Curation Duo Week one: Through the screen

Avatar for heartbeat1515
3 years ago

The pandemic began and has not ceased to end.

Day by day living with fears and anxiety.

Doors are forced to be closed,

All the windows too.

Going out is never the same as before.

Borders become a locked door,

Roads forced to be empty.

Building asked to be shut down,

Salaries become memories.

The artificial face becomes an identity,

Screens become the only things to stare at.

No longer can a mother hug her children,

No longer can a child comes home to his parents,

No longer can the grandchildren visit the grandparents,

No longer can a husband comes home to his beloved wife.

A pregnant wife gives birth alone accompanied by only a face on the screen.

A dying loves one can no longer be hug for the last time until the day they are buried.

All conversations are made through call or perhaps if they are lucky,

A video call that runs smoothly without pauses.

The pandemic started,

It has not shown an end,

The graph is rising to show no sign of going down.

Some gave respect,

And they suffered internally,


Some gave ignorance.

Do you know how it feels?

Seeing only through a screen.

Being able to see while not being able to touch.

Do you know how painful it could be?

The longing to hug a person you can no longer see.

It is painful beyond the scale.

Unexplainable through words.

All pictures used are from Unsplash.

Do you still remember how it feels before the pandemic?

How do you feel about it now?

What do you want to tell the others?


What do you want to say about the Covid-19 pandemic?

We need good poetry for the community SYT: Poems admin by me @heartbeat1515 and moderator @wakeupkitty.

We will give some tips on poetry that amazed us.

I want to read about the pandemic situations for you in form of poetry.


Submit your poem in SYT: Poems

Read the rules first. All submission that does not follow the requirements will be ignored.

Read others and comments sincerely(Not just for the sake of giving comments). If you cannot give a comment but you think that the poetry is good, you can still give some tips to the author. We want to encourage good quality comment through this activity.

We are not big tippers but both of us appreciate good contents.

We need a different genre of poetry. (Picture prompts poetry like I wrote above, a bunch of haiku, narrative poetry, lyrical poetry, rhyming or non-rhyming or anything else?)

If you got rejected, You can try again.

One poetry a day for each user.

Re-read post from me, @heartbeat1515 or @wakeupkitty for any updates.

Week 2 might be for another community.

Curation Duo is created to promote good quality contents through our own communities.

Take it as a training in improving ourselves inside the @Read.Cash platform. Read the unread and grow together without spamming. Help each other to be recognize by @TheRandomRewarder

Take care of our contents and our readers will take care of us.

$ 1.41
$ 1.30 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.10 from @wakeupkitty
$ 0.01 from @sh33la
Avatar for heartbeat1515
3 years ago
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It is devastating for many and so hard. It is sad to see and to read the news. As our numbers continue to increase, it seems never ending.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Just remember that there is nothing we can do by being stress. We must try our best to keep calm and help to spread awareness as much as we can.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

A good try, another way of conveying message to us.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

The most important part is being able to deliver the message through writing. You are welcome to join in with the poetry submission for the community.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes, may be can give it a try and who knows there are talent that has not been discover.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I also want to join. :)) Is it still open?

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes, it is still open. It will be going on for a while. Updates will be informed soon. You can mention me,@heartbeat1515 and @wakeupkitty in your article. Don't forget to submit to the community of SYT: Poems too. Engaging is most welcome especially in helping each other to improve their own articles.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you! I will focus on this one of these days. ;)

$ 0.00
3 years ago

We will be waiting to read wonderful poetry. You can bring others to join in too.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I will recommend it in the article I will post. Thanks a lot. :)

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Ow, I am gonna join this one. I need to find some pictures first. In short: poetry with pictures about pandemic restrictions?

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes. You can write haiku or narrative poetry too. Any genre are welcome. It's for us to learn about new types of poetry too.

As long as there is originallity and the layout is good I am alright. The punctuation is important to because without proper punctuation the poem will not be able to be read as a poem.

$ 0.00
3 years ago