The charm of red vegetables - Tomato

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Avatar for milanlukic
4 years ago

Unlike other fruits and vegetables, where the nutritional value is reduced by heat treatment, cooking tomatoes increases the concentration of bio-available lycopene.

Lycopene is a phyto-chemical, a red pigment naturally present in many foods. Chemically, it is carotene, but its action is not like that of vitamin A. It is not soluble in water, but it is soluble in fats. First you will find it in red plant foods -

  • tomato (2.3 mg / 100 g),

  • red carrot, watermelon (13 mg / slice),

  • red grapefruit and red orange,

  • papaya,

  • goji berries,

  • pomegranate.

    I hope you didn’t think all red contained lycopene. Strawberries, currants, cherries, cherries… do not contain it.

Due to its structure, lycopene absorbs all wavelengths except the longest, red, so it has such a color. He was isolated 90 years ago. However, there are also foods that do not look red, and contain significant amounts of lycopene:

  • olive,

  • guava,

  • asparagus (lycopene content 0.3 mg / g),

  • parsley and basil (lycopene content 3.5–7.0 µg / g).

Unlike other fruits and vegetables, where the nutritional value is reduced by heat treatment, cooking tomatoes increases the concentration of bio-available lycopene. In tomato puree, lycopene has as much as four times higher concentration than in fresh tomatoes. Processed tomato products such as pasteurized tomato juice, soup, sauce and ketchup contain a higher concentration of lycopene compared to raw tomatoes.

Due to its strong red color, lycopene is used in the food industry as a food coloring agent called E160d. If you have ever cooked tomato sauce and used a plastic or wooden spoon, you will remember that orange or yellow spots remain on it after that, which is a consequence of lycopene entering the porous material such as plastic, wood, etc. Stains are removed by immersing the welder in an aqueous solution with bleach.

A 2017 study found that tomato products, ie the active substance lycopene, have certain positive effects on reducing cardiovascular risk factors, such as elevated blood lipids and blood pressure.

Lycopene is non-toxic and is often found in the diet, mainly in tomato products. There are cases of intolerance or allergic reactions that can cause diarrhea, nausea, abdominal pain or cramps, gas and loss of appetite. Lycopene may increase the risk of bleeding if taken with anticoagulants. Because it can lower blood pressure, it is possible to interact with drugs that affect blood pressure.

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4 years ago


i ja sa jajima..i koju papriku i luk..njami. A za zimu zamrnem cjele rajčice. Odlično se tako ohrane.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Kako ih koristiš, cijele ubaciš u kuhano jelo zimi?

$ 0.00
4 years ago

da cjele....ako ih staviš izpod vode odmah oljubp ide dole.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Actually totmato is not a vegetable, it is fruit. And, in tropical countries, it grows on the trees. But, it is very healthy, and you can make many amazing meals out of totmatoes, they are really great.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Ja volim paradajz,sir uuuf,tek cvarci.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Obožavam prosto paradajz u svim kombinacijama. Dodatni plus je to što je veoma zdrav u ishrani!

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Upravo jedem paradajz!Obožavam rajsko voće!

$ 0.00
4 years ago

prijatno :)

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thanks, here you go for tomatoes, toast and cheese!

$ 0.00
4 years ago

moze, kupljeno !

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Likopen iz paradajza je simbol zdravlja.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Volim da jedem paradajz ali sao kao svez u vreme sezone. Preradjen koristim iskljucivo kao dodatak jelima koje kuvam.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Iako je prihvaćena tek prije nešto više od 150 godina u ljudskoj prehrani, rajčica je danas jedno od najraširenijih vrsta povrća na svijetu. U sklopu konzerviranja i prerade voća i posebno povrća, proizvodi od rajčice uvijek su zauzimali vrlo važno mjesto zbog organoleptičkih i kulinarskih svojstava tih proizvoda, te nutritivne vrijednosti rajčice kao sirovine. Vrijednost rajčice kao sirovine za preradu ocjenjuje se na osnovi mehaničkog i kemijskog sastava, tj. količine otpada i pogodnosti samog ploda za preradu.U usporedbi sa drugim vrstama povrća rajčica ima veliko iskorištenje, kao nekih sorti čak preko 90%.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

da, lepo receno, a malo osvrt na prihvatanje u konzumacijj paradajz, krompir paprika, kukurz su biljke koje su nam stigle iz latinske amerike (i jos mnoge druge) tako da nije iznenadjujuci podatak da je evropa za njega saznala i uvela u siroku upotrebu pre samo toliko godina. Nismo ni svesni koliko toga jos danas imamo zahvaljujuci juznoj americi spisak je veoma dug i frapantan. Dok se nije to voce i povrce pojavilo kod nas, prehrana je bila mahom oslonjena na pojedine vrste repa i zelja sto se tice povrca

$ 0.00
4 years ago

paradajz......ufff meni najbolji crveni sadež....imamo mi veliki vrt na kojem posadimo puno sadika paradajsa da konzerviramo za zimu

$ 0.00
4 years ago

A nema nista sladje nego domaci sok od paradajza :-) Izvdis flasu u sred zone, narezes luk, vruc hleb I da vidis sta je obrok :-)

$ 0.00
4 years ago