Chili powder, spicy but not good for digestive system

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1 year ago
Topics: Health, Healthy, Spicy, Chilli, Hot

Chili powder is considered to trigger diseases such as diarrhea and even diphtheria in people who are sensitive to spicy tastes. Therefore, you need to be careful when consuming it.

Presence of dried chili or chili powder as a spicy food enhancer is increasingly popular with public, especially people of Indonesia. Indeed, taste is incomplete if taste of food does not have chili. Well, if you don't find sauce or chili sauce, dry chili or chili powder is not a problem. The reason is, chili powder presents a spicy taste that is not much different from chili sauce or sauce and in fact, it can be even spicier.

Dried chili is made by drying in sun for up to 10 days. In fact, if the rainy season comes, length of time to dry can be longer. Usually, to shorten time, chili farmers dry using oven. However, of course, this method is allegedly costing more production and operational costs compared to drying chilies naturally until they are completely dry.

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Previously, news broke that consumption of chili powder could trigger diphtheria. No wonder, if chili that has not dried completely is not stored properly. Moist or wet food triggers emergence of insects and rodents, while diphtheria comes from bacteria carried by rodents.

Diphtheria attacks nose and throat. Symptoms range from a hoarse voice, sore throat, difficulty breathing or rapid breathing, difficulty swallowing, chills and fever, fatigue and weakness, swelling of the lymph nodes in the neck, and a thin layer of gray covering the neck. tonsils and throat. This disease is transmitted through direct contact or shared objects.

Besides diphtheria, chili powder is also considered to trigger diarrhea in people who are sensitive to spicy taste. This happens when a person consumes too much chili powder. Actually, chili powder is supposedly harmless, as long as there are no additives in its manufacture. However, in order to maintain health, there is no harm in limiting its consumption.

You should avoid consuming chili powder if you feel you have problems with your digestive system. Spicy food can trigger heartburn recurrence. In fact, in people who have a history of hemorrhoids, consumption of chili powder will trigger a hot sensation in the rectal area, it can also trigger bleeding when defecating.

Indeed, there is an assumption that chili is rich in vitamin C which is so good for body. However, your body can feel benefits if you only consume chilies not too much and always in right dose. The reason is, spicy food can also cause irritation to urinary tract infections, making eyes and nose runny which leads to sinus irritation.

So be wise in eating certain foods. Do not overdo it so that it can have an unfavorable effect on our bodies.

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1 year ago
Topics: Health, Healthy, Spicy, Chilli, Hot


Indians without adding spices are less. Especially chilli powder, most of the dishes are spicy. Yes, we have to lessen the dose to protect our digestive system

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Pedes nyelak i kang nek mangan keripik singkong utawa makaroni goreng sing gawe bumbu ngono kui.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

This is so informative. I should minimize my intake of chili since I'm a chilli lover kind of person hehe

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Wow thanks for the information, is very necessary to know what is valuable and needful

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Mostly we avoid to use red chillies. Personally I like meals crooked in black pepper or maximum use green chillies. Red chili normally didn't get original, it contain lot of chemical and mixing of other things which are available in the market.

$ 0.01
1 year ago