A Sunday well spent
February 07(06), 2022
For some, it would only be a typical Sunday but for me every Sunday is special.
For a person who only comes home during weekends I make sure I get to spend quality time with my family and to also make my body rest from too much work. For those who followed and read my past articles, work sometimes stresses me out.
I went home Saturday evening super late because I need to go to site to man the employees wages. And had to travel long rides jist to get home. Imagine riding a bus at 5pm and make it to the city at 8pm and then ride a motorcycle on the way home for 20-30 minutes. If work exhausts you then the travel going home will surely drain your energy even if you're only sitting all the time.
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My family always wait for me to have dinner together regardless of the time I arrived. The kids sometimes ate first but most of the time they wait for me .
My son sometimes scold me whenever I come home late to which I always replied that my Boss is really strict at work😅
Sunday is where I get up late for I love sleeping in my room cuddling my son. Mum always allow me to wake up late for she's used of me that way. Before she scolds me and tried to wake me up but I always go back to sleep that's why she gave up and just lets me rest lol!!
My son's always the one to make me get up for he wants to have breakfast with me to where I can't refuse heheh..And then Mum would barge in and summons us to eat fast for we need to go out tp do the grocery.
So we went together with my son, Mum, Papz and my niece to the Supermarket but when we arrived, the guard told us that kids below 12 years old can't enter the mall so we have no choice but to to wait outside since Papz haven't arrived yet.
And then the other Moms whose also sitting with me told me that my daughter is so beautiful even with the mask on to which I reply that he's a boy heheheh.
When Papz arrived that's when I get to went inside the mall and helped Mum buy the things she needed.
Doing grocery with Mum always takes up to two hours the longest and glad I'm patient in just waiting for her to choose on which one and what brand she would get. I take after Papz who don't look at the price but look at the quality while Mom would sometimes difer with the price more...aigoooo.
We came home a little late in the afternoon and e and my son was stuck up in our room again for he is sleepy when we arrived. And since my son is sleeping that I slept to hehehe...Then when I woke up, my son was not beside me anymore..oh well..
After dinner where we had movie(Encanto) again. I guess Moana era is finished and this movie will be the one to replace it lol!!!
After the movie, Papz watched KMJS so the kids didn't enioy and played just played with themselves.
And my scaredy son was watching Power Rangers again.
And that's how my Sunday went and I surely did enjoy my rest day like most ot it where I get to help Mum and cuddle my son and also sleep a lot hehehe.
Guess I'll be publishing two articles today to make up the absence yesterday.
Thank you for always reading my articles and to my sponsors thank you for trusting.
Be blessed and be a blessing!
Family time is the best there is, children grow faster when they grow up with their parents and are happy. May God keep your family together.