Do You Love Your Alone Time?

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"The universe doesn't give you what you ask for with your thoughts; it gives you what you demand with your actions."
-Dr. Steve Maraboli

When a soul finds comfort through an alone time, the ability to be alone is the ability to love self unconditionally with own thoughts. A wise man once said that the universe does not give you what you ask for with your thoughts but it eventually gives you demand with your actions, and that if you desire to be alone for some time, you would know how soul-saving it could be.

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Do you love your alone time?

"The strongest man in the world is he who stands most alone."
-Henrik Ibsen

Being alone may seem to be a weakness among other people. But it is a strength because not everyone can survive being alone for some time. According to Henrik Ibsen, the strongest man in the world is he who stands most alone. Do you still remember those times when you have the feeling of loving to be alone?

There are really those moments in life when we feel to be alone. Sometimes we need to embrace an alone time in order for us to cope up with life as we find out who we really are and what we really desire in the world.

Alone time could help us to think deeply and do what we really enjoy in life. It could also help meet our own emotional needs as we are more comfortable with our own thoughts when we prefer an inner peace through connecting with our own feelings.

Moreover, the more we embrace an alone time, the more we could be better toward ourselves and for someone else. Most of the time, when there is peace and solitude, the mind gains more strength and learns to depend on itself with a greater power. We just have to believe on the power of our thoughts as it could move the universe.

I personally love my alone time.

I did not realize how soul-saving my alone time is when I have learned to love spending time being alone all by myself. When I am usually alone, I get to know more of myself and see the dark sides of me that I have failed to recognize for a long span of time. It is through being alone that I can think deeply as I listen to my stories in life.

I think that being alone with my thoughts while I am going through a rough patch is not really as easy as a piece of cake, but I strongly believe that it is the way that I could help carry myself once again to stand up after I stumble down in the ground. And I think that it is the only way that I could dig down the hard roots and fix all the mess in my life.

I have even realized that at some point in life, there are really those times that I get tired of running to someone else' gentle words and comfort. Whenever I am experiencing a rough patch, I am trying to stand with my thoughts and I am learning to to sit with the discomfort at the same time, so that I can be my own helping hand that I greatly needed the most during my darkest time.

In addition, I am learning to take care and love myself in a way that no one else can. I am learning to appreciate and value my inner peace as I am believing that my peace of mind gives me comfort over my temporary feelings of sorrow and despair. And I am grasping the true purpose of every adversity in life while I learn to kneel down and pray to change myself for the better.

In conclusion, the universe gives us a horizon of what we demand with our actions as we learn to love an alone time. Spending time being alone with ourselves can truly teach us so much about life perspectives through the worst. And at the end of the day, it is ourselves that we have as a back up when there is no more shoulder to cry on. Thus, we just need the courage and commitment to do what is right even if it takes a million of struggles to pursue and even if it is the most difficult thing to do in life.

Thank you for reading. I hope to see you on my next content.

Smiles and wink,


Lead image by Molly Blackbird. Free to use under the Unsplash License.

This is an original content.

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To answer your question my dear, YES! I love my time being alone. Especially that I don't like to go outside during the day. Hehe. Well, talking about it seriously, I just want to spend much of my time in my room doing some stuffs and that goes with just spending much time to think about things, about life.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Surely you love your alone time ren as this could be a quality time for you. Thank you for sharing your wonderful experience about an alone time. Stay beautiful and sweet my lovely friend.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Alone time or we also call it me time is very essential in our life as it helps us grow as a person too. Where do you usually spend your alone time or what place do you like to have your own alone time?

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thank you Jen for your detailed response. I so appreciate you for being here. I hope you are doing good in your alone time too. Have a great day. Smiles and winks.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

An introvert i am , so i really do enjoy my "alone moments". Most of the time i used it to recharge my energy . Connecting to your innerself often can help us to discover what kind of life we want to live without the pressure of the outside world.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

You are great grey. I always feel your wise thoughts in the comment section. Thank you so much as well for sharing your best experiences during alone time. I so appreciate your attention to be here. Smiles and wink.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you as well for acknowledging , it gives me a sense of joy whenever the senior writers take time to read and reply to my comment. I really do smile.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Can I say I like spending my time alone, I'm not sure, I get bored easily and I also don't like disturbance or too much people around. Kinda weird right. I spend my time alone with I like but I also don't like being alone.. With people around, you can always learn new things

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Probably you are an introvert fash who gets easily tired and bored when in the crowd. Alone time surely gives you so much comfort as you could always enjoy yourself and let me say that it is your comfort zone. And yes you are right that with people around, we can also learn new things but when we are alone we could always have the opportunity to think well and reflect on what we really want for our lives most especially if we would dig up roots and FIX a mess in life.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I think so too

$ 0.00
2 years ago

when there is peace and solitude, the mind gains more strength and learns to depend on itself with a greater power.

This, I truly agree because it is what I have experienced. I love being alone because it is that time I feel more energized and positive too. I get different beautiful ideas that I wouldn't believe I could bring out and that is the power of being alone.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I wondered how you quoted that part here in the comment section Princess, "when there is peace and and solitude, the mind gains more strength and learns to depend on itself with a greater power." Is there a format here in the comment section? Just wondering how to do it so I could also learn to do like that. Hehe

But anyway, you reay have a great idea about alone time. This is the moment in life wherein we could think and reflect deeply. Yet I also believe that no man is an island. There are just those moments in life that we are more comfortable to be alone just like for example we are experiencing a rough patch of life.

Thanks princess for sharing your experiences and thoughts about alone time. Truly appreciate it. Smiles and winks.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Just add this sign > then followed by the statement you want to quote.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Being alone is addiction haha. When you feels like how comfy to be alone, how peaceful you just want that every day so some people will loves to stays on it.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I am pretty sure that you love to be alone. By the way, I learned that eunoia is a Greek word meaning a balance state of mine. Came across with it through Facebook. Thanks for sharing your great thoughts about alone time eunoia.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

For me,I love spending time being alone,where I can have time for myself,and just do what I want without nobody telling me what to do,in short freeeee time,heje

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I so agree with you Winx that alone time is also free time. Thanks for adding a brief and concise reflection about the importance of being alone for some time. I think we all that but I also believe that no man is an island and that we really need somebody and another group so we could sustain life. Have a great day Winx and may your alone time allow you to enjoy yourself and think about what you want and what you desire in life.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

We should give time to us because that is so much necessary in this world of hari everyone is doing his priorities and no one has time to console anyone else

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thanks fizza for sharing your experience. All of those that you have said are tru, no one can console us more than ourselves and it is a great help that we need, that is our own lending hands most especially when we get tired of running for comfort and if we do not have a crying shoulder to be comforted.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I do this a lot when am back from work, it could be in the shower, I just stay to evaluate my day, my mistakes and wins.. It really help boost our self confidence.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

So true Doc. You really had a great experience being alone as you learn to evaluate your day with a deeper meditation and reflection. And that a strong self-esteem resides in you. Winks.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Alone time really matters alot for me because it's my time to comfort myself and enjoy my stay at my dream and imagination world. But at the same time we can ignore the power of actions.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

It is through the power of our minds to control things craz. Thanks for being here to share your wonderful experiences about life. I appreciate your presence and time.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

When I'm alone I think more positively and more effectively. I come up with solutions to my life problems like receiving a revelation.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I am glad to meet you today Dan and I am more than glad for sharing your thoughts and experiences about alone time. I all I agree with you that being alone could help us think more positively and effectively. It is through being alone that we could come up with a solution that could change our perspectives in life. Smiles and wink. Have a nice time Dan.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I love my alone time too Porsche. I can focus. There's no distraction. No one will disturb you. It will help you to concentrate. There's a freedom but sometimes I was sad too because it was so lonely.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thank you for sharing your experiences about alone time my ever beautiful friend Jei. I am really glad that you came here and ad your inputs. And yes you are right, most of the time being alone makes us lonely but when we have no shoulder to cry on, being alone implies a soul-saving part in life wherein you learn to reflect and meditate about what you really want and what you really want to become. Have a great day Jei.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes that's true Porsche. Being alone we can learn a lot of things that help us a lot. It will teach us on how to be an independent person. You're welcome Porsche.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Sometimes I love being alone too

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Being alone always gives us inner peace and glad to know Adrielle that you love being alone too. Let us enjoy those moments being alone. An alone time is both love and life for me.

$ 0.00
2 years ago