You Deserve It

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2 years ago
Topics: Happiness, Peace

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Everyone deserves happiness, oh yeah!!

It could have been that your yesterday wasn't so beautiful, maybe you were treated like an outcast. Maybe some random person tempered with your emotions, or you came out of some traumatic situation. And within you, you know that you will heal but that pain won't go away. It is a memory that you will carry in your mind for quite a long time and whatever the case may be just know that a lot of people who are doing fine today have a story to tell of how they were being hurt, how they endure it and work through those hurting days then finally move on.

Some people think being hurt both physically and emotionally and getting out if it is that simple. Not everyone is qualified to give advice, i mean people with no experience. This people will always be the first to advice you if you are being hurt that you should "let it go", just like that. Such advice won't bring a speedy healing to you, and even if it does you will always breakdown along the way because you did not deal with this hurtful feelings the right way.

You have been hurt right, and the right way to deal with that feeling is for you to admit your feelings, try to understand it, and finally come up with ways on how to go through them so you could finally let go of those feelings and move on with your life.

I have seen a lot of people being hurt anr i learned from them some of the things they did to cure themselves of those hurtful feelings. I have been hurt too, and what i saw those people did helped me to heal properly. I won't be so stingy to keep it to myself as i know that someone out there might be hurt or is hurting at the moment. If it works for me, then it can work for you too. Here are the few things that brought healing to me when i was hurt.

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Identify what's causing you the pains

The first thing i ever did when i was hurt was to reflect back and identify what's really causing me the pains i am going through at the moment. It's not always an easy thing to do as your mind will have a lot of things running through it. It is natural, you can never fight what you don't know and succeed. Until you know what is hurting you, you can never deal with it. If you truly deserve to be happy again, then you must take up the sacrifice of tracing what is causing you pains to its root and dear with it. This should be the first thing to do if you want happiness after you have been hurt.

Don't share your story of how you were hurt a million times

There is no way you tell the story of how you were hurt three people in a day without reminding yourself of those hurting days of your life. This won't allow you to let go of the past and move on with your life. No amount of sympathy from people you are telling your story to will change what has happened. Happiness won't have a chance into a you that is being filled with hurt and sadness, only by letting go of those hurtful feelings that a room will be available for something better to come in and you will find happiness in the process. People are different, i am not saying that sharing your own story is bad, but if you see it as a medium were you can use it to help others and also get help too, then share it. In the process of doing this you will know whether to continue or stop.

Show some compassion by forgiving yourself

Sometimes we blame ourselves for the pains we go through even if it wasn't our fault, or maybe we caused the whole mess. Whatsoever happened, you need to know that pains are inevitable. You shouldn't wake up each morning regretting why it happened, you deserve happiness everyday. It's a decision you need to take, it is either you choose to remain in mess, or you forgive yourself and create room for happiness. The ball is always in your court, stay or move on. Choose wisely.

Spend more time in activities that brings you happiness in the moment

You are still fighting your way to get through the pains, but in the same moment spare out some time to have some fun no matter the kind of pains you are going through. Find something that will brighten you up and bring joy. Give yourself some break in the fight, you have hurt enough. That moment you create will contribute to your healing, it's not magic but it works like magic.

Smile because happiness looks good on you

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Happiness looks good on you and you deserve to be happy every moment, never be in a haste to go through your anger and pains. Give yourself some time to follow the few steps i have shared up there if you want to heal yourself of your pains and move on. It is a tough process to follow, but since you deserve the peace and happiness, you have no other choice than not rush into it but take it bit by bit until you finally get back yourself.

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2 years ago
Topics: Happiness, Peace


I consider that because life has to offers us beautiful things. We are happy to know about that. And we have to be grateful to the things that we receive everyday.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Showing gratitude for the little things.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I think i will talk about the things that we have in life especially the little things. Being grateful for the things in our lives brings about happiness.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes l, we deserve all the beautiful things life has to offer, most times its our inferiority that stops us

$ 0.00
2 years ago

And if we truly know what we want then nothing should push our focus off from where we were looking.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes we truly deserve it, happiness becomes our daily medicines and it our duty to always work it out, it is not sold in the market we rather work it out within us, it all depends on our different determinations.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It comes from within. It is either we allow ourselves to remain in misery or forgive ourselves and find peace which will lead to happiness.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Alright friend that's really true.

$ 0.00
2 years ago