From a fat kid to a fit adult. How did I lose 25 kg or 55 lbs of body weight? Here's my story.
If you want to see how I look now, jump towards the end of the article.
How It Started
It all began with this photo. That's me, together with my friends happily posing during a trip in the province of Bohol in November 2019. During that time, I didn't realize that I was that big. Look at those chubby cheeks, double chin, and almost invisible neck.
I even had the courage to wear a sleeveless shirt when we visited a famous waterfalls in the province. My tummy and man-b*obs were bulgding in the white sando. People were calling me a huggable salbabida because I look like an inflattable water floater.
In this photo, you can get a clearer picture of how fat I was before.
But that wasn't my biggest.
This was me in December 31, 2018, New Year's Eve. We had a family photo before the feast. We wore matching shirts which my aunt brought for us. She handed me the biggest size which, as you can see, didn't fit me.
I used to wear extra large (XL) to triple extra large (XXXL) shirts. My waistline was at 40 to 42 inches.
If you noticed, I also wore my shorts higher than my waist to somehow cover my big tummy. I also did that with my office pants.
Because of my big size, shopping for new clothes was always a challenge for me before. I had only had limited choices. It took me hours and hours in the fitting room to get the right fit.
Growing up, I was always the cute, cuddly, funny fat kid in the family and school.
Here's a photo of me during my 7th birthday.
I was always the clown in the group because I had nothing else to offer but my humor.
I hated facing the mirror and taking photos because of how I looked. I was insecure and envious.
I tried different methods of losing weight but I failed. Until that fat kid had turned into a fat adult.
After seeing all my old photos, I told my self - man, it's time to change.
How Did I Lose Weight?
It was November 22 when I decided to start my fitness journey. It wasn't easy. Before making any move, I researched A LOT.
I read several articles comparing different diets.
I watched every single motivational fitness videos on YouTube.
I joined Facebook groups about fitness and read their success stories.
I followed fitness influencers, nutrionist-dieticians, and professional trainers.
After weeks of researching and immersing, I had the courage to start.
I did CALORIE DEFICIT. In simple terms, I eat everything in limited calories.
I did HOME WORK OUTS. I learned every single exercise on YouTube and did it in my own room.
How It's Going
This is me now.
It's been exactly a year and nine months since I started my fitness journey. But I'm still far from my goal. I'm not stopping until I reach 65 kg. I am also working on growing my muscles while bringing down my fat rate to 15%.
Everyday, I still count my calories. I plan, buy, and cook what I eat.
From fast food, I shifted to buying whole foods like eggs, wheat bread, fruits, vegetables, and lean meat.
I consistently do my home workouts. But unlike before, I'm also doing strength training to grow my muscles.
So the guy you saw before with the chubby cheeks, double chin, and almost invisible neck, this is him now.
This is me now.
Happier. Fitter. Healthier.
The guy you saw who struggeled to buy new clothes, this him now.
This is me now.
From extra large (XL) to triple extra large (XXXL), I'm down to medium and large-sized shirts.
From 40 to 42 inches waistline, I'm down to 34 inches.
After almost two years of hard work, people around me started to notice how my body changed - from fat to fit.
With my major fitness transformation, including going bald, you probably won't recognize me in person even after you saw my old photos. Well, that's mostly because we're wearing face masks and face shield.
What's My Purpose?
I want to live a long and healthy life. That's my sole purpose.
I didn't share my story just to brag but I want to inspire fat people to start their fitness journey. Yes, you can do it, too!
Don't get me wrong. It's totally fine if you like being fat. Love yourself and be who you are. But keep in mind that being too fat can lead to incommunicable diseases like diabetes and hypertension. I know that because I experienced it before.
After my family, friends, and workmates noticed my tansformation, some have asked me how I did it. I would love to help them start their journey. But I never really had a chance to explain it to them extensively.
I just usually say that I'm doing CALORIE DEFICIT and HOME WORKOUTS. But there's so much to explain that I can't finish in one sitting.
That led me to create a channel on called Calorie deficit, Fitness, Fat loss ( where I explain every bits of information that I know in getting fit.
What's Next?
Losing 25 kg of body weight in two years is already a big achievement for me. But I'm just getting started in this journey. There's still more that I want to share with you.
In my upcoming articles, I will tell you about the following:
How to start calorie deficit
Why keto, intermittent fasting, low carb, and one-meal-a-day (OMAD) diets do not work
6 things that helped me to lose weight
10 food that helped me to lose weight
8 food that I avoid
8 healthy meals for fat loss
Weight loss vs. fat loss
What I eat in a day
How to eat in parties, buffet, and carinderia?
What can you say about my fitness journey? Are you planning to start yours after reading my story? Let me know in the comment section.
#fitness #caloriedeficit #fatloss #fatkid
...and you will also help the author collect more tips.
Oh wow that's fantastic! Weight loss is really not easy. I commend you for having the will and motivation to keep losing excess weight. Good job and congratulations!