From creativity to travel /Od kreativnosti do putovanja

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Avatar for goga14
Written by
3 years ago

Pozdrav drugari

Nije me bilo dve nedelje, ali , kao sto znate, radim u školi i zaista dođem premorena i ne stižem da napišem bilo šta.

Moja današnja priča će vam pokazati koliko je teško živeti normalno u našoj zemlji. Priču o braku i koliko sam dugo čekala da dobijem dete, ostaviću za drugi put, a sada ću vam ispričati kako sam svojim rukama zaradila da svoje dete odvedemo prvi put na more.

Muž mi je mašinski inžinjer, bez posla. Privatno drži časove matematike. Sa mojom platom i njegovim prihodom živimo prosečno. Svako leto provodili smo u Loznici. Drina, bazeni blizu moje kuće, Tršić, Tronoša, Bana Koviljača i mnogobrojna izletišta , svake godine nam čine i pružaju užitak.Vožnja bicikolm, šetnja, kupanjac, izlasci... Moj Mihailo , skroman, uvek zadovoljan, nezahtevan, prihvatao je do te 2018. godine sve naše predloge.

U decembru 2017. godine, prvi put je za novu godinu naglas izgovorio svoju želju. Glasila je ovako:" Želeo bih da u 2018. prvi put odemo na more!" Toliko me zabolela ta njegova želja, da sam sebi rekla: "Idemo na more, a kako, smisliću!"

Taj 1. januar 2018 . nisam spavala. Lupala sam glavu razmišljajući. Tada sam imala 24 godine staža , bez rešenja za stalno. 24 godine na zamenama, kredit ne mogu da podignem. Goran ne radi, nema šanse za kredit. Da ne dođe do zabune, Goran je radio u "Loli" i neposredno pre mog porođaja , "Lola" je otišla pod stečaj i Goran je ostao bez posla.

Da nastavim. Danima sam tražila po internetu šta bih mogla da napravim , da zaradim za more. Onaj ko me zna, zna da sam dosta poslova na netu radila, ali nekako, nikada nisam imala veliku , pristojnu zaradu, na bilo kom sajtu. Ili sam pogresno radila, ili je uvek falilo za ulog, ali sam radila uporno se nadajući da ću zaraditi.

Tako tražeći po netu, naletim na slike nekih narukvica. Zagledam se ja, potražim na youtube i klik. Ovo ću da probam.

Odmah sam se dala u akciju. Prodavnice sa repromaterijalom, cene, potreban alat...sve sam našla. Sačekala sam prvi deo plate i od februara kreće akcija.

Do marta sam napravila preko 30 narukvica. Uključila sam tu i pravljenje minđuša. Napravila sam stranicu za prodaju, ali to se nije isplatilo. Onda sam dala sestri da ponese u školu , da ponudi koleginicama. Da. I sestra mi je učiteljica. Ponela sam ja u školu. Otišlo sve za dva dana. Jupiiii. Uložim to u još materijala, pa krenem još više, još brže i još spretnije da ih pravim.

U maju smo rezervisali apartman u Kamenarima/Crna Gora. Tada smo sredili i Mihailov pasoš. 1. avgusta je počela naša avantura. Krenuli smo bezbedno, sa punim rezervoarom, sa dovoljno novca. Verujte, preko 200 narukvica sam prodala. Sve je to išlo lančano. Sve moje prijateljice, svi od moje rodbine koji su zaposleni, nosili su narukvice u svoje firme i eto, uspela sam. Stigli smo popodne oko 18h u Kamenare. uz put, stajali smo gde god nam je palo na pamet. Osmeh na licu mog deteta je bio neprocenjiv, a ja preponosna.

Ponela sam narukvice i na more. I alat i perle ...sve... Ujutru bih poranila i išla do Bjele. Prodaja se nastavila i tamo. Preko dana smo uživali , predveče smo odlazili do Kotora, Herceg Novog, Igala , Risna, Zelenike... Gde god je bilo zgodno mesto, ja sednem, nakit na izvolte i kreće... Veliki broj puta, Mihailo je iz zahvalnosti ostao sa mnom da prodaje iako sam ih ja terala da prošetaku, svrate u kafić, popiju, pojedu nešto. Kada smo otišli do Budve, prodala sam sve što sam imala, a moje dete je uživalo na plaži Mogren.

Ostalo nam je novca da mu po povratku kupim nov računar i organizujem 13. rođendan koji je 30.avgusta. Produžili smo 4 dana boravak na moru. Imalo se. A na dan povratka , Goranu i meni je bila 16. godišnjica braka.

Eto još jedan detalj iz mog života.

Hvala svima koji pročitaju članak.

Nikada nemojte odustati od svojih snova, a želja deteta ne sme nikada biti san, već stvarnost koju možete da mu pružite!

Hello friends, I haven't been here for two weeks, but, as you know, I work at school and I really come tired and I can't write anything. My story today will show you how difficult it is to live normally in our country. I will leave the story of the marriage and how long I waited to have a child for the second time, and now I will tell you how I earned it with my own hands to take our child to the sea for the first time. My husband is a mechanical engineer, out of work. He privately holds math classes. We live on average with my salary and his income. We spent every summer in Loznica. Drina, swimming pools near my house, Tršić, Tronoša, Bana Koviljača and numerous picnic areas, every year they make and provide us with pleasure. Cycling, walking, swimming, going out ... My Mihailo, modest, always satisfied, undemanding, accepted that In 2018, all our proposals. In December 2017, for the first time for the new year he uttered his wish aloud. It read like this: "I would like to go to sea for the first time in 2018!" I was so hurt by his desire that I said to myself: "Let's go to the sea, and how, I'll figure it out!" That January 1, 2018. I did not sleep. I banged my head thinking. At that time, I had 24 years of experience, with no permanent solution. 24 years on replacements, I can't take out a loan. Goran is not working, there is no chance for a loan. To avoid confusion, Goran worked at "Lola" and just before my birth, "Lola" went bankrupt and Goran lost his job. I did not sleep. I banged my head thinking. At that time, I had 24 years of experience, with no permanent solution. 24 years on replacements, I can't take out a loan. Goran is not working, there is no chance for a loan. To avoid confusion, Goran worked at "Lola" and just before my birth, "Lola" went bankrupt and Goran lost his job. I did not sleep. I banged my head thinking. At that time, I had 24 years of experience, with no permanent solution. 24 years on replacements, I can't take out a loan. Goran is not working, there is no chance for a loan. To avoid confusion, Goran worked at "Lola" and just before my birth, "Lola" went bankrupt and Goran lost his job.

To continue. For days, I searched the internet for what I could do, make money for the sea. Anyone who knows me knows that I have done a lot of work on the net, but somehow, I have never had a large, decent income, on any site. Either I worked wrong, or I always ran out of money, but I worked persistently hoping to make money. So searching the net, I come across pictures of some bracelets. I stare, search on youtube and click. I'll try this. I immediately took action. Raw material stores, prices, necessary tools ... I found everything. I waited for the first part of the salary and the action will start in February.

By March, I had made over 30 bracelets. I also included making earrings. I made a page for sale, but it didn’t pay off. Then I gave it to my sister to take to school, to offer to my colleagues. Yes. And my sister is a teacher. I took it to school. It was all gone in two days. Jupiiii. I invest it in more materials, so I go even higher, even faster and even more skilful to make them.

In May we booked an apartment in Kamenari / Montenegro. Then we arranged Mikhail's passport. On August 1, our adventure began. We left safely, with a full tank, with enough money. Believe me, I sold over 200 bracelets. It all went in chains. All my friends, all of my relatives who are employed, wore bracelets to their companies and lo and behold, I succeeded. We arrived in Kamenare around 6 pm. along the way, we stood wherever we could think of. The smile on my child's face was priceless, and I was proud.

I also took the bracelets to the sea. And tools and beads ... everything ... I would get up early in the morning and go to Bjela. Sales continued there as well. During the day we enjoyed, in the evening we went to Kotor, Herceg Novi, Igalo, Risan, Zelenika ... Wherever there was a convenient place, I sat down, jewelry on the go and left ... Many times, Mihailo, out of gratitude, stayed with to sell to me, even though I made them walk, stop by a cafe, have a drink, eat something. When we went to Budva, I sold everything I had, and my child enjoyed Mogren beach. We have money left to buy him a new computer upon his return and organize his 13th birthday, which is August 30th. We extended our stay at sea for 4 days. There was. And on the day of my return, Goran and I had their 16th wedding anniversary.

Here is another detail from my life. Thanks to everyone who read the article. Never give up on your dreams, and a child’s desire must never be a dream, but a reality you can give him!

$ 6.04
$ 5.93 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @Snezana28
$ 0.05 from @MarijaJak
+ 1
Avatar for goga14
Written by
3 years ago


You just made me cry now.Your article is full of feelings.I am happy that your son dream come true and you were on sea coast.You are brave and hardworker lady.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you from the heart.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Bravo, draga! Zaista si uspela veliku stvar, najpre da ispunis svom detetu zelju, a zatim i da razvijes svoj posao!!! Cestitam ti od srca na upornosti!!!

$ 0.00
3 years ago


$ 0.00
3 years ago

Šta drugo da kažem osim veliko BRAVO. Mislim da se svaki cilj u životu može postići.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Hvala. Može, naravno!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

This is amazing and sad at the same time. First of all you are amazing mother and you are a fighter! I appreciate that so much! Sad side of the story is a part about your husband, who cannot find a job and the part where you said that fro 24 years you still do not have a permanent job!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thanks. We are fighting, and in July of this year, I finally got an indefinite solution.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Bravo, this is a really great story, otherwise the bracelets and earrings are beautiful, they are very top.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

thank you very much

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Divna priča! Naklon ogroman imate od Mene! Čak mislim da sam Vas i videla te godine u Budvi sa tim divnim ogrlicama

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Svaka čast,hrabra i vredna ali je tu važna i podrška od muža.Bravo!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Jeste Snežo! Hvala na lepim rečima.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Here is a school example of a parent who will do everything for his child. I am sorry that two intellectuals live in such a country, in another developed country they would have a much higher standard and the sea would be just a regular vacation for you.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you my dear friend

$ 0.00
3 years ago

You are very brave and nice person, and you can be proud of yourself. There is no time for giving up,. You are creative and there aren't obstacles for reaching your goals. Great article.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

thank you from the bottom of my heart for the kind words

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Svaka cast za pricu, bravo! Uzivala sam citajuci. Nasa najveca snaga su nasa deca. Bravo jos jednom <3

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Hvala od srca!

$ 0.00
3 years ago


$ 0.00
3 years ago

Prica je fantasticna ,sve pohvale za ovoliki trud i snagu ..Vidi se koliko smo mi zene borci !! Bravooo Gordana !

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Hvala Sandra od srca!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Svaka cast, ti si pravi borac i doobra majka, ja isto kazemza moju decu bih srusila i gvozdeni zid

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Hvala. Majke su čudo!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Ovak se pise uzivala sam citajuci,neki clanci me totalno izmore , neznam ni sta da mu napisem, dosadno bre a ti si mi zadrzala paznju i citala bi jos

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Hvala. Ja inače planiram da pišem moje životne priče. Sve drugo može da se nađe na netu. P.S. pošalji mi recept za jelo koje mi zovemo pihtije. Onaj članak što si pisala ranije. Kolenice, biber, beli luk...

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Dirljiva prica zaista ..

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Pisacu ti komentar na maternjem jeziku da bolje prenesem emociju.Podsetila si me na mene i moju situaciju.Divna, iskrena prica. Draga Gogo,kapa dole!!! Ti si zena zmaj. Svaka cast na svemu sto si uradila.Nisi se predala,nisi smatrala da je to ponizenje....zaista ti jos jednom kazem ...Bravo !!!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Hvala od srca!

$ 0.00
3 years ago