If Only Magic Was Real...

Avatar for el-flame
1 year ago
Topics: Fun

Evening everyone.... I haven't posted anything on here for over a week after my other long month sabbatical, wasn't of my own design(I didn't really have a choice y'know) had a lot to deal with, and then there was exams and some other things, busy, busy, busy, busy.... Sure you guys know how it is, hope you've all been well? Guess I'll just go ahead to believe that you all have been well.

Let's get down to business...

What is magic?

According to google...

Magic is the power of apparently influencing events by using mysterious or supernatural forces,

having or apparently having supernatural powers.

I've always been obsessed with supernatural powers since I was a kid, and having magical powers have always been one of the aspects of supernatural powers I've been obsessed with

I often ask myself questions like

  • What would life be like if magic was real

  • How would I be if I had magical powers

  • What kind of life would I be living if I had magic

  • Would I use my powers to protect others that cannot protect themselves

I guess its time I answered these questions to myself, and outloud on here

There is this saying I read in a comic book a while ago of a group of people (individuals, superheroes) and it stuck with me, "The idea of a group of people to 'fight TOGETHER against what can't be fought ALONE, for those who can't fight at ALL'." All that would only be possible if magic, and supernatural powers existed in the real world.

if superpowers, magic exists.

The Avengers

Now to answer those questions in a much more realistic sense, comic book fiction is mostly unrealistic, and in a sense so would magical powers be unrealistic, but who says one cannot dream.

What would life be like if magic was real?

Me personally I know life would be better for me, cause it would solve a lot of things, if not everything I need to be solved right now. But it would make the world as a whole very complicated, people would abuse the powers commit all kinds of atrocities, the world is already this messed up with the existence of magic.

How would I be if I had magical powers?

Despite the fact that I believe the concept of good or bad in a lot of aspect boils down to perspectives, I believe I would be good, I would try to help others and also help myself, I could be bad in some selfish occasions though lool.

What kind of life would I be living if I had magic?

I would say my best life, cause then I can do things I've always wanted to do, solve problems that seem impossible to solve, I would live the life I believe is right by doing what I think is right, in the end that's all we can really do isn't it.

Would I use my powers to protect those who can't protect themselves?

Definitely, I've always wanted to be a hero. Maybe then I would be accepted in this life, finally feel happy and probably even manage to fit in and belong. that'll be a real change... "Smiles".

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Well so I guess this is where i call it a night and drop that imaginary pen lool...

What would you guys life be like if magic was real and you had "magical powers"?

I would like to read what you have to

Thank you all as you take a read, and also leave comments... And thanks to my sponsors as well...

Goodnight everyone have a nice night.. Bye.

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Avatar for el-flame
1 year ago
Topics: Fun
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I am also having the thoughts of what if magic is real and it will be given to us. Maybe I'll heal the world and make people love one another again.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Hmm, that would be nice though... The world would once again become a beautiful place.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yeah, right? 🥺 If only we could do it.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yeah if only.....

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I really want to have magic, a magic that can protect everyone from harm, where my magic is beneficial to all.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

That's a really noble thing to want, seems like you love to protect people, classic attributes of a superhero, you could be like doctor strange the sorcerer supreme lool...

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I love this I would like to make my own version

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Nice nice, thanks boss.... tag me when you do, I'd like to read it

$ 0.00
1 year ago


$ 0.00
1 year ago

Magic is beautiful!! It's something I secretly desire for myself because when people finds out about this they tend to misuse it . I'm in the safer side because I would do justice ⚖️ with magic ✨! I wish there was magic honestly buhari would be an animal lol

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yeah I've always wished for magic too, people believe it exists though... They say juju and all that is magic, they might be right... They mostly believe in black magic overseas, but seeing is believing anyway.

Lmbao😅 the buhari part cracked me up, but I'm with u princess.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Lemme ask you a question ⁉️ Your fellow folks use the acronym lmfao why are you using lmbao it sounds you are like Simba the lion lmao 😆... Please explain regardless 😄

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Lool well I'm different from "my fellow folks" as I'm sure you've noticed... Idk how it relates with simba but okaay. The B there stands for bloody, pretty weord and makes no sense i know lool....

$ 0.00
1 year ago

That's hilarious 🤣.... Please type out in full!... I need to laugh 😂

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Very funny..... Laugh my bloody ass out🌚

$ 0.00
1 year ago