Hello my dear read.cash friends.
Today instead of a story, like the ones you’ve probably grown accustomed to coming from me, I’ll be talking about the problem I’ve had with my laptop, since our dear friend @Infinity wanted to see in detail what my problem was.
It all started on September 29th when, for reasons beyond my control, a new currency exchange rate would arrive in my country. When September 30 arrived, my laptop no longer let me access the platforms, none of the 3 platforms where I make cryptographic life.
Suddenly in one night I wanted to enter two of the other platforms and I could only enter one of them. I still have not been able to enter the other one because I get the same error that I got to enter this platform.
In view of so much inconvenience my son was able to connect me to read.cash through my cell phone and from here I can check the posts and notifications of all the users I joined and follow.
To make my posts I just go to my son's computer. My son works with his computer and also studies with it, so he helps me by lending me his computer for a moment while I post and then he can continue with his homework.
So far, this has been the problem I have with my computer and ever since September 30 I have been unable to enter read or noise cash. At first I had believed it to be something that the government did, like blocking those sites or something, but I quickly found out this wasn’t the case, as my son was able to access both from his own computer.
From there, he spent most of the day sitting in front of my little computer, looking for any way to solve its problem.
According to him, so far he has tried to deactivate chrome’s protection (to be able to enter the sites, to no avail since they don’t load at all), he updated Google Chrome, then uninstalled it when that didn’t work in order to install it again, he tried to see if Firefox could be an alternative to Chrome, to see if chrome itself was the problem, but that didn’t work either, as Firefox just made my Canaima freeze.
Eventually, he took it to a friend’s house in order to diagnose the problem. According to my son, he gave it more RAM and both of them determined the problem (or at least they believe they did) to be a certificate that expired on old Operative Systems. His friend says that the only solution would be to upgrade my Windows with a newer version.
When he came back he started downloading a newer version of windows, Windows 10 to be specific but he wasn’t completely sure that it would fix the problem, seeing as Windows 10 is very heavy on his computer’s RAM and mine has currently half of what his has.
So I decided I would contact an expert so that they could fix it with all the necessary tools at hand.
As of now, I’m doing this post thanks to my dear friend @Infinity, who was interested in my problem and wanted to know the specifics of it.
Thanks to my friends and readers, especially to Infinity, for his interest on this problem of mine. A big thank you to my sponsors, for always being there.
Could you check your laptop's date/time and timezone? My next question is, are you using anti-virus or firewall?