Maybe you should start reconsidering your options if you're scared and you think is love. Love can be many things but it isn't fear, the one who carries fear does not carry love, you just can't place both in a confined place, and by fear I don't mean not wanting to let go, I don't mean hoping that things would always be fine, I don't mean wanting that he loves you back as much as you do, I don't praying she comes back home to you every night, all this would surface out of love, it's all products of love, you do this in love cause you always want them safe and with you all the time. Now by fear I mean terror, I mean being subdued and scared to be expressive, all cause you love, this fear has no place in love.
You see some relationships and you wonder where the love went, you wonder why they are still together. You can sense the fear on a part of one and the lost of affection on the other. Most times there is always a motive why that person being scared is still in it, there is something holding them down that's making them scared to let go. Worst still it continues and gets into marriage because of a faked fake apology and you feel it can be better but now kids are involved and you're more tied down to continue loving in fear. Well you need no announcement to say that such relationships has the exemption of love and has fear building its pillars.
Personally I hope people would realized the many benefits in building in love much more than trying so hard to make things work out of fear. Maybe we think we would never fall in love again that's why we stick to those who aren't treating us right, maybe be feel too unimportant and lucky to be selected by our partner that we choose to stay when we can't feel the love anymore, or maybe we've lost count of the numerous millions of people existing alongside us on this planet earth, of which many of its population are potentials suitors for us. Maybe we need to be reminded that we deserve the best love can offer, and if it's not love then its not worth it.
Recently have been hearing of numerous cases of harassment and couldn't help but realize most came off from a so called relationship, where the boyfriend can beat up his girl and feel it's alright, where the girlfriend can insult and abuse the boy and they feel its alright, this is little compared to that faced by an already married couples, all this happening daily and you wonder if you don't want it anymore, why don't you just work away. Rather than hurt your partner why dont you just work away? Is it that hard. Well that's why loving in fear can cause, it's all products of fear.
Just like an oppressed citizen of a country rising up with violence to tell their government enough is enough, same goes to a relationship built on fear, cause our tolerance level as humans can be limited, we can only hoard for a while, during this times a lot of things keeps happening that we bear and slowing creeping into hate, yes I mean completely hating that which you claim to love, and this hate over time grows into evil intentions, which if not cautioned so fast can lead to the unbearable. More reason why we shouldn't afford to love kn fear from the first and early stage.
So many as been undermined as we thought they couldn't hurt a fly, until they killed a lion, then we knew better than to conclude on any one and just advice everyone equally. You reading currently can never know how far you can go when pushed to the wall until you're in reality pushed to the wall, many has promised to wait for their spouse to have a change in character and they would continue to bear until that day, well some succeeded and others did not, as luckily as some left with a breakup other left with higher regrets and trauma. I have continue to repeat there is no Fear in love. If love isn't there then it isn't there, don't force it to come.
No one truly loves in fear, its not a military camp, nor is it a strict school policy, rather love is a place to feel at home, when they say be yourself, it comes from a place of love. It's the one place where you should be appreciated for what and who you truly are and not what you have been confined to be. If our creator saw love fit enough as giving us free will and still loving us no matter out choice, then it says we have to learn from it, learn how be comfortable where you are truly loved, you deserve that experience at least, I know most times those we love won't love us back but we choose to stay, however we all deserved to be loved and loved crazily.
Are you loving in fear, have you defined your fear, what it is, is it the usual fear of losing the one you love, or is it the actual fear that involves harrassment and not being accepted for being yourself, well be sure to wait for your gold, no one should settle for anyone because they are scared you won't find better. Love isn't a business transaction, its has to do with emotions which would widely affect your life. Learn to love for love, shut out every fear, because like I said, there is no fear in love.
Thanks For Reading.
খুব ভাল বলেছেন. আমি আরো যোগ করতে পারিনি এবং শুধু সবকিছুর সাথে একমত। প্রতিটি শব্দ তার সঠিক জায়গায় পড়ে। প্রশ্নের উত্তর দিতে, আমার ভালোবাসা প্রেমের সমান। আমি তাকে ভালবাসি এবং সে আমাকে দেখে যে আমি তাকে কিভাবে ভালবাসি সে আমাকে সেই একই ভালোবাসা ফিরিয়ে দেয় যা আমি তাকে দিয়েছিলাম। আমি অতিরিক্ত চিন্তা করি কিন্তু আমাদের ভালোবাসা নিয়ে আমি কখনোই সন্দেহ করি নি। কারণ এটি সর্বদা আমাদেরকে সেই জায়গায় নিয়ে যায় যেখানে আমরা শুরু করেছি এবং আমাদের মনে করিয়ে দেব যে আমরা একে অপরকে শারীরিক বা মানসিকভাবে আঘাত না করি কারণ আমরা একে অপরকে ভালবাসি। যদিও ছোট মারামারি এবং কথার আদান -প্রদানও আছে কিন্তু একে অপরের সাথে ক্ষমা চাওয়া এবং ক্ষমা করাও এই লক্ষণ যে আমরা God'sশ্বরের ভালবাসা অনুযায়ী প্রেমে পড়েছি।