Since I was a child I wanted to be a craftswoman. Grateful to life for that.

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Avatar for carolinacardoza
3 years ago

Hello dear friends of, especially to all the people who love creativity. For those of you who know me, you know that I love crafts, it is something that comes from inside me and that has been ingrained in me since I was just a little girl.

I will never forget my first weaving teacher, she was Mrs. Sarafina, a grandmother who lived some distance from my house in the countryside and with whom my mother sent me on vacation to accompany her and to teach me good things.

Mrs. Serafina was a woman from a very humble family, who worked in sewing and recycling. Every morning I would go to her house and help her clean and then at mid-morning we would start knitting. I remember that one day she made me my first knitting needles with some clothes hangers. With those needles I knitted my first stitches and knitted a few rounds. Another day she taught me patchwork, this technique is very beautiful and beautiful pieces are made to decorate spaces. This technique is based on sewing by hand many pieces of fabric to form a piece, for example: a cushion, a blanket, a rug, bags and much more.

I liked this technique very much and when I went home I would take pieces of fabric with me to continue the work there; in the end I made something, I don't know what to call it but my mom took it to cover the TV. They say that to remember is to live and I will never get tired of thanking God for having put in my way such beautiful people who helped me forge my path.

But today I come to show you some of those handicrafts that today I make in my sewing workshop. This is a trousseau made for Mia Isabella, who was born some time ago and thank God she is well with her mom.

This order was made by her aunt and grandmother. One day they came to my house with the idea of creating something beautiful for the day of the baby's birth. Apart from the dress to take her out of the clinic, they also wanted a cushion in the shape of a candy, two square cushions, a lullaby, among others, all duly personalized, that is, embroidered in cross stitch with the baby's name.

Of course, I was delighted and got to work to deliver the order as soon as possible. Of course before starting I always like to interview them to know what color they like, what combination, type of embroidery font, design of the lullaby and cushions and very important as is the dress with which they dream to take their daughter for the first time out of the clinic to present it to their relatives.

There are countless things to take into account to obtain a beautiful result so that the clients are satisfied and leave home with a happy heart.

After a whole interview I like to talk about the costs, the prices of these products vary according to each thing you want to add to the garment, that is, if you want a larger embroidery is more work and therefore counts more money, lace also make a difference, there are simple laces and there are others that are in embroidered strip that in my country cost a lot of money. With this information I go to the stores in downtown Caracas where we can find different brands of wool, types of fabric, variety of colors and above all good prices.

A complete trousseau like this one can take up to two weeks to finish, the most difficult part is the cross stitch embroidery, since this technique is based on filling in square by square with an X. You also have to be changing the thread at every moment and be very aware of what you are doing because if you make a mistake in a stitch your design is lost and you have to start over.

The nicest part of all this is when you call the client and tell her _come and get your order. I'm happy for my part because I'm going to get the reward for my work and on their part because they are going to see what they dreamed of. I have the habit of not showing them pictures or anything else until they come to the house; and I love to see their faces when they see the final result. Many of these clients send me pictures of their babies using my creations and that is something I value very much.

Definitely this is priceless, giving happiness with my hands is something that fills me with great pleasure. Well friends, that's what life is all about, doing what we really like, it brings joy to our hearts.

I hope you liked it as much as I did, see you in a future publication, I only ask you to continue taking care of yourselves, it won't be long until the vaccine arrives and we can continue with our lives. Take care of yourselves and remember "Put a smile on your life".

$ 26.49
$ 25.18 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.60 from @Macronald
$ 0.50 from @MicroReylatos
+ 4
Avatar for carolinacardoza
3 years ago


That is lovely! I myself too take pleasure in seeing my customers' photos after they wear my creation. I just feel so appreciated. You're a very good crafter. I myself find it hard to embroider, I can't do it and you did a really great job with all of it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wow, your really is talented madam and I wish I could have that kind of talent also where can I be able to make designed clothes like that

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I love to do crafts like that😊

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Hermosos bordados, son una cuchitura y demasiado delicados, me encantaron 😍

$ 0.00
3 years ago

It is wonderful when we can achieve our dreams, those that we have as children. Imagine I always dreamed of being a mermaid to learn the mysteries of the ocean, how crazy. But perhaps it still can be but in another type of eco-system. You have a beautiful Don dear Carolina and your works are beautiful, congratulations on such a wonderful work full of love. Good vibes.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Good vibes angeliza friend, as long as we have life we can fulfill all our dreams. Have a happy afternoon, thank you for supporting me.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

How nice everything you do. I think it's fabulous to have that gift of design and creativity. Congratulations!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

God gives gifts to all of us equally, I think he gave me the gift of making with my hands these works and make people happy with them. others have the gift of cooking, others the gift of singing and so on. but here andie is left without a special gift, hehehehe.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

That's true, you said it very well.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Hermosa tu creación, cada detalle inspira ternura amiga, muy lindo. Mia es toda una princesa. Saludos

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Tienes razón es toda una niña hermosa y consentida, desde antes de nacer ya era esperada con mucho amor

$ 0.00
3 years ago