Fears that I had before I started my journey here!

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1 year ago

As I already shared on my old article the reasons why I started blogging, now I would to do an article that will talk about my fears before I started my journey in here. It's a quite connected experience and stories wherein the first one, I talked about my reasons and now the fears I felt.

I created this using Canva

Am I the only one who asked herself "should I start a blog?" Maybe not? At first, I feel excited thinking my article to do but it became embarrassing to share with others, especially if you are new in the platform. Self-doubt may actually kicks in, fears can drown and hinder us to start what we wanted.

But, I realized that those fears and self doubt are all just an excuses. It only makes us questioned ourselves if we really interested in that thing, whether we are not skilled, boring, or not talented etc.

So in this post I talked about the fears I had before I started my journey here and I would like to give some lessons I learned though those things.

Let's get started!

I am not good in writing

As I said before, I am not that inclined in writing, I do joined a feature writing contest before but that's it haha. So, when I'm thinking of starting here, there are a lot of thoughts came to my mind such as; what topic should I write, how to start a blog, I have nothing to say, no one will read it and so on. I got overwhelmed by those thoughts and forgot about my reasons behind it.

However, I give it a try and told to myself that I need to face this fear. So I did, even though at first, I am a little hesitant to engage, write in here, I still do it haha.

Also, writing can be learn too, especially nowadays that we have high tech technology wherein we can rely with more informations.

I am too boring

Again, negative thought came to my mind. I don't think if people will read my work or if I'm capable of getting their interest to article. But, won't know until I try, even though my life was too boring and normal, I started anyway.

At first, I have no idea what to say so I started with a topic about my course. I talked about business related topics and switched in sharing more personal things about my life.

You will also discovered that you are not a boring one, you will definitely have something informative to say. Just be you and say what you really want.
No one will read my work

It is one of my "what if" before because I fear of being ignored. Honestly, no one will read your blog at first, as you are new in the platform, you don't know anyone, and you are just started. But, continue to engage with people, make friends, be nice and you will see the result onwards.

For three months now, the number of people who are my article are just range from 5-20 people hahaha. Yeah, you read it write, I only noticed it when I saw the "eye icon" below haha. I felt a little bit sad of course but it pushed me to do better in creating a content.

Did you also experience these things when you started blogging?

Let me know your about this, just comment down below!

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: Sunday
: November 27, 2022
: Re-joyce

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1 year ago


I had some of these fears at the beginning. It helps the more you write and engage. Finding what to write early on was a struggle because I didn't know my audience. Now it seems I have endless topics to write about but don't have the time to do so, haha

$ 0.00
1 year ago

starting new thing or hobby will be very difficult at first, a lot of discouragements will rise but it is up to us if we will pursue it :))

$ 0.00
1 year ago

The first thing that discouraged me is not knowing what to write. There are times that I will not even have anything to write at all but I just decided to start and I knew I will never stop

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yeah, its difficult to think a topic that will interests others haha

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Starting is the key. Once you start, the fears will leave one after the other.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

yes I agree! :)

$ 0.00
1 year ago

nako sis ganyan din ako sa simula. kelangan mo lang din makipaginteract sa mga di mo pa nakainteract para mas madami makafollow sayo and magread ng posts natin. Go lang ng gooo!

$ 0.00
1 year ago

salamat sis! yan din minsan problem ko, nahihiya ako mag approach ng iba kasi baka kako di ako pansinin🤣

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Meron talaga tayong mga fears sis nuh. Same tayo. Nung bago pa ako dito may fears ako pero most of the time excited talaga ako. 🥰

$ 0.00
1 year ago

oo sis napapalotan ng excitement kapag nasimulan mo na isang bagay :)

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Totoo sis pag nasimulan mo na magbabago.

$ 0.00
1 year ago