Random Questions to kick-start my brain.

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2 years ago

After a hard day, my brain is drained. In comparison with other days, this one wasn't so bad, but, my health it's misbehaving again so, I'm on minimum charge. Plus, I had to give an exam today to my student in Peru, and that didn't help much with my headache.

I started to write something though, a short story, but I'm drained, I couldn't connect one sentence with the other. Then I thought that I'd write about food, but I'm hungry and on a diet so writing about food will give me more hunger so that's discarded for now.

Finally, it clicked: Random Questions!

Since I started writing I haven't found anything better to kick start my brain than a fresh batch of Random Questions, so, I searched in Google and found some good questions, this time for friends or about friends, that are interesting and fun at the same time.

I picked five questions out of fifty and here they are!

  1. Have you ever had a falling out with a friendship? What happened?

    Yes. Several in fact. The most recent was due to my dad's passing. Two of my college mates came to the funeral, they are not from here, they live in another state but they came anyway. At one point, we were talking when another one send an audio text, not to me, but to one of them asking if they could give me the message because she was busy. That's a girl that often referred to my father as her father and not mine, and to whom I gave shelter when she was homeless, I gave her food when she needed it, and put myself in the line to help her graduate with all of us. To this date, she hasn't given her condolences directly to any of us, but she often asks "How life is treating us" like nothing happened. I'm sorry, I won't have it. I'm easygoing and loyal, but once you lose me, it's for good.

  2. What is more important, good communication or good connection?

    This is a trick question. I believe that one of the foundations of a good connection is good communication, period. I mean, how can you connect to anybody if you're not able to communicate effectively? It's not possible, or at least not for me.

  3. What would be the first thing you say at the gates of Heaven?

    Can you send me back??

    If there is a heaven, and it's like the movies or books I've seen and read, I would enjoy it for a bit, but I would definitely want to come back to earth. I lead a pretty monotonous and I don't like it, sure, I like to rest and chill as much as the next person but, not doing nothing because there's nothing To-Do is just bland, that's why I wouldn't like to spend eternity like that and would ask for a comeback. And that's assuming that when I die I would go to Heaven, maybe I'll be in the other direction.

  4. What advice would you give to someone who is struggling in a love relationship?

    That of course depends on the circumstances of the struggle, and if the person is willing to hear what I have to say.

    If for instance, it's a trouble due to another person involved, I would probably advise you to leave. If the relationship is as weak as to welcome and accept the third party, one should leave by all means.

    I had a friend who instead of leaving she welcomed the third part and the results were bad!

    She had a relationship, a very serious relationship, live-in and all when an older dude started to court her. She fell for the guy even against all advice and cheated on her boyfriend, and years later that decision backfired, the older dude scammed her, he had a wife and kids and was on some risky business.

  5. What does friendship mean to you?

    It means loyalness, honesty, and respect. It means acceptance also, a full package, the good, the bad, and the ugly. It's not very different really than any other type of relationship, it all is based on what I just said. A friend must be able to say the truth to my face as well as accept when is my turn to give it. Is knowing that not all the time we'll be inseparable, but believing that the bond is strong enough that when we need each other we'll be there no matter what. It's love and care, at least for me

Yo ya he, Finito!

I'm still drained but I feel better now. If any of you want to do this, please, pick your questions Here and Have Fun!

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See you next time!



November 2nd, 2021.

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2 years ago


It is as you describe that I see friendship. Friends are to be there for each other at all times, through thick and thin.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

That's the way it must be <3

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Can I try this one? If you permit me😊

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Of course you can!! I'll look forward to reading yours <3

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes, I had faithful girlfriends, but it was a long time ago. Now they have left for different cities, now there are only friends. We were such good friends that even spent the night at each other's homes.))) Friendship for me is primarily an interesting communication and loyalty. And as for the question whether I would like to return to earth...what a difficult question for me, I can not answer it now.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Faithful friends are hard to find. I also have some that to this day remain close despite the fact that we live in different cities and don't talk every day. They are there for me and I'm there for them, even if it is just to talk. And we may not agree on everything but we respect our different opinions and points of view.

The Heaven question? Haha for me it was like I was seeing myself saying to the gate dude "Can you send me back? Haha, I even laughed!

$ 0.02
2 years ago

The another name of good communication is good connection. Love and respect are the most important factor for a relationship, it doesn't matter in which relationship you're enjoying. I just want to say, heath is most important than anything else. Take care of yourself, everything can be done later.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yes, health is important, I just can't control it, whether I take care of myself or not, I'm sick and at any moment my sickness kicks in, all I have left to do is sit back and wait for the episode to be over haha, I'm used to it by now.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Very good read. I love this. Only a few bunches realizes the importance of everything you mentioned.

I especially love this: "I'm easygoing and loyal, but once you lose me, it's for good." Of course, who would want to be neglected. I'm not the possessive type but surely doesn't want to be taken for granted. I'm also very busy you know, if I can take time to send you a message, and u have no time to spare... Oh! That's just it.

And this is just essentially true: "It means acceptance also, a full package, the good, the bad, and the ugly."

$ 0.01
2 years ago

That's true, some complaint about the fact that one doesn't write or call often, but the true test is being there when it truly matters. Otherwise, what are we?

Thank you for your words dear!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

This is great sis👏, I better have to try this one thank you for this🥰

$ 0.01
2 years ago

You're welcome! I'm looking forward to read your answers!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

When I graduated from high school and moved away I continued to maintain the relationship with my old friends, but they treated me worse and worse, so I moved away from them. A few years ago I started talking to one of my old friends, it had been more than 5 years, we were going to meet in my old city and he left me waiting, he did not go to the meeting point and did not write me again, that broke my heart and he has not been the first person who has done so. The amount of friends I have is few, but they are the right ones, the friends from the past that I studied with for more than 10 years, will be in the past. I need friends in the present who will stay for the future. When I can I will answer some of the questions.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

That was just playing spiteful! Shame on those who did that to you, it's awful!

I find that it's not about quantity as it's more about quality, if those few you have are true and pure, that's enough.

I'll wait to read yours!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

My advice for those who in a relationship is "Put God in the center of your relationship" because for a relationship can't be broken by anybody. Thank you for this, I'll gonna try this one❤️

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Nice! I'll be waiting! And that's good advice and also a hard truth, but it can be broken by anybody if those involved let it happen.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The advice bi would give to someone struggling with his or her relationship is everything bad comes to an end but if you think the relationship is toxic I think you should leave before anything bad occur

$ 0.01
2 years ago

That's a piece of good advice, sadly sometimes people are so used to being in a toxic environment that it's all they know and even aware that it's bad for them, they choose to stay.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I have a friendship that when a little distant. I have a girl friend. We are really close, she fell in love with me. Kinda awkward but that's life.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

No way! My sister had the same experience, it was awkward, to say the least. The good thing is that they still talk and remain good buddies, not friends in the whole sense of the word but they talk and that's fine!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oh, same. We still say hi and hello but we are not the same way as we were BFF before. Kinda sad.

$ 0.00
2 years ago