How Do You Value A Friend?

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2 years ago

"Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart."
-Eleanor Roosevelt

Friendship is one of the most wonderful human attachments in life. It springs from mutual thoughts and interests toward various aspects. As the wise man once said that many people will walk in and out of our lives but only true friends will leave beautiful footprints in our hearts.

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How do you value a friend?

I value a friend just like silver and gold.

Everybody wants happiness in the real world and one sure way to find it is through friendship. Perhaps friendship is a matter of understanding and valuing among people while maintaining desirable social relations. But, how do you value a friend?

"Make new friends, but keep the old; Those are silver, these are gold."
-Joseph Parry

A quote by John Parry says that make new friends but keep the old for both of them are silver and gold. Friendship springs from mutual thoughts and interests. A lot of people may come and go in life but a true friend would always leave a beautiful mark in our hearts.

Personally, I value a friend just like silver and gold. I truly value friendship just like a precious and priceless collection. Old friends are like gold and new friends are like silver whose value never depreciates through time. It does not matter how many people may come and go in my life but it is through real friends that I was able to appreciate my journey in an amazing world.

But it is sad to know that there are really friends who choose to value you for their own gain, that is why oftentimes I am really selective when in comes to choosing friends as I keep my circle small for there is nothing more merrier than sharing laughter with my true friends. It is better to have one friend who stays loyal than many friends who betrays me. And that betrayal is a gravest sin that one commits against a friend.

Have you ever experienced being betrayed? Betrayal is one of the most painful part of friendship. It is not easy to gain friends who befriend you just for the benefits and it is not really very easy to be betrayed. I admit that I have been hurt many times because of betrayal. My heart bleeds for trusting someone who broke my heart and I am left with a decision to mend it again while leaving me hanging somewhere.

Perhaps it usually happened when my so called friends see me as a competition while I see them as my loving family and loved ones. No matter how good we are to a person, there would always be those kind of people who are like snakes bringing poison in our lives. A friend who betrays is a snake that stabs in the back and spill the beans. But we just have to accept a painful reality for through betrayal we are learning to be selective and choose only the real friends on our circles.

Moreover, despite being betrayed I value a friend just like silver and gold. I always choose to value a friend who stays with me through the good and bad times. I value a friend who always finds time to connect no matter how far the distance is. And it is not how long we have been together but it is how we value each other while staying true to life.

In conclusion, life becomes better and happier with friends as this is one of the most wonderful human attachments in life. Regardless of how we value friends, what really matters is how we stay true to the friendship without embracing betrayal. Thus, the most valuable gift in life is a loyal friend who always leaves with all the beautiful footprints in our hearts.

Thank you for reading. I hope to see you on my next content.

Smiles and wink,


Lead image by Chang Duong. Free to use under the Unsplash License.

This is an original content.

Copyright 2022 by porsche. All Rights Reserved.

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2 years ago


True/real friends are rare. If you're able to find one hold them tight. I've not been the lucky one with friends but I hope to get it right some day.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

keeping your friend is like keeping a gems or treasures. Back when I was in college I used to have to many friends but now I only have 4 best friends and I really treasure them as a gem to my life. why? because among all of my friends only the 4 of them are always there for me. when im feeling sad they will always make time for me. So because of that I realized that there's no point of having so many friends, 1 is even enough. 1 who will be there for you, 1 who will listen and give you advises in life.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

It is always good to hear from your side cylver. I am here as a friend. Thanks for your attention and for dropping by to share your profound thoughts. Thanks a lot and have a nice time.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I totally agree that having one real friend is better than having plenty of inauthentic ones. I had this one person whom I acknowledged as my ‘best friend’ , since, he has been by my side for 6 years. I also treasured our bro—hood that much, as I witnessed how he grew up that much, far how he was before. However, now, I can feel that there's already a gap between us for he has already another circle of friends. The saddest part is that, he was the only person whom I trusted that much and considered as my friend, but, he was also the one who made me realize that I should not have considered friendship as part of my life, haha. Now, I don't really consider those people who are close to me as my friend, because, I don't wanna feel again the same thing I felt before. Anyway. It's a nice article, as usual. Stay safe and see you around.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Thanks much for the appreciation just. Sometimes in life we really have to be careful who to trust. And sometimes we could think to trust no one but ourselves. It is okay to trust but let not other people control our lives.

Thanks once more for sharing your profound and wise thoughts just. I so appreciate your presence as always.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Its true that people will come and go in our lives same as friends. But a real friends will always be friends despite of distance and cannot see each other oftentimes.

Haven't tried being betrayed by a friend and I hope I can't experience it because for sure it would be painful.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

It is always nice to have you as a friend in this wonderful community jen. Thank you for sharing. Cheers to good days in friendship.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Having a true friend who is true and loyal towards you is a real blessing which may of us do not have, fortunately or unfortunately I'm one of them. After getting betrayal for a thousand times, now I am trying to cut off the loose ties from the chameleon types of people. I think, we all need some betrayal in order make our surrounding breathable.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I have never been betrayed and that's because I keep a very small circle of friends. I usually sense betrayal before it happens and I quickly cut that person off. New friends and old friends don't matter, what matters is the personality and ideals of the person. An old friend might end up betraying you one day while someone new might last for a lifetime, it isn't certain

$ 0.01
2 years ago

What a very idealistic friend I have here and very well said kushy. It is such an honor to hear all those great experiences about friendship from you. I am also happy to know that you have never experiences betrayal in life. More friends to cherish. Smiles and wink.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

my friends can only count using fingers, it's just few, but i felt their love and sincerity. indeed that it's hard to find sincere friends, the world is full of deceptive people, so trusting can lead to betrayal and misfortunes. friendship is a treasure, i value my friends how i value my money when i'm walking on the street. i don't want to lose them because i want that my friends right now would be my friends until my hair turns white. i loved your content, Porsche!

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thanks for the warm compliments tahanan. I so feel you as I am also like you. Quantity does not matter to me when it comes to friendship but it is a matter of quality. In times, we just have to be careful for snakes are everywhere. I must say that some friends are like snakes that stabs you in the back and spill tge beans.

There are a lot of two-faces people so we really have to be careful. Nice to hear from you home. Have a great nights. Thanks foe being one of my wonderful friends here.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I have a small circle too but all of them are trustworthy and real that are worth keeping for a lifetime. We are all different in many aspects but the connections are undeniably strong we could sense if something is wrong from each one of us despite distances.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Small circles with great friends are always better than big circles with snakes everywhere. I all agree with your profound thoughts and I am glad that you have shared your beautiful thoughts today grey. Have a nice time. Thanks as well for being one of my good friends here.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I always value the the friends that I have but in the end, they show their real faces no matter how much love I show to them they leave me and that's why Now I have no friends in real life but on social media, I have thousands of friends

$ 0.01
2 years ago

As they say real friends show true colors and your thoughts are so on point. Thanks for a wonderful share today about true friendship Molotov. Nice to meet you. Smiles and wink.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

True friends are very rare and I really treasure to have one in my life rather than thousands but fakes

$ 0.01
2 years ago

We have the same philosophy in life Adrielle. Thanks for sharing. I do not count how many my friends are, but the fewer friends who are not fake always means so much. It is so hard to trust but the best friends would always come in time.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

True friends are those who always live honestly, are ideal and try to make me like them. As the saying goes, the more friends he has, the more enemies he has.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I am moved by the saying you have brought today seik. I so agree with it that the more friends we have, the more enemies we have. Perhaps we can be a friend to everyone but not all are true. Whether we like it or not, there would always be those friends who just befriend us for benefits or even betray us for personal gains. But I just hope that you are living a better life with all your friends.

Thank you for sharing your wonderful thoughts seik. I appreciate you. Have a nice time and warm greetings from Ph.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I always try to be alone but when I'm upset I feel comfortable going to my friends. And the biggest thing is that not everyone's situation is the same. So it is better to adapt ourself to any situation.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

It's really hard to find a true friend, in my life, I don't have a lot of friend, I can only count in my fingers the true people I have in my life, that's why a true friend is like a gold indeed.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Just like you, I do not have plenty of friends but I could say that the cew friends that I have are all true. Perhaps I am selective when it comes to choosing friends winks. I do not really want to jave fake friends who are like snakes sometimes, those that stab me in the back and spill the beans. I have been hurt many times due to betrayal but despite the bad happenings I still choose to value my friends like silver and gold.

Thank you so much winx for adding your profound thoughts. I so appreciate your time. Have a blessed Sunday to you and your family. Smiles and wink.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It's easy to make friends with, my finding true ones is very difficult nowadays. I've been betrayed for how many times, and I therefore realized that you need to be wise and be selective in choosing a friend. It doesn't matter how many friends have, but make sure that you are in a right circle.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Very true teacher lyn. Just like you, I have been betrayed many times that is why I have some trust issues and I cannot deny the fact that I am selective when it comes to choosing friends. Not only in my place but as well as in my workplace. People may seenl me differently but I just love to be with the tru ones. It does not really matter how small my circle is for as long as all of my friends are true. And despite the distance, a real connection is filled with so much warmth in the heart.

Thanks for your profound thoughts teacher lyn. I appreciate your attention. Good afternoon and have a blessed Sunday. Smiles and wink.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I got few friends. Real ones, and I love and value them like gems. Real friends are worth to keep.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I so feel you Misspeppermint as I am like you. Oftentimes I am selective when it comes to choosing friends. It does not matter how small my circle would be for as long as all of my friends are true. In life one of the most painful things in friendship is betrayal. And we cannot deny the fact that some people befriend you for their own gain. But regardless of fake friends, I choose to value everyone like silver and gold.

Nice meeting you miss peppermint. Have a nice time. Smiles and wink.

$ 0.00
2 years ago