A year later...

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2 years ago

It's been a year from the moment I registered, then used this platform to share my thoughts with the world. Until, times got rough on me since I decided to go back serving the BPO industry again, but it was a tough road ahead.

Here are some of the most memorable articles that I wrote 1 year later. You can click on the images to visit my previous articles.

My 1st Upvote/Tip

After writing a few articles one week after, someone just upvoted my article on my review about the movie ULTRAS, where it centers on the main character Sandro, one of the founding fathers of a fictionalized Ultras group Apache, supporters of S.S.C. Napoli. The football club mentioned is real, but the Serie A, other Ultras groups, and football clubs were not involved in this production.

It centers his life of guts and glory for his beloved football club until he had a realization that he wants to have a normal life. Other supporting characters like Angelo who wants to follow in his footsteps consider the group as his family and a father-figure to Sandro, Terry (Sandro's love interest), Gabbiano & Pechegno - the de facto leaders of the group when most of the core leaders were suspended to enter the stadium after numerous brawls with other Ultras group.

One thing that I hate after watching the movie was the reviews. I read every review about it from Rotten Tomatoes to IMDB and other websites, so I decided to write my own and take my personal views on it. These critics will never understand how the movement works, and this is how they roll showing their love and devotion for their club, not just for the club, including their roots and their city too.

Anyone can relate to it if you're a hardcore football fan, from the songs, chants, creating banners while drinking, and gathering before the match starts. If you haven't watched it, ULTRAS is still available on Netflix.

My Quarantine Life | Life after Lockdown series

This is where I decided to go out, take photos outside of my workplace during the Enhanced Community Quarantine, the Modified Enhanced Community Quarantine, and the General Community Quarantine. The noisy environment from the engine purring, to thousands or millions of people walking by, the endless car horns, became lifeless. The moment I pull out my camera and started to take photos again, it turned into a ghost town.

As things are gradually coming back to normal, it changed our way of living, but it tested our resilience and stepped up to the toughest situation we face today. After a year serving Teleperformance, I decided to leave the company and started to visit every city in the capital region and see their current situation if there are any changes or did it stay the same.

Here are the following cities I visited a year ago:

Most Viewed Articles?

As I've decided to take a rest on visiting the capital region again, but it didn't stop me to write more articles. Even if I get tipped for only a few bucks, it gave me the motivation to do more. So here are my most viewed articles below.

With over 407 views. After the events of the Cavite Mutiny of 1872, the 3 Filipino Priests who became Martyrs were executed publicly without sufficient evidence that they're the masterminds of the failed coup attempt led by Sgt. Fernando La Madrid with 200 troops and laborers. Which became the spark of the Filipino Revolution.

With over 325 views, the only public execution during Martial Law in the 70s. A year after it was declared, Lim Seng was sentenced to death by firing squad sending a message to those who want to make business in the criminal underworld.

With over 310 views, this is a 4-part series about the Azkals' 1st Milestone about the Miracle of Hanoi, and sharing my story about the Azkals 2010 roster. Most of them are now retired, others decided to leave to pursue other things but most of them decided to continue giving their contribution to the Philippine Football Federation.

Top 5 Highest Upvotes

Was about to post this exactly on the 4th of May, but I have to do some thorough research about cinema's most beloved franchise that changed the movie business, and its creator of how he faced adversity, the vision that he believed in as one of cinema's most influential directors.

This is one of my personal favorites since I'm a Star Wars fan, it gave me an impact both inside & outside of the franchise.

This is where I shared my story about how I left the 1st company that I served for 3 years. Of how I got into the BPO industry as a newbie, the struggles of how you can apply and defend our profession since this is not an easy job. It's more than doing copy & paste notes, you're dealing with customers, the majority of hotheads and our job is to convert that from angry to a smiley face since all of us wanted to have good service.

A recap of what I've written for the past 6 months after using this platform.

Long before our heroes of the Filipino Revolution, there was one man who resisted, or hindered conversion at the time when Spain is about to colonize the Philippine Islands. No other than Sultan Muhammad Dipatuan Kudarat, the 7th Sultan of Maguindanao from 1619 to 1671. A skilled swordsman. A shrewd strategist and politician. And a direct descendant of Shariff Kabungsuwan.

The pioneer of Pinoy Rock, throughout his career the only thing he did is to make music. At 11 years old, he was part of the Blue Jazzers, the Villains, the Surfers, then imitated Mick Jagger during his tenure with the Downbeats. Became part of the Japanese psychedelic rock trio Speed, Glue & Shinki, until his big break as the guitarist of Juan Dela Cruz with Mike Hanopol, Wally Gonzales, and Edmon Fortuno.

Until his passing, Pepe Smith is still remembered through his music and contributions to our local rock scene.

What's next for me?

It's a cliche that it was a tough road ahead for me. Looking back at these articles that I previously wrote gave me a sense of purpose of what can I still do aside from taking phone calls. There would be times that I'm about to lose interest, but it didn't stop me there to writing more.

If I discovered this platform sooner, then I should have spent more of my time here years ago if only I could turn back the hands of time. I will continue to write more, and something big is coming for me.

I guess it is time to grind responsibly aside from taking my full-time job.

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2 years ago
