A confession

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Written by
3 years ago

Liam POV

Dave didn't know that I picked up the letter the he had thrown on the garden yesterday. I know it was a letter of Abby to him. I read the letter on my room and thinking what am I gonna do. Abby would be sad if he knew that Dave just throw the letter and never received a response. I know it is wrong to do this but I answered the letter of Abby and pretended that Dave was the one who wrote it.

I act like a normal everytime we visited Abby in Cabanatuan. I already wrote three letter to her as an answer for her letters that she sent to Dave. I noticed the happiness on her face. I feels like she was recovered a little and that is what I want. The only question now is how can I confess to her that I am the one who wrote that letter. She was very happy, I said to the letter how I love her so much. Well, that's my true feelings for her but she didn't know that.

Abby requested to go outside the house. We ride on a bike together with my best friend. There's a place there that she wants to visit so we went there. It was a vacant land with a Mango tree and children playing on that place. The two children played a toy telephone. The one that is made from string and a two tin cans. Abby wants to try it and he called me to pick the other line. She began to said hello. She asked me if I heard it and I said yes. I also said Hello but she didn't heard it. I said it twice but still she didn't heard it. From the third time instead of saying Hello, I said " Mahal Kita" or I love you. I said it because I know she didn't able to here it.

After a tiring day, we went back to Manila. Nothing changed. Dave doesn't want to talk to Abby. I am hoping that their relationship will be fixed because I don't want Abby to be hurt. I already told Dave about my secret. He got angry to me why I need to do that. He shout at me and said that I did that thing because I love Abby. I told him that I didn't do it just because for my own sake but I did it because of Abby. Dave leave me and said no words to me. I decided to confess all of my secret to Abby the next time that I will visit her.

We went to Cabanatuan on her birthday. She was so happy and she was expecting Dave to be there. Before her party, I asked her out together with my best friend. We went on place that the sunset was viewable. She was so happy seeing the sunset and she thanked me for bringing her into that place. We are about to leave that time but I said to Abby that I have something to tell her. My best friend went outside the car and I already told Abby about he letter. I thought she will be angry to me after I explained what I did but she just smiled at me and said that it's okay, I understand you. We go back to the house and we are surprised because Dave was there standing near the gate of the house holding a cake and a flower.

Dave hugged Abby very tightly and we go inside the house to celebrate her birthday.

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