A hug in return does not ask for anything, it is completely free, it does not require any special conditions, so it passes on all occasions. When someone hugs you, the horizons are wider and happier, because it powerfully attacks worries and feeds optimism. students. We are not even aware of how much a hug speaks about the emotional state of children. There is an embrace to share happiness with someone, there is an embrace if someone needs comfort, to cry in someone's embrace, to feel security, calm and serenity in an embrace. Researchers in Sweden have come to the conclusion that even someone's hand on the shoulder can be healing. because whenever someone gently touches us, hugs or caresses us, nerve fibers move on our skin which send information to the brain in charge of feelings that we are happy.
Zagrljaj za uzvrat ne traži ništa, potpuno je besplatan, ne zahteva nikakve posebne uslove, pa prolazi u svim prilikama.Kada vas neko zagrli , horizonti su širi i veseliji, jer moćno napada brige i hrani optimizam.Ja to najbolje osecam u radu sa svojim ucenicima. Nismo ni svesni koliko zagrljaj govori o emotivnom stanju dece.
Postoje zagrljaj da podelite sa nekim sreću, postoji zagrljaj ako nekome treba uteha, da se u nečijem zagrljaju isplacete, da u zagrljaju osecaze sigurnost, smirenost i spokoj.
Istrazivaci u Svedskoj su dosli do zaklucka da cak i necija ruka na ramenu može da bude lekovita. jer kad god nas neko blago dodiruje, grli ili mazi pokreću se nervna vlakna na nasoj kozi koja mozga zaduženom za osjecaje salju informacije da smo sretni.
Dusko Radovic also wrote about it. - Some gloomy days. Now it is good to have a friend, simple, cheerful, cheerful, healing. To teach us what is important and what is unimportant in life. To slap us on the shoulder with his fist and to heal from that fool. International Hug Day is celebrated on January 21st.
I nas Dusko Radovic je pisao u tome.
- Sumorni neki dani.
Sad je dobro imati prijatelja, jednostavnog,
vedrog, veselog, lekovitog.
Da nas nauci sta je vazno a sta nevazno
u zivotu.
Da nas lupi sakom po ramenu i da od tog
udarca ozdravimo.
Medjunaodni dan zagrljaja se obelezava 21. januara.
Ovo je mali klip koji sam ja napravila pre 5 godina.
Embrace someone today, a hug removes depression, a bad mood and makes you happier. Don't skimp on hugs, they are free. Don't wait for the Day of Hugs, make yourself and others happy!
Danas zaglite nekog, zagrljaj otklanja depresiju, lose raspolozenje i cini vas srecnijim. Ne stedite na zagrljajima, oni su besplatni. Ne cekajte Dan zagrljaja, ulepsakte sebi i drugima dan!
A hug is a universal gift — one majority — suits everyone
Zagrlaj je univerzalan poklon-jedna večičina-odgovara svima
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