Don't hold your fart!

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1 year ago
Topics: Healthy, Relaxing, Health

Holding fart is usually done to avoid embarrassment of being in a public place. Be careful, if you do this often, it can trigger discomfort, bloating, and digestive problems.

When body has excess gas in digestive system, there are only two places to expel gas, one of which is buttocks. This process of expelling gas is known as farting. Actually, farting is a process that occurs naturally in body of every human being. In fact, most people fart five to 23 times per day.

However, some people may feel embarrassed or uncomfortable because they pass gas more often. Maybe because you are in a public place or gas released has an unpleasant smell. As a result, these people will hold their farts and unknowingly this can become a habit that is bad for health.

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How long a person can hold a fart is not same. There are several factors that influence this, including food and drink consumed, hormone activity, and medical conditions. However, holding in a fart traps gas in your intestines, making it continue to build up and put pressure on colon wall until you find a way to expel it.

Holding a fart does not trigger serious and dangerous health effects or effects. Even so, letting go of farts is better than holding on to them. The most common impact of holding a fart is increased pressure on intestines which can become painful. The pain can be mild to stabbing and sharp.

Bloating occurs when gas gets trapped in intestines which causes stomach to become distended. Not only can it make you look like someone who is overweight, but it can also make you feel uncomfortable about dressing and feel insecure.

The best thing to do when you feel like you need to pee is as simple as expelling it. Maybe your fart will sound noisy or even smell bad, but it is one of the body's functions that must be normalized.

You can't get rid of farts. However, you can reduce number of farts your body produces. First step to reducing gas is to find out what is causing it. Avoiding gas-causing foods for a few weeks may help. You can start by eliminating garlic, apples, mangoes, prunes, cauliflower, and most gluten-containing products.

Habits that require you to open your mouth repeatedly, such as chewing gum and smoking can cause air to enter which leads to increased gas. More gas that enters body, more often you will expel it.

Large, heavy meals can cause an increase in amount of gas created at any one time. So, you can eat small portions throughout day to reduce production of gas produced by body.

Exercise can help speed up digestion and keep process optimal. Taking a walk after dinner can help reduce gas and bloating, as well as provide an opportunity to secretly release it outdoors. lol

If you experience problems with your body due to holding your farts too often, don't hesitate to do a health check at nearest hospital. Although holding in farts is not a serious problem, you should avoid it and allow your body to normalize by releasing farts to make it more relieved. lol

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Avatar for qheer92
1 year ago
Topics: Healthy, Relaxing, Health


Sometimes I hold my fart sir especially in public places because there were a lot of people. Now I know what's the advantage and disadvantage sir. Thank you for this. I learned from your article sir.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

The topic is so funny, and true Exercise can help speed up digestion and keep process optimal.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

I think most people hold farts because we won't know if it's gonna smell or not.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

I do that. I didn't know it hurts the body. I'm too lazy to walk away from my workmates to fart so, to avoid embarrassment, I just hold it in. So bad.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

Haha, Awesome Write-up!

I think Fart is a natural process in the human body but it always makes us feel embarrassed in public places although agree with you 100% stopping it may cause some other internal digestion problems.

$ 0.02
1 year ago