Due to the fast pace of life, Sunday is a day when some families gather around the table and have lunch together. It is not uncommon for three or more generations to gather here. Of course, thanks to new customs, you don't have lunch if you don't take a picture of that lunch. In the picture, we see a great idea to take a picture with a prepared lunch for the whole family, but the actors forgot about gravity. Thanks to their forgetfulness, we got this beautiful photo of Sunday lunch.
Zbog ubrzanog tempa zivota Nedelja je dan kada se neke porodica okupe oko stola i zajedno rucaju. Neretko se tu okupi tri ili vise generacija. Naravno zahvaljujuci novonastalim obicajima, nisi rucako ako taj rucak i ne uslikas. Na slici vidimo odlicnu ideju da se serpa sa spremljenim ruckom za celu porodicu uslika, ali su akteri zaboravili na gravitaciju. Zahvaljujuci njihovoj zaboravnosti dobili smo ovu prelepu fotografiju nedeljnog rucka.
Oh no! really gone wrong! I hope they still got good food to enjoy for lunch. What a waste, well, accidents happened.