Meeting with Bitcoin Cash House Venezuela (@BCHouseVe)

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Avatar for ramonoropeza
3 years ago

Since I started collecting funds to start a bakery from the simplest, I have come across many people who in one way or another have collaborated with this goal that thanks to several members of the Bitcoin Cash community I have been able to achieve.

Among them is Roberto @BCHouseVE as he tells me, somehow I caught the attention of @SatoshisAngels and through Roberto they wanted to contact me. This denotes the human sensitivity that exists among the Bitcoin Cash community to help people around the world and the power it has to do so with BCH technology. Although very grateful for the intention, by the time Roberto had contacted me the fundraiser had already been completed. That contact was at first around here at Read.Cash. Then by email. Thus, I was also learning about all the work that Roberto has done for Bitcoin Cash here in Barquisimeto, it is really admirable.

My personal meeting with Roberto was on Friday, November 6. I have hardly had time to be present here and on social networks because I find myself working very hard to get my little bakery going despite all the setbacks that exist, I say this because one night before the meeting I saw an email from Roberto making me one invitation to the Bitcoin Cash House Stand for the dissemination and download of wallets among citizens. So the decision to attend was made at the last minute. I even texted him very late at night and he still responded.

Roberto teaching about BCH on Avenida 20 in Barquisimeto.

On the day of the meeting, I went to the place where Roberto located the Stand. Without a doubt the busiest avenue in the entire city. Located in the center of the city, 20 avenue is actually a boulevard full of shops where many people go to shop. An ideal place to talk about Bitcoin.

I arrived at the same time as him and his team, helped set up the Stand, and we were quickly approached by the curious people. For me it was a great experience that I did not expect to live. My expectation was to accompany and see Roberto's work, however, the interest generated by the Bitcoin Cash Stand was so much that I also had to collaborate to explain to people about Bitcoin Cash and cryptocurrencies.

Most of the people who approached the Stand were not very clear about what cryptocurrencies are and even more “sad”, those who had heard about cryptocurrencies had mostly done so for the “Petro”, the token launched by the Government of Nicolas Maduro that has been a total SCAM. However, we do not miss the opportunity to explain the benefits of being your own bank and sovereign of your money. This is for me the main feature to highlight about Bitcoin. I realize that the work must be aimed at the collective consciousness and activate this great potential for sovereignty that each person has over themselves thanks to Bitcoin and the cryptocurrency environment. The difference between bitcoin BTC and bitcoin cash BCH, how to use wallets (in this case for android) and how to accept payments in BCH in the case of entrepreneurs, all this was among the explanations and doubts of the people. I also had to mitigate many fears: the most emblematic. Who supports this? It is still very new to conceive a digital and decentralized currency in the population, it is the most difficult barrier to break down.

The idea is for everyone to accept BCH, BCH Badge on my oven

I am very satisfied with all this experience that day, facing people and explaining all the benefits of using this technology is not easy. From here my respect to Roberto for his work and I hope he continues to be supported by the Bitcoin Cash community. It also helped me to know my degree of knowledge of cryptocurrencies with respect to other people, I do not talk to many people about cryptocurrencies, they see you as a Geek (and I feel like a money geek) when you talk about cryptocurrencies, blockchain and the system global monetary. Grateful to Roberto because after this little work done he invited me to lunch the day with his team and to have had this opportunity. My blessings and best wishes to you!

Together with Roberto and his team

$ 16.79
$ 15.26 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.53 from @Telesfor
$ 0.50 from @tula_s
+ 1
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Avatar for ramonoropeza
3 years ago


You have passed a interesting journey dear.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Excellent writing skills

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Roberto does an excellent job. I am full of expectation that you will open your bakery and accept Bitcoin Cash. You might even create your own tokens and distribute them to customers when they shop. With the tokens, the customers could also pay at your bakery. This is an idea for customer loyalty.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you my friend! Likewise, the idea is to create a token so that people become loyal as my clients and at the same time learn to use a BCH wallet

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Wow. Interesting May Bitcoin Cash continue to succeed

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Wow.. I think it's fun meeting other people from readcash... And about your bakery, maybe you can accept BCH as a form of payment...that would be a good way to inform people about bch and crypto.. BCH Bakery, i think it's a good name 😉

$ 0.00
3 years ago

so is! It has been very nurturing to meet Roberto in person and better understand his work for BCH. Thanks for the name! I have thought about the CryptoBakery soon I will have something to show on this!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Oh that is cool tool.. Not only for bch but for all crypto... Make sure to write your bakery journey here..we like to read it 😊

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I am happy for you that you are slowly making your dream bakery come true..with the help of sir Roberto, it was great works also to promote BCH salute to all of you!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you! Yes, it is very gratifying to teach many people about Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies, seeing that there is so much interest in this is what motivates me the most!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yeah, crypto is fascinating people just need to be educated to learn from it, you are taking part in making adoption of BCH. Best of luck to your bakery, salute to all of you.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Meeting people with the same thinking is very great

$ 0.00
3 years ago

It really is that!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you for attending the Stand. we have to keep in touch to make more adoption of Bitcoin Cash

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Seguro que si mi pana!! Muchas felicidades por tu trabajo!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

It is good that they have been able to share, that is excellent news, I hope that at some point I also have that luck, although it could be a matter of programming

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you very much bro, it would be excellent!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

wow! trhis is a whole lot of leg work in the real world! thank you for all your hard work! and spreading the news of howgreat our community is! =)

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you, it is very rewarding to do this work when you really believe in it!

$ 0.00
3 years ago


$ 0.00
3 years ago

Saludos para los hermanos de Venezuela que necesitan y pueden obtener muchos beneficios del uso de dinero decentralizado en su economía actual.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Muchos saludos para ti mi hermano, gracias por tus deseos!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Always glad to see posts about the Bitcoin Cash Houses! It's a cool way to spread the word about BCH.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Word of mouth has always been very effective in conveying ideas!

$ 0.00
3 years ago