6 Best Online Earnings Trends

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3 years ago

The issue of online income is no longer speculation, it is real. Many people in world are currently earning handsome through various means like blogging, freelancing, affiliate marketing etc. However, the trend of online income changes over time.

The important thing is to fit yourself in this change. For example, even 2 years ago, those who used to work in web design online, even if they did not know the responsive web design. But now responsive web design is a hot trend. Demand for this specialty has grown significantly as a result of recent corporate scandals. I am talking about one field, thus the online income trends are changing in each case. Below I am sharing the 5 best online income trends .

1. Blogging

Blogging is a profession whose demand for online will decrease in the next 100 years . Basically, there is no alternative to blogging for long-term and handsome income. But if you want to blog, you have to get down. If you want to be rich overnight, I say Please No Entry in Blogging world.

Proper and timely planning, patience and hard work mentality can bring you success in blogging. Blogging can be a source of income for Google Adsense, affiliate marketing, image advertising, etc. There is no income limit in blogging. It can be 100 to 5 thousand dollars or more per month. The amount of revenue will be determined based on your blogging topics, visitor volume, market trends, SEO etc.

Therefore, it can be said that the best online earning trend blogging . Happy blogging, happy earning.

2. ThemeForest: Earnings by selling web templates

The world's largest and highest quality premium template buy / sell marketplace ThemeForest.net. Approving the template on this site is not very easy. However, if your template is high quality and unique, it will be approved. And once approved, who gets you? Do not believe the site by visiting http://themeforest.net. One template sells several thousand times. You will get 40% to 60% commission on every sale. The best selling WordPress theme on this site. You will make a theme and submit it on this site and you will earn thousands of dollars by sleeping. Thinking dreaming! See the link below. Submitted in August 2017. So far it has been sold 6053 times. The developer has earned crores of rupees with a theme in 2 years.

Avada | Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme

10 Top Selling WordPress Themes

But yes, you have to study a lot to create a theme forest quality theme, you have to build yourself as a professional. Learn WordPress Theme Development or Joomla Theme Development. To learn these you need to know Html, Css, Php etc.

3. Apps development

How long ago a news arose in the whole world. A smartphone application called WhatsApp has been sold to Facebook for 1.9 billion!

With this application (app) of the smartphone, you can talk through the internet, you can send messages. Nowadays, it takes an app to do various things on a smartphone. Again, there are many apps for games. If the app is popular, what will be the result? The example of WhatsApp is enough for this. As the number of mobile phone users is increasing in world, now the number of smartphones is also increasing. So the market for apps is developing. He is making all the interesting apps for the youth of world. The advantage of the compromise is that it can get the world market only if it is created. There is competition for making mobile apps in the country, various workshop training activities are also going on. So now making apps can be easily chosen as a profession. Ethics Advanced Technology Limited (EATL) is working on apps. It has also launched its own app store. EATL Managing Director MA Mubin Khan said, At present, apps are being bought in Bangladesh with one's own mobile balance. So the more app creators grow, the more the app market will grow. In addition, the demand for apps is increasing in the international market. Mobile apps are actually a type of software that can be used on mobile and tablet computers. There are also separate apps for Facebook. Apps can be created for anything from games, calendars, music players. SM Ashraf Abir, CEO of MCC Limited, which has been involved in the development of apps at home and abroad for a long time, said that the global market for apps is currently 1.1 trillion, which will be 2.6 billion next year. The whole world will open up to anyone who thinks of joining this huge market. As an example of the income of the apps, he said, currently the popular game app Angry Bird has an annual income of 19 crore five million dollars! Roverio, the creator of this app, earns this with just one up. 100 million people in Bangladesh are now using mobile phones. As the mobile application and smartphone sector grows very fast, many people are now looking to build a career in this field. If he wants to make apps himself, he needs to know computer programming. Again, an app creation company can be opened by forming a technical team with any creative idea. Tamim Shahriar is the Chief Executive Officer of Mukta Software Limited. He said, if you want, anyone can work as a freelance app developer, you can also get a job. However, the operating system (Android, iOS, Windows etc.) need to know the programming of specific topics. Students of Bangladeshi universities are regularly being awarded in various international IT based competitions. In the future, the information technology market will be mobile and mobile application market oriented. Due to which programmers can build their profession in this sector.

4. Freelancing

No one is unaware of online freelancing. There is a bright career in this sector with immense potential, if you can be a skilled IT professional. Bangladesh's position in freelancing has gradually built a strong position. Not only 2020, in the socio-economic context of world, world will be the freelancing market for the next few centuries. At a recent seminar, Saidur Mamun Khan, Country Manager, Elance-Odesk, Bangladesh, said that in 2017, freelancers in Bangladesh earned about 21 million from online outsourcing through Elance and Odesk alone.

In the near future, the outsourcing sector will be considered as a major source of foreign exchange earnings for world.

Therefore, freelancing hot online earning trends of the next few centuries including 2020.

5. ECommerce

Like the developed world, e-commerce business is rapidly gaining popularity in Bangladesh. Not far off that day, a large portion of consumers will finish their shopping online.

Popular e-commerce sites in Bangladesh like Rokmari.com, Ajker Deal, Ahni.com etc. have already come to limelight. It is known that they are a good cell.

If you want to do e-commerce business, you have to decide now. Because as late as you are, you will fall behind. If you start your e-commerce business in 2019, that is, create a beautiful site, product plan (what kind of product will be, its market demand), customer support system, then site marketing / promotion, etc. will come. Then ........ your business / profit will start from 2020. It may be before. It depends on your site's product, visitors, marketing, etc. What will be the profit / income per month? It's hard to say. However, the online shopping mall! If you can get millions of visitors to the site, the visitor gets his desired and quality things, but that's it! You can earn millions of rupees a month. How many lakhs? Only time will tell.

The biggest advantage of e-commerce business is less investment and periodic investment (i.e., investment by understanding the situation), resulting in less risk.

Can't create e-commerce site, can you do e-commerce business?

Yes, you can too. However, learning to create an e-commerce site is not difficult. You too can learn if you try. And if you can't, make a beautiful site with someone. Learn how to maintain the site, ie add products, order management, etc. Then start an e-commerce business. If Allah helps, success will come inshallah.

And yes, if you are good at creating e-commerce sites, you can also earn a lot by working on online freelancing sites. If you go to freelancing sites, you can understand the amount and budget of such work. Thanks everyone, stay well.

6. F-Commerce: Earnings from Facebook

Facebook-based e-commerce is now known as F-commerce. It is a branch of social media marketing (SMM). This business can be done with little capital, even without capital. No shop is required, business can be conducted sitting at home. No matter where you are in the country, if you can deliver the product as per the demand of the buyer, success in this business will come. Success in F-Commerce will depend on your proficiency in social media. And there is no need to spend for this work. The more likes the page has, the more people your product will reach. Your efforts are enough to increase the likes. 'Invite' acquaintances at the beginning, share more.

Sir, @MarcDeMesel  @georgedonnelly     @Omar    @Telesfor    @scottcbusiness @SofiaCBCH @Hanzell  @RogerVer     @ErdoganTalk    @TheRandomRewarder       if you give me the inspiration, I will get the inspiration to write better.

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Thank you so much all of my read cash friends.

$ 1.24
$ 1.24 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for sabbbir1010
3 years ago


I appreciate this article so much, because I wants a program for online earnings, and this teaches me a lot now. Thank you so much

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Good one keep it up

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Great list! I would add some other things like YouTube and podcasting, but that's because I prefer those over blogging :)

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Amazing article.keep it up bro

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Amazing article.keep it up bro......

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Nice article by you my friend

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Wonderful dear

$ 0.00
3 years ago

If you want to do e-commerce business, you have to decide now. Because as late as you are, you will fall behind. If you start your e-commerce business in 2019, that is, create a beautiful site

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Nice article dear. On the other hand, your article is astonished

$ 0.00
3 years ago

thanks for sharing us the best ways to earn online

$ 0.00
3 years ago

A comprehensively detailed article

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thanks for such an interesting article. It will really help

$ 0.00
3 years ago

thanks a for your complement , i hope always stay with me

$ 0.00
3 years ago

so informative I try to check all websites thanks darling

$ 0.00
3 years ago

yeah , I hope you can do something better

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Very helpful and comprehensive piece of writing regarding to earning through online trends.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

thank you so much dear always supporting me ,i hope help for us

$ 0.00
3 years ago

This is really great 6 Best Online Earnings Trends

$ 0.00
3 years ago

thank you so much dear for appreciate me

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Nice article

$ 0.00
3 years ago

thank you so much dear

$ 0.00
3 years ago

F-Commerce: Earnings from Facebook????what is it? you can write more about it

$ 0.00
3 years ago

please ,I hope you understand when you read my article again

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Well written article dear

$ 0.00
3 years ago

thank you so much dear , your comment is always appreciate me

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Welcome dear

$ 0.00
3 years ago

my pleasure dear

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Of course, everyone will take advantage of it. I felt more interested in the topic of freelancing because my husband absolutely keeps me informed. Thanks for sharing this information.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

It’s great that your husband makes freelancing easier for you and I hope you do well.

$ 0.00
3 years ago