Artificial intelligence and landlords

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Written by
4 years ago

You are also renting out your property. Maybe the article below will help you. The biggest risk for landlords on the Airbnb platform is if they get problematic guests. Airbnb is likely to try to reduce these risks with artificial intelligence tools shortly. Airbnb wants to use artificial intelligence to eliminate the risks of problematic guests.

Airbnb describes its recently published patent, called Determining the Reliability and Compatibility of Persons, as a set of methods for automatically checking the characteristics of persons, especially accommodation seekers. Patent protection for him is now being sought at the European Patent Office.

With these artificial intelligence-based methods, Airbnb seeks to strengthen verification and trust-building processes between guest and host that are otherwise difficult to implement due to remoteness and ignorance.

In other words, the system builds the profile of that person and, if it estimates that it could create problems due to its possible narcissism or psychopathic behavior, marks it as unreliable.

In identifying potential problems, the system will also review fake social media profiles and links to them, as well as websites that promote hate speech, the use of illicit substances or prostitution.

Individuals who are identified as risky in this way will be reported by the system to a potential host with a note that it is an incompatible guest.

Airbnb confirmed to foreign media that it has the technology, but did not disclose how much it already uses.

They wrote on their booking websites that they identify the risk before confirming each booking. They use predictive analysis and machine learning to instantly evaluate hundreds of signals to help them identify and investigate suspicious acts before they occur.

What do you think friends? Is it wise to post a picture of yourself with a glass of wine on the internet? You may be turned down when looking for a vacation hotel. Or maybe NOT ??? M maybe you will be accepted right away. Why? Maybe artificial intelligence will recognize you as a good guest who will spend a lot of money (on alcohol)

What do you think?

Have a nice day

Također iznajmljujete svoju imovinu. Možda vam pomogne članak u nastavku. Najveći rizik za iznajmljivače na platformi Airbnb jest ako dobiju problematične goste. Airbnb će vjerojatno pokušati uskoro smanjiti te rizike pomoću alata za umjetnu inteligenciju. Airbnb želi umjetnom inteligencijom eliminirati rizike problematičnih gostiju.

Airbnb opisuje svoj nedavno objavljeni patent pod nazivom Određivanje pouzdanosti i kompatibilnosti osoba kao skup metoda za automatsku provjeru karakteristika osoba, posebno tražitelja smještaja. Zaštita patenta za njega sada se traži u Europskom uredu za patente.

Ovim metodama temeljenim na umjetnoj inteligenciji, Airbnb želi ojačati procese provjere i izgradnje povjerenja između gosta i domaćina koje je inače teško provesti zbog udaljenosti i neznanja.

Drugim riječima, sustav gradi profil te osobe i, ako procijeni da bi mogao stvoriti probleme zbog moguće narcisoidnosti ili psihopatskog ponašanja, označava ga kao nepouzdan.

U identificiranju potencijalnih problema, sustav će također pregledati lažne profile na društvenim mrežama i veze do njih, kao i web stranice koje promiču govor mržnje, upotrebu nedopuštenih supstanci ili prostituciju.

Pojedince koji su na ovaj način prepoznati kao rizične, sustav će prijaviti potencijalnom domaćinu s napomenom da je riječ o nekompatibilnom gostu.

Airbnb je stranim medijima potvrdio da posjeduje tu tehnologiju, ali nije otkrio koliko je već koristi.

Na svojim su web lokacijama za rezervacije napisali da prepoznaju rizik prije potvrde svake rezervacije. Koriste se prediktivnom analizom i strojnim učenjem za trenutnu procjenu stotina signala koji im pomažu identificirati i istražiti sumnjiva djela prije nego što se dogode.

Što mislite što prijatelji? Je li pametno objaviti svoju sliku s čašom vina na internetu? Možda ćete biti odbijeni kada tražite hotel za odmor. Ili možda NE ??? M možda ćeš odmah biti prihvaćen. Zašto? Možda će vas umjetna inteligencija prepoznati kao dobrog gosta koji će potrošiti puno novca (na alkohol)

Što misliš?

Ugodan vam dan

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Written by
4 years ago


The use of artificial intelligence has recently been increasingly used in various fields. This is sometimes good, but in some cases it can be very bad. Because, after all, a robot is a machine that has only the data that we have placed in it and is not able to find out some things on its own and come to a conclusion, which is characteristic of humans and even animals.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

They may accuse you of doing something illegal and condemn you. And you, in fact, are not to blame. In the future, wherever you appear, you are accompanied by the fact that you are doomed. All the information they find on your computer about you doesn’t have to give a true picture of you. Therefore, it is very risky for artificial intelligence to think of people. This may be a drastic example, but even a glass of wine can give the wrong image of us. Artificial intelligence only uses the data it has, and draws a conclusion by some formula.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

They may accuse you of doing something illegal and condemn you. And you, in fact, are not to blame. In the future, wherever you appear, you are accompanied by the fact that you are doomed. All the information they find on your computer about you doesn’t have to give a true picture of you. Therefore, it is very risky for artificial intelligence to think of people. This may be a drastic example, but even a glass of wine can give the wrong image of us. Artificial intelligence only uses the data it has, and draws a conclusion by some formula.

Yeah you heard that artificial intelligence was supposed to judge (instead of a judge) They did several tests ... and the robot turned out great. Do you think this will be a fair trial?

$ 0.00
4 years ago

great article dear i have subscribed you

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Mislim da ce nas na osnovu slike sa casom vina primiti samo u kafane :D

$ 0.00
4 years ago

haha al je zanimljivo razmišljat o svemu tome.....ima istine u svemu.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Ili mozda u vinarije kao degustatori vina... :)

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Da al neznamo šta pute za par godina. Oni če imat uvit u čovjeka od rođenja do tada. Jer več sada oni zapamte svaki korak djeteta.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

People show too much on social media about what is happening in their lives

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Technology and us, I robot and so on.. We will always be connected.. Tahnk you!

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Ovo je prešlo sve granice sa veštačkom inteligencijom. Izbegavam logovanje facom ili otiskom palca iz principa ali sam svesna da hakeri ne sede bezveze i rade svaki dan 24h na provaljivanju šifri i nalaženju novih načina za kriminal. Tako da nova tehnologija ipak radi nama u korist. Ko zna možda i uvedem novi način logovanja :D A fotku sa vinskom čašom imam na svim profilima hahaha

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Konacno netko pametan......i sve slike koje ljudi stavljaju na če nekad biti sve korišteno protiv njih.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Ovde kada se traže radnici, poslodavci obavezno pretražuju društvene mreže da bi videli malo više koga upošljavaju.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Da dobra je reklama na našoj televiziji.Dođe cura na razgovor za posao..ona sve fino priča. A on na kompu gleda njezin fb profil..Onda je pite..što? ne pijete? ne pušite? .......hahaha

$ 0.00
4 years ago

to je ta priča, hahahah

$ 0.00
4 years ago

First of all, thank you friend. You wrote a very important article. It was good to read. In fact, I am expressing a lot of satisfaction.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

thanks for this good article

$ 0.00
4 years ago

well written dear....i like my privacy too....i dont give my data to anyone on internet

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Why do you suggest only AirBnB, they are the most expensive service! Try to use Couchsurfing, or hostels, or just Booking. Also, they will never ask You to share with them and with all world Your photos, private docs, etc

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Why do you suggest only AirBnB, they are the most expensive service! Try to use Couchsurfing, or hostels, or just Booking. Also, they will never ask You to share with them and with all world Your photos, private docs, etc

yeah ... but we'll see how it goes in the future

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Interesting article dear

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I think my state procured these robots to follow us on social media and other sites.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I think my state procured these robots to follow us on social media and other sites.

I also think so I recommend that you do not post your payouts on your profile. I don’t believe in the G5 and I don’t believe in planes dropping viruses. But I believe in robots on Facebook. Did you find out that some of our friends deleted their real fb profile ???? '

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I have read an article like this a couple of times already, thanks for writing.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Artificial intelligence wow, I'm just know about it.

$ 0.00
4 years ago