Crypto Market Analysis some good and bad news stories Jan 29, 2022

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2 years ago

Article number 3


I am Rashid the blogger of In this article i am here to share some important analysis, news and update about Cryptocurency coins.

(Article is just for educational purposes, not a financial advice at all.)

  • My analysis could be right and it could also be wrong, So i request you that never consider any of my analysis as a financial advice.

  • And i am not your financial advisor.

  • I am actually an investor of Cryptocurency market. Sometimes i get profit and of course loss is also a part of business.

  • So take all of my information as a news material.

Good News

So i am starting my today's blog with a good news.

//US sentences Bitcoin seller to 1 year in jail for defrauding investors//

I have a wish about the fear and doubt that came into existence a few days ago in pakistan, there was news about few companies, reports were going against these companies in FIA Pakistan. Every person was reposting that he got scammed of almost in millions of pakistani rupees. Many of them experienced a loss of carors in pkr.

I wish that pakistani law enforcement agencies should show us this kind of activities, they should be active like American agencies.

It is actually a story of 2018 when he asked people that he sell you Bitcoin cheaper than the market rate. As you know it is nature of human to be greedy when they feel FOMO(fear of missing opportunity). And the deceiver keep asking his clients that never ever inform your banks about what are you doing with this money. If you will tell them they can freeze your bank accounts and your funds will be stuck in. Same is the case in pakistan you can not deposit and withdraw into Cryptocurency using your bank accounts. So in this kind of situation the dirty minded people trap the innocent people. In short i want to say that in America that person is in jail now.It is actually a story of 2018 when he asked people that he sell you Bitcoin cheaper than the market rate. As you know it is nature of human to be greedy when they feel FOMO(fear of missing opportunity). And the deceiver keep asking his clients that never ever inform your banks about what are you doing with this money. If you will tell them they can freeze your bank accounts and your funds will be stuck in. Same is the case in pakistan you can not deposit and withdraw into Cryptocurency using your bank accounts. So in this kind of situation the dirty minded people trap the innocent people. In short i want to say that in America that person is in jail now.

And we all pakistani have a hope from our law enforcement agencies that they will keep protecting us from that kind of scammers.

We are agree and always ready to add our help for our federal agencies in any way. We have best laws in pakistan about Cryptocurency in catching thieves but the act on these laws is quite hard these days. Well we are hoping for best.

Ok let's start our today analysis about Bitcoin chart.

As you can see that it is a hour hour candle chart. And Bitcoin making highs and lows. Always keep in mind that any coin will make it's high and low and will not keep going to the moon straight upward. Market always keeps moving in a zigzaq manner.

And why this zigzag manner forms? When the crypto trades or whales book their profits the chart makes a correction, yes this zig zag manner is a result of correction in the market.

As you can see in the chart about the Bitcoin price get a good high point of 37k after a huge sell when it went to 34. But if the market again comes to 33k we can n9t say that market makes a reverse. Here question is why we can't say this.?? This is because we are already in bearish run.

I want to say that now currently Bitcoin is being trade on 37 . And if it breaks 40k it is for sure the people who purchased at the lowest price already for example on 34, or 35k their sell orders are at in between 40k to 43 k they want to cash out the profit because their purchasing point is at low level, for sure they will be in good profit if Bitcoin reaches to 43k dollars . Here at these two points Bitcoin has strong support .

So if you are waiting to buy some Bitcoin you should keep in mind the support level of 43k USD after this point we can say that may be again btc is in bull run and there are less chances for a bear market again.............

Bad News

This news is only for those who are waiting to buy Bitcoin at a lowest ideal price.

The news is floating in the market through different media resources their is no full configuration about the authentication of the this new so it have chance either it couldn't be much true.

The news is.

White house reportedly preparing executive order on crypto

The Joe Biden administration is expected to issue an order about Cryptocurency that their institutions will twist the arm of Cryptocurency holder. This news could bring a great bearish trend in Cryptocurency market.

I am repeating again that this news is not confirmed it could be a trap by huge investors to create a FUD in the market. And there is a chance that Biden administration in reality is thinking about to take this step as mentioned above.

It is a bad news for those who are already holding fund in their accounts, but a good news for those who are waiting for taking entry into the market.

I have another news for you about Sunday swap.

Sunday swap.

Sunday swapped is launching on Carano platform, so here is a free advice for you, if you have a Carano token which bought at high prices but now the prices are down, you are suggested to take you ada tokens out of exchanges and stake it on cardano's official wallet which is daedalus, and you can also enable staking on yoroi wallet.

Keep one thing in mind that you must swap with those validates who are Sunday swap's qualifying validates only. There is a long list of Validaters but i will tell you that to whom i am Staking my tokens. His name is BLOOM. Till now they are working on beta versions, as you know beta version can experience some errors you have to show patience there if transaction gets late.

Good News 2

Flushing it: $8B New York commercial bank to offer Bitcoin services

A bank in new York named as New York commercial Bank Looks very kind to their customers. You know why?? The answer to this question is. This bank of New York is providing services to buy sell and hold Bitcoin. And for this great step the bank is working with a group named as NYDIG(new york digital investment group). And this group is already working with many companies and providing their services to many companies including different banks also. The main point here is.

The bank itself will not hold the assets of it's clients but it will take services from NYDIG.

This looks like a positive sign because when the Banks introduce their clients with Cryptocurency services, this step will Bring more money the Cryptocurency system.

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Good news 3

This good news confined to UK. Before sharing these positive news with you i myself was feeling that, in global world order all the biggest countries are making a block to run this world universally in a global way. I was just thinking that in future all the countries that are in support with Cryptocurency they will be all together on one side, and the others which are against the Cryptocurency having their personal interests will be on another side in a separate block with their friends who are taking their societies rights down.

So in my opinion the next world order will be in form of

Cryptocurency VS Cryptocurency

The news is from UK. From a member parliament of UK. His name is Matt Hencock. He already made a great speech in their parliament.

He said that,

Uk can be the home of new innovations like FinTech and Cryptocurency. Done right we can increase transparency and lead in new world changing technology.

I am totally agree with this concept of transparency in the government.

People have two major misconceptions about Cryptocurency that are.

1-It is some kind of a gambling.

2-It is secure safe heaven for illegal activities.

People already are doing such illegal activities but many of them didn't know that everything they are doing online and every activity they are performing, all are traceable. In this regard we can say that the use of technology will enhance transparency in the system.

A few of Cryptocurrencies are not traceable but i will not mention their name here. Otherwise all the famous Cryptocurency coins and their transactions are traceable. As i mentioned in start of my article that Pakistani intelligence agencies are working to trace the scammers they will anytime will find them, it means they are traceable. This is a message for those people who consider Cryptocurency as a platform to perform illegal activities.

And Cryptocurency is not a gambling game at all, for example when you buy shares in share market and wait for the shares prices to go high. And you invest in real state business and wait for the property prices to go up, Cryptocurency is also like these two things.

Many of my friends invested in rwal estate business and they had a huge investment there, the experienced loss in that business. We can say that risk factor exists in every business, if not its not a business.

Apple stocks jumps after CEO reveals its investment in Metaverse

Many of big Giant tech companies are investing in metaverse including.

  • Facebook

  • Apple

  • Microsoft

And many other big companies have a sense that metaverse is a big reality of near future.. Thats why in my every article i said that if you find an opportunity to invest in metaverse project, don't miss the opportunity but first read white paper of that project.

Doge temple creator says metaverse is out and Microverse is in.


As you know the definition if metaverse in which we combine the virtual reality with augmented reality is metaverse.

We may say that meta verse is a technology where we can experience our personal experiences in virtual reality.

Here microverse could be a new thing for you, let me explain microverse. As you know metaverse has many different projects which has their own economy their own decentralized system. Every project shares it virtual experience separately. Like decentralized his own metavrse, the sandbox has its own metavrse, in this way their ate number of Cryptocurencies which has their own metavrse.


If we discuss all the services mentioned above separately, this will be a concept of Mocroverse. It means if these services are combined with each other they will make a complete metaverse.

This was my original article didn't copied any single line...

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2 years ago


stocks market has always dramastically ups and down, but I like your article can pick up some useful stuff especially planning to enter crypto world markete

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thank you for your precious appreciation, it was just an educational material article. ❤️

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2 years ago