Your Sponsor's Introduction

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2 years ago

I am a self made man who retired a half a decade ago, or so. I am disgusted by governments world-wide who feel that they have the right to collect information about us, then use it against us, up to and including our opinions.

I have no problem laying out every detail of my existence on the internet. It does them no good unless they have the name of the person writing said details. My hope is that will be a safe place for this man's life story and when done, my yet unborn grandchildren will know me.

Heading back in time

I want to start with some of the earliest mammaries. I do not remember which one was my favorite but I relied on them until I was big enough to eat solid food. But really, the earliest thing I can recall was scooting on a wooden floor investigating a folding partition door that separated the front hallway from the living room. This is what it looked like.

photo from

I know which of my childhood homes this was because I was in diapers and we only lived in Saint Charles until I was one year old. I remember soiling my diaper and not being happy about that. I remember thinking about how that seems to happen over and over. no concept of days, weeks of even that would likely sleep later. Life just happened to me. I cried, got more unhappy, then cried louder. That is the end of this memory clip.

The other memory I have from that same house was more related to my first million. I was less than a year old and I was playing in the driveway. It was mid afternoon and I remember a large wooden wrench on a string and my toy wooden car was in pieces.

wooden toy

The part about this occurring in the afternoon was from my mother's memory of that event. You see, she had seen the truck all in pieces and when my father returned from work, she asked him to go put it back together. He pointed out the window and said that I was riding it when he pulled up.

I had only begun to walk and I had already begun to modify my cars.

Apparently they still sell these kinds of toys - image found here.

That's it for today.

It will take some time to get to how I got where I am. These articles are documenting the good, the funny, the hard knocks, love, heartbreaks, and successes of someone who thinks outside-the-box via trial and error.

Have a look at some of my other articles as they emerge. Thank you!

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2 years ago
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$ 0.00
2 years ago
$ 0.00
2 years ago

There is a saying that goes: to remember is to live... And if they are pleasant memories, it is also to be happy again. Nice to meet you. I liked your story, the bad thing was that it was very short ... hahaha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hola muy buena la historia, yo tambien tengo bonitos recuerdo de mi infancia, cuando jugaba con los legos y armabamos torres, tenia colección decarritos de todos los colores y modelos, que recuerdos tan gratos. porque todavia mi mamá conserva algunos carritos,

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Congratulations Redcash. It was fun reading this line to ruin your diaper. And I also used to like to play with such tools when I was little.

$ 0.00
2 years ago