Relieve fatigue by soaking your feet in warm water before going to bed

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1 year ago
Topics: Healthy, Health, Relaxing

After a day of activities, busy with energy-draining work will definitely make your body feel sluggish. After arriving home, then relaxing while straightening your legs must feel very good. I have a more fun way to relieve fatigue after a busy day with work activities. I used to soak my feet in warm water before going to bed. As a result, I will have a good night's sleep and wake up refreshed.

Our feet have tens of thousands of nerve endings on soles of feet that each communicate with other areas of body. Just as reflexology applies pressure to these nerve endings, same principle applies to soaking feet in warm water. Apparently, soaking feet in warm water has many benefits.

First is to strengthen kidneys and make sleep more sound. Soaking feet around 21.00 at night is very beneficial to increase energy in kidneys. Because at that time according to Chinese medicine, the kidneys are in their weakest condition.

By soaking feet, blood vessels become open and improve blood circulation in blood vessels. This is an effective way to relax body and reduce fatigue after a busy day at work.

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If soaking at night makes you sleep better, soaking feet in morning can actually generate energy. Especially if because you are too deep asleep you only sleep in same sleeping position.

Soaking feet in morning can help to improve nervous system and launch endocrine system. In a short time, you will be able to feel refreshed and ready to get back to work.

But foot soaking can't be practiced arbitrarily by everyone. If you have a severe heart disease, such as angina or low blood pressure, this may not be good for you. You can faint when your feet are in soak.

Feet soaking is also not recommended for those with diabetes. Because their skin can be injured or burned by addition of water-soluble salts. It is also not recommended to soak feet when you feel too hungry or too full, it is recommended not to soak your feet.

We recommend that you soak your feet an hour before going to bed, because in this condition of body is in a relaxed position so it will add comfort when you soak your feet in warm water.

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1 year ago
Topics: Healthy, Health, Relaxing


I will definitely try this remedy because I remember back then in secondary school I used to soak my legs inside water while reading whenever sleep disturb me.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

You tell about many benefits of soaking feet in warm water like our kidney works properly and more efficiently, our blood vessels active and we feel relax. I follow this process whenever I come home and feel tired. But honestly, I did not know about its benefits. Thanks for sharing these benefits with us.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Judt got to know the benefits of soaking. Interesting indeed. I used to do it years before during late night study.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Sangking sibuke Saiki malah jarang aku rendem sikil nganggo banyu anget. Nek muleh bengi aku mesti rendem sikil nek Iling hahaha.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Ben turune tambah manglerr kang,tapi aku gak sering. Paling lek pas awak rodok kesel biasa e sakdurunge turu sikile tak rendem sek.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

This sounds interesting. I badly need this one. I will try to do this later. This is really helpful.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

That sounds like a great idea. It's also good that you mentioned caution regarding those with illnesses. Whatever we do we must first check if it is beneficial us or not.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

You're right. Soaking feets in water helps relax. It does works.

$ 0.01
1 year ago