Many times we find ourselves in a situation where for some reason we feel different from our surroundings. In such situations, we often try to change ourselves to fit into society. However, in my opinion, this is a mistake. If we change ourselves we lose our identity and then it is no longer us. That is why it is always better to stay your own, to be what you are. You don’t have to change to fit in and have a good time. And even if that is not the case, then we have no place. It is better to look for what suits us than to force ourselves where our diversity is seen as a problem.
Mnogo puta se nadjemo u situaciji da se iz nekog razloga osecamo drugaciji od svog okruzenja. U takvim situacijama cesto pokusavamo da izmenimo sebe da bi se uklopili u drustvo. Medjutim po meni je to greska. Ako izmenimo sebe gubimo svoj identitet i to onda nismo vise mi. Zato je uvek bolje ostati svoj, biti ono sto jesi. Ne moras se promeniti da bi se uklopio u drustvo i dobro zabavio. A i ako to ne bude tako, onda nam nije tu mesto. Bolje je potraziti ono sta nama odgovara nego se na silu gurati tamo gde se nasa razlicitost vidi kao problem.
Exactly.. Nice Article..
it is always better to stay your own, to be what you are.. You don’t have to change to fit in and have a good time. i hope uhh will visit my articles too..