Did you know that the world's first vampire was born in Kisiljevo near Veliko Gradište?
Viennese as well as newspapers from other countries reported about him, and the inhabitants of this village claimed that he came to them at night, leaned on them and drank blood. A certain Petar Blagojević became a vampire before Sava Savanović and thus entered the annals as the first vampire in Serbia. Unlike Savanović, there is more serious evidence about him than literary evidence - in 1725, the Austrian press reported a report in which the existence of vampires in Serbia was taken quite seriously. The inhabitants of that village received permission from the Austro-Hungarian authorities to open the grave and pass the hawthorn stake to the late Blagojević through the heart, which they did. Eyewitnesses claimed that there was fresh blood in the coffin as evidence of his nightly attacks on the locals.The first vampire in Serbia.
Only one Serbian word is internacional. Accepted in the world. That word is Vampir on Serbian. On English later Vampire...