Lusai, Tripura or Pankhoya. However, no one was willing to come because of Corona.

Meanwhile, on the third day of the tour, Megh met a Bengali who had been doing business in Machang for many years. The fat man saw my interest and matched the old story. She started communicating with Sajek twenty-five or thirty years ago. Then Sajek used to come in groups. Elephants, cheetahs and even tigers used to give way. Surprisingly, he gave another piece of information about the vast kingdom of Mahiruha, still on the very border of Sajek. Day is called night.

At this stage, the young manager of the resort, Bablu, said that the businessman also agreed that a man was attacked by a tiger last year while hunting in the deep hills of Sajek. Luckily survived. I thought it was a cheetah, not a Royal Bengal. Bablu said deer used to come while making cloud machang on the hill. Even wild elephants used to roam this hill a few years ago. It is recalled that the manager of another resort in Ruilui Para said that a baby Maya deer was found three years ago while constructing a resort.

The time I was in Megh Machang was a big job for me, sitting on the verandah and seeing the mountains of nearby country and distant Mizoram. It was scary to open the barricade at the end of the veranda here, because this place is so high because it is on a hill. But from here it looks as beautiful as the hill country, the distant Jumghar, and nowhere else.

In the afternoon, I was sitting on the balcony looking at the mountains. Suddenly Poonam's meditation broke. He gestured with his hand to a very low place. I could not see anything at first. Because there are many trees, shrubs and shrubs in the low hills. Then I noticed that a strangely beautiful grass-covered path had gone through the realm of trees. So beautiful, my eyes stuck. I had never looked at it before seeing the distant mountains.

Then I saw a woman carrying a pitcher on this path. After a while I saw a man come back with a pot full of water in his hand. Then I often see local men and women going through here. Let's see. The path was once lost in the jungle with a bend down the slope. So it is difficult to see where they go. There is no doubt that there is a source of water from which they bring water. Maybe a rhyme.

Our resort manager Bablu is a cheerful, amiable young man. I went to him and asked, what is the incident? In reply, there is a reservoir far down the hill. Made by the people of Sajak. Water collects there through the mountains. People from the surrounding areas go there to fetch water. I asked him if he could give it to someone who could turn us around. Bablu agreed in one word, said there is a Marma employee in the resort, go with us. That's right, I'll go tomorrow morning to find a source of water. Then I will get a chance to catch the morning car fleet even after visiting there.

At dawn the whole hill was covered with clouds, then the rain began. I fell into thought. What will be the deep mystery of the mountain? But after a while Baridhara came. Marma Tarun also appeared. A thin-bodied, smiling man. The resort also had a lot of bamboo in front for work in a few cottages. He handed over some of them. A small arrangement was made for him to make Wafika whimsical.

Before starting the jungle trip, let’s come to a little different context. Buddhadeh Guhar Rijuda is a book in the series 'Tiger Meat'. In it, Rijuda kills a terrifying tiger. The wife of a local tribal man who died at the hands of the tiger was sitting and waiting to eat the tiger's meat. The poor tribals in those remote areas of India had no aversion to tiger meat. Although I read in another book of Buddhadeva Guhar that tiger meat does not have a single fat, it is all muscle. Now that the law is very strict there, tigers are rarely hunted. And when it does, it's because of the tiger skin, the limbs market.

One such tiger hunt took place in Arunachal in 2010. Surprisingly, the poachers and the villagers also consume the meat, which is the skin and valuable organs. However, the Chinese are notorious for hunting tigers and eating tiger meat. Tigers from neighboring countries, including Cambodia, have also been killed. Tiger bone powder, lungs, everything is sold at a high price. There, the aristocracy organized a festival to eat tiger meat in secret places. If caught, of course, there are jail-fines. As far as is known, the last Indo-China tiger in China was killed in 2009 by a Chinese man, who was sentenced to 12 years in prison.

The people of our hill country also eat the meat of wild animals. There are also tigers and elephants among them. I was writing an article about a wild elephant nine years ago. That's when a DFO spoke to him. The name is probably Chanaullah Patwari. In the middle, an elephant died in the depths of Kasalong Reserve. However, when the people of the forest department arrived at Kaur quite late, it was seen that the locals had cut off half of the meat of the elephant for consumption.

I have heard some similar incidents about tigers. Monirul Bhai got some things including tiger liver from Tajingdong a few years ago. The whole body of the tiger, including its skin, flesh and liver, is precious to many. At a high price in the black market. A few years ago, I also came across a case of tiger hunting and eating tiger meat at Bara Modak. I have heard that the hunters of Myanmar are also active.

The locals cannot be blamed unilaterally. They have been hunting and eating wild animals for hundreds of years. Apart from these prey animals, many do not have the means to supply meat in that sense. But now that times have changed, it is important to understand how important wildlife conservation is. Apart from that, the hunters have killed tigers not only in the hilly areas but also in Sylhet, Chittagong and Madhupur. There was no question of eating in these places.

Maybe you think I sang Shiva's song to pretend to be rice. That's not quite the point. On the second or third night of Sajek's visit, I went to the roof of Kashaban restaurant with Zahid. From there, you can get a wonderful view of the mountains of Bangladesh during the day. Shawn's wife, Nira, also showed me a picture, much like a scene from a hotel in Bhutan's Punakha Valley. Talk to you soon and keep up the good content. He has multiple resorts. Nira, wherever she goes, how to get out. For example, this time Sajek came and saw that at least four or five hotel-resort owners knew him.

At night the mountains were only dimly visible. Strange one light-dark. Meanwhile, the resort owner started telling stories. 'Now the animals don't come here. There are mountains in the distance. Sometimes hunters kill wild animals from inside the mountains. That was a few years ago, a tiger was hunted. I also ate its meat. '

'Tiger or leopard?' Somehow I swallowed the question.

'What did you say? Royal Bengal Tiger. I also have a tooth. ' The smiling gentleman got angry.

I thought that the owner of this resort is educated and has experience of working in foreign companies, he should not be mistaken. In the midst of adversity, I saw a glimmer of hope.

I did a lot of bakar bakar. Back to the original trip. I saw the path from the balcony on the left hand side, but I followed the young Marma to the right side of our cottage. Pigs are roaming in the bushes and forests below. Marma is a lively young man, working here from Ramgarh in Khagrachari. He said that in order to reach that open place, one has to go through some jungle.

I am walking through the bushes and forests, the soil is wet due to the rain a little while ago. Poonam was looking around a little scared, because it was not difficult to understand the leech. Then cross the jungle place to the jungle of medium trees, then also the paddy field of Zum on the right hand side. After a short walk we came to the beautiful smooth path in the middle of the green grassy land, where the eyes could go from above.

Even if it rains, it is not far behind as it is a wet land. There was a small reservoir in front of me, the ripe rectangular reservoir was submerged in water, and I saw the banyachis playing in it. As soon as I understood my mind, my Marma companion told me that the water was wasted and was no longer used. Earlier, the water of the resort was taken from here.

After a while the road cuts like a staircase in the ground. There are more bushes on both sides now, sometimes one or two big trees. In this way, after walking for some time, the stairs have come down a lot. Having to take the help of hand sticks. I am helping Wafika when she is tired, at one point seeing her in pain, Marma took the young man on her back. The road is very steep in one place. It is no longer possible for Wafika to come down.

The reservoir is faintly visible in the distance below. I stayed with Wafika for now. Others began to descend. Holding Wafika in one hand, I stood on one side of the sloping path, looking out over the hill country. I am thinking of heaven and hell. There is a deep forest on the other side, there are also big trees. Baskets have come down from the bodies of many. What is the ambush behind a bush cheetah? After walking a few kilometers, I will reach Dampa, the Dampa which is part of Lusai hill, the Lusai hill from which Karnafuli was born. Pramdaranjan Roy's words came to mind when I thought of Mount Lusai.

Ray's grandfather Pramdaranjan was a survey officer. He traveled to Burma, Dehradun and Lusai Mountains to survey. In all those places, the tiger was like a murki-murki. What does he do with a mad elephant on Mount Lusai? He also faced a huge tiger. Several times he fell in front of a rhinoceros running at the speed of an express train. There were so many rhinos in the Lusai Mountains at that time! They were definitely chatting on the side of Sajek. But that was in 1907-08. Nothing now!

The Marma young man came back at a time when the sigh was coming out of his chest.

He took it to Wafika, then the three of us came down carefully. A piece of low green land, strangely beautiful. As well as two reservoirs. One has more water, the other less. Rainwater is coming down from the hill in small streams. Most of the water is for bathing, smoking and other activities. A small amount of water is accumulating in the hills which is drinking water.

There is no opportunity to spend more time today. Because I want to catch the morning caravan. But there is a problem. The moon car has not been fixed yet. But if we want to get a car, we have to get there before we leave. This time the rise began. Getting up in a hurry and gasping for breath, but Marma has benefited from being young, and has taken on the burden of Wafika.

When I reached the road to Ruilui after saying goodbye to Bablu, Chander's car and jeeps were ready to leave. I started looking, if any car is empty, we will share. However, no one has so much space. I showed a little bit of business acumen in this situation. Suddenly a little old dhyaradhyare car caught my eye! Speaking of which, I found out that it is a line car, it will go to Baghaihat. Whatever is in the forehead, it is the seat ripe. One and a half hundred per person, Wafika free. I gave it to Poonam, the car went around to pick up the passengers, and I was buying a ticket.

Disaster after a while. Hey, all the cars left one by one, we don't know. I'm calling them, not answering. That tension got sick again. I asked at the army check post, they couldn't say anything either.

At that time the car came to a halt. Explaining what the line car was, a few more people picked up and left at least fifteen minutes after the other cars. Exciting journey again.

After a while I felt the pressure of our driver. Bikes were coming one after the other from the opposite direction, and what kind of abuse did he have, how could a Chakma man learn so much Bengali abuse, I was just wondering? Let this car take all the passengers including us to Dighinala with some extra money, from there by auto rickshaw to Khagrachhari Sadar. In other words, I was able to prove my wife's complaint a little false on the way? What do you say?

While having lunch in Khagrachari, it seemed that shortly after leaving Sajek, another new paved road caught my eye, and as I was leaving, I saw that it had gone through the hills, towards Mizoram. I have heard that there will be new tourist centers and business opportunities will also increase. At the same time, we may become more involved in the destruction of the environment. I can't keep nature good, I can't even love wildlife! I still believe there are tiger uncles in the forests of Sangu-Matamuhuri, Kasalong-Sajek on the Indo-Myanmar border. Let's make one last attempt to save them.





Sir, @MarcDeMesel @georgedonnelly    @Omar    @Telesfor    @scottcbusiness @RogerVer    @ErdoganTalk   @TheRandomRewarder      if you give me the inspiration, I will get the inspiration to write better.

i hope you enjoy the article and keep subscribing to my channel to get the next episode.Let us know in the comment box how you feel about the article

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Avatar for sabbbir1010
3 years ago


the article is amazing sure you work so hard carry on dear

$ 0.00
3 years ago

thank you so much for appreciate me

$ 0.00
3 years ago

The article is beautiful. It's a pity that there are no more pictures that would show us all that. The ones in the article look powerful.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I will try to give all the picture articles next time, thanks for your valuable comments

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Excellent writing...I enjoyed reading the article.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

thanks a lot dear for your positive comment

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I always like this type of interesting story. I feel pleasure to read. Please keep sharing 👍👍👍👍👍

$ 0.00
3 years ago

thank you so much dear for appreciate me , always support me

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Amazing article by you my friend

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Nice article, already subscribed ,back please

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Well written article dear

$ 0.00
3 years ago

My wish to hear this is a very beautiful place located in Bangladesh Thanks for sharing dear.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Still didn’t get there.. Hope in December i will visit untill keep me on your prayer. Thank you for your informative article

$ 0.00
3 years ago

wow,it's really amazing place If he doesn't go then don't understand

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yeah you’re right..

$ 0.00
3 years ago

thanks a lot supporting me

$ 0.00
3 years ago

There is no opportunity to spend more time today. Because I want to catch the morning caravan. But there is a problem. The moon car has not been fixed yet. But if we want to get a car, we have to get there before we leave. This time the rise began. Getting up in a hurry and gasping for breath, but Marma has benefited from being young, and has taken on the burden of Wafika.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

it seemed that shortly after leaving Sajek, another new paved road caught my eye, and as I was leaving, I saw that it had gone through the hills, towards Mizoram.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Then I saw a woman carrying a pitcher on this path

$ 0.00
3 years ago

yeah, thanks foe your valuable complement

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Enjoying success with writing is about practice and hard work. Inspiration is part of it, but not the primary thing IMHO.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

sir,Thank you so much for commenting on my article first, I will always try to write something good.I hope you will be by my side all the time.But IMHO I do not understand it

$ 0.00
3 years ago

This is a good article...

$ 0.00
3 years ago

thanks a lot dear for encourage me

$ 0.00
3 years ago

You're welcome dear

$ 0.00
3 years ago

my pleasure dear

$ 0.00
3 years ago

This really isn't for me ... I'm afraid of snakes and all wildlife.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

hhaha, Why are animals so afraid?

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I don't know ..... but I scream when I see a snake. I have no idea what would happen if I met a lion, a tiger or a bear

$ 0.00
3 years ago

It is more than the fear of your mind, nothing will happen if you always have the courage

$ 0.00
3 years ago