SLP (smooth love potion)

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Avatar for rashid2.0
2 years ago
03/02/2022     Article number 7


  • Hi, my dear friends, hope you all are doing fine.

  • I am also fine.

  • I am user and writer on readcash since six days.

  • I have 5 followers in 6 days.

  • I have a target to increase my followers by writing good content.

  • I am not perfect in writing articles, but i am trying my best to do so.

  • Some of my followers are very generous to me.

  • I am very much thankful to them.

  • They are an icon of motivation for newbie like me.

About Today.

Today was a good day it's 10:30Pm.

And i am writing an article for you. Last night i was feeling not goof. As weather has a great effect on emotions, my heart was full of emotions last night. I have burden and stress of different things in my life these days. I am trying hard to survive from all of these. I slept at 2 AM last night. But today was a good day. As every morning rises with a hope for hopeless people.

I woke up early, i offered my prayers to Allah. Then i went out to feed my animals. I may be never mentioned in my Articles before that i have a cow, it's heifer, a goat and it's baby girl kid. So i feed them. After that i took a bath then took breakfast.

Something Went Wrong

Then i opened read cash started to read the articles whome i am following now. As i pressed an up vote button to express my feelings that i like her article. A pop-up on the upper side on the screen in red color appeared. There was some text written on that pop up dialog box. When i read that text it was "something went wrong". I don't know why this happened to me but i was very upset because i thought may be my account on is restricted now. And this restriction is permanent???.. I was really worried, cuz j don't want to lose my account here. I am working hard on it since six days and i have already a few articles on my account, i don't wanna lose them.

Then i tried to write an article, as when in open the option of write an article. I entered title of my article then try to save it in my draft. It again showed error. After seeing this error my doubt about the restriction of my account was turning into believe. There was an increase in my worries. So only the comments feature was working properly, so i keep reading your articles and never stop giving my reviews on articles. Chance for my account to work good again was increasing( in my mind). After visiting all the articles in notification section. I logged out from and waited 6 hours.

Then now in evening i opened it again. And pressed up vote button it was working. I was happy to see my account working properly. Then i opened write article option to confirm, if my account working well or not? Wow! Hurrah! Everything was fine as it was before. I am happy to see my account working very well again... But till now i don't know the main reason behind this restriction.

If anyone of you knows about it. Please explain it in comments section.

Sponsors of rashid2.0

Now, before let me start my article i want to say you thank you with core of my heart that you make time to read my writing up.

So the today's topic is. SLP.

SLP(smooth love potion)

Lead image, designed by myself. This image is my personal creation. Free from any kind of copyright.

What is slp.?

It's name sounds very beautiful. But its nature is like a cruel beast. Actually SLP is a Cryptocurency Token. It is a gaming token wich proved as a very dangerous type of Cryptocurency.

It destroyed many persons portfolio including me. But it's not the fault of that coin. It is our fault. When we invest in a coin without knowing its background.

  • Like, what kind of a project it is?

  • What is it's circulating supply?

  • what is its total market supply?

The above mentioned are some questions which we should investigate before investing in a coin. If we say in simple worlds, we should read white paper of any and every project before investing in it.

My own creation.... copyright free

What the heck? Gaming token?

Oh my god, such a dum fool i were. I made a big mistake being greedy about money, thinking SLP will make me rich. I later know that SLP was a gaming coin. I destroyed my portfolio 12 times lower. Where i have 1200 dollars it decreased to only 70 dollars. Can anyone of you imagine this loss with your own? I thing its hurting.

It's nature of gaming tokens that they go high in a short time and come down in a very very short time like you are gambling on it. One thing keep in mind that i was in spot trading. And the ratio of loss in spot trading I'm bearing is very much anyone could hardly imagine.

Free from copy right, created by me.

Many others with me.

When i was hurting with my loss in SLP. I was making a research about this coin although it was useless now yo cry over split milk. But i explored everything about this coin. I was added in a social media group on Facebook. It is a Cryptocurency guide group in pakistan usually a very large, and helping people's group.

I searched in that group about SLP with a hash tag #SLP. I found many articles and short posts which were shared recently.

Ther i see everyone was crying about the destruction of their asset by investing in smooth love potion. There i see that i was not alone in this trouble.

Where i purchased it?

I purchased it on a high price that was 0.13 and i get a signal that it will hit 0.50 just in three months.

But after three months it is at 0.0098 something. As you can see in a graph i shared as under.

What can we do now?? Any strategy?

The answer is. We can't get our money back. We have only one option. That is we should invest more in other good coins to make an average of our previous portfolio.

And one thing more, i have learned a lesson from this investment that

  • We should make a research before investing.

  • We should not invest our everything in one coin, as you may have heard a saying that. "don't keep all of your eggs in one basket" because if something bad happens to the basket you will lost all of these eggs. And you will be in complete loss.

  • Third is don't invest all of your money at the same time, for example if you have 100 dollars, invest only 50 dollars in Cryptocurency and keep the remaining 50 as a backup if someone bad happens like crashing of market or decreasing the value of your coin etc...

I shared my experience about this shit coin, so i could save at least any single person from this kind of loss, the purpose of my article will be completed.

I am not your financial advisor. 

This article is just informational and is for educational purposes, don't take my research and experience as a financial advice. It is up to you only if you make a decision about investing in this coin. I will not be responsible for this.

Thank you so much for reading my article patiently. If you are interested in reading more articles by me. I am pinning the links below.

If you like me article and you are new on this platform, feel free to join readcash with my link.

About copyright issue.

This is my original Article.

All the words, lines, paragraphs are 100 percent original, and written by me. @rashid2.0

Don't forget to subscribe if you like my article.

$ 0.09
$ 0.03 from @FarmGirl
$ 0.03 from @Jeansapphire39
$ 0.02 from @jasglaybam
+ 1
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Avatar for rashid2.0
2 years ago


It's do cool that you have farm animals. So sorry about the loss of slp coins

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thank you for your concern dude. Thanj you for being my friend. Here

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I think the error happens usually when the internet is weak. I often experience the error because my internet is pretty bad.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes you are right about that. Thank you for your valuable reviews

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I'm not good in crypto but I've learnt to make researches before investing in a coin. I once invested in a coin that was hyped without making research, actually bit increased but I was not available to take profit so it got reduced to the lowest. So bad

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah same thing happened to me dear..

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Always dyor my friend. Especially the tokens. I have my smartBCH but I do staking coz I lost my old account. I've got a lots of farming, pools and NFT's there. Here at read if something error just refresh don't clear history okay. I've encountered a lot of error here so be careful of pressing especially the word spam at the right side button.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oh ok.. If i press that button what will happen?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The users will be spam.. we don't need to do that. We must be careful.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ok i will be careful. Thank you for sharing this important information

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Welcome.. if you will accidentally pressed it you check on your notifications then press the undo.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah. Thank you for teaching me that way dear friend

$ 0.00
2 years ago