Attractions: Are You Attracted To A Passionate Person?
I found this on Pinterest and think I might attempt it. It seems fascinating, and you may give it a shot if you're not too busy or don't have a concept for today. Simply indicate anything you find attractive in your personal choices. In general, as a woman, I shall refer to a guy in my answers, which you may read below. However, whether you refer to a guy or a woman is entirely up to you.
I'll add the unmarked photo below my answers for you to use, or I'll simply provide the URL and you can obtain the photo there.
Mark/Circle What You Find Attractive
Good Smile
I am attracted to those that have a good smile, whether they are girls or boys. If they have a pleasant smile on their face, it makes them more appealing. I also envy them since I can't smile because it makes me feel weird. Hahaha.
I am attracted to someone who understands certain things. Right now, I'm thinking about my boyfriend; even when I fight him for no reason, or when I'm in a terrible mood and tell him I don't want to talk to him, he understands and gives me some space.
Good Cook
Who on Earth would not desire or be attracted to someone who knows how to cook? It appeals to me knowing they can prepare me a delicious meal in the future. Unfortunately, my partner does not know how to cook, or if he does, the food is not particularly tasty. Haha.
When I first meet someone, I can't deny that the first thing that attracts me to them is their looks. For me, it's not so much about the sharp nose and flawless lips as it is about how he appears overall and clean.
I am very attractive to someone who is passionate about living a great life. It's as though he's constantly eager about his day and getting what he wants rather than being depressed all the time.
I adore funny men. Not always witty and making jokes, but the individual has my sense of humour. Ayoko naman sa lagi nalang funny sa lahat ng bagay, kumbaga may oras pa din para dyan.
Of course, I am drawn to those who are loyal.
In every way, I am attracted to a creative individual. In my situation, I enjoy it when I ask them for support on something I'm working on and they come up with a better idea; it makes them more appealing to me. Seriously, I lack creativity.
I'm interested in someone who is optimistic. I despise it when individuals are always pessimistic, even when they have a better chance of winning or receiving certain things. I appreciate it when someone is enthusiastic enough to cheer me on while I'm discouraged.
My boyfriend is indeed protective, for I am strongly attracted to him. Haha. Not overprotective in the sense that he will not allow me to make my own decisions, but just enough to make me feel that he cares about me.
I'm also attracted to those who are sociable. It appears that they will not find it uninteresting to mix with a different crowd in their life.
I am lacking in caring, thus I am attracted to someone who is caring. If I'm not incorrect, it's the same as a protective since it serves the same purpose for me.
Thank you for taking the time to read my article for today. I hope you are having a wonderful life and making the most of it. If you want to try it, feel free to use it and don't hesitate to tag me.
If you want to try it, here is the photo and the URL. (Source: here)
Lead image from canva.
Publishing Date: May 16, 2022
You have good taste as your article implies you have choosen good enough. I also have affection to those who are optimistic , passionate , but if we saw qualities for our lifepartner it must be caring, protective and funny also.hehheeh coz I want to enjoy his company and to me looks dosen' t matter more.