Hands-on Work from Home

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2 years ago

Work from home is a much-discussed topic now.

People use an Internet connection to work from home that doesn't require physical presence or labor. What about the hands-on work, such as manufacturing?

Is it possible to let people work from home and deliver manufacturing jobs?

But, during my childhood days, I remember seeing a lot of manufacturing and hands-on physical work done at home!

We lived in a suburban area about sixteen km from the city.

That was in the early seventies, i.e., 1970s.

There was no electrical connection in our locality. Electrical connection reached only on the main road. People living beside the main road, and who could afford to pay the installation charges, got their electrical connection.

Most families in the locality didn't have an education. Some adults had full-time jobs. The stay home adults, who had some skills, used to do different hands-on work, such as stitching, making paper packets, potteries, artwork, etc.

Hands-on work from home was widespread for stay home adults.

In those days, no households in our locality got electricity and phones. But, work from home used to be in practice by physical connections between the employers and the skilled contract workers at home.

I had seen many homemakers (housewives, stay home dads, elderly widows) stitching dresses, such as blouses, frocks, etc. in their homes.

The tailoring shops used to supply the cut dress materials to these workers at home and collect the finished dresses back.

These are real manufacturing work from home, which are continued in many small-scale manufacturing and hands-on work. When facilities developed, they started using phones, electricity, and the Internet for fast communication.

Even before the invention of the Internet, working from home worked!

Hands-on work can't be executed remotely. It has to be done by skilled people by their hands. Hands-on work is impossible via the Internet connection.

  • The good thing is that working from home is in practice by stay home adults who hold the required hands-on skillset.

  • I saw such work from home during my childhood days in the 1970s.

Even now, some skilled workers render hands-on work from their homes.

Hands-on work from home is very important for global growth

  • Hands-on work from home has been in practice for many years.

  • Hands-on work from home is not the same as online work from home.

  • Hands-on work produces a variety of consumer products.

  • Supplying work materials and collecting the finished work products have been performed with physical supply chains.

  • The Internet connection and phones indeed help in the communication processes of managing such hands-on work from home.

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Image Source TheGuy – Follow him on Noise and Hive for more insights.


Unity (Debesh Choudhury)

Text Copyright © 2022 Debesh Choudhury — All Rights Reserved

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Lead Image: I created a GIF using texts, and photos by Quino Al and Ugandan Crafts on Unsplash.

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#workfromhome #manufacturing

July 25, 2022

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Written by
2 years ago


Work from home now a days had been bread and butter for many peoples. It has two shapes.. 1) Work for Virtual world 2) Invest on a project, it gets Passive income as this project will manage hand on work etc I can't prefer hand on work in this modern world we should excel in virtual work that is more easy.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

People having hands-on skillsets can work from home with physical goods/objects supplied by employers. Those who are unable to go out for work will ask/request and get work from willing employers.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I know some who is doing a hands-on work from home since and yes he is a tailor. He and his wife makes shorts, pants and others and delivered to their customers or stores. I am one for their customer before as I am reselling their products. Cellphones and internet also helped them to contact their customer.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

@JenThoughts, I love to know that you are associated with real hands-on work from home business initiative.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

But when it comes to office works, I guess hands-on work from home has also its cons. Like, there will be possibilities that other employees will be left-behind or isolated and you can also easily be distracted as well but it depends upon the situation of their home or surroundings.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

In this article, I consider ONLY "hands-on work from home," not online "soft" office work.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oh yeah sorry, you actually made an accurate point I'm just comparing it from soft office work that's what I actually mean. Thanks for the correction 😊

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Working at home feels so comfort with our humble abode.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

There is no space for comfort in any work. Otherwise, the quality of work will suffer.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Working from home is very nice especially since you don't have to get stuck in traffic especially during rush hour, you don't have to buy food outside and you don't have to rush to work.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Have you read my article? I haven't discussed traditional online work from home. The topic of my article is hands-on work from home.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I have seen some prime examples like bakery and snacks like Mixer making guys. They make it at home and supply in some shops in our locality. I was very impressed to see the handwork of the cakemaker. He was doing it so smoothly.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

These are commendable work/entrepreneurship and small business efforts, which suffered hugely due to the so-called pandemic because these are manufacturing and require a physical supply chain.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Work-from-home only requires an internet connection in order for us to work, it may seem to be beneficial, more comfort but I so agree that Hands-on work is more productive.

When the pandemic had started, I used to be working at home but I always missed the on-site work as I am seeing a view of the world and I could do anything I want Sir.

This content is so interesting as it talks about the reality. Glad to know that you are working more years hands-on work and I see you as a very productive person with all your achievements in life Sir.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I had seen people doing hands-on manufacturing work from home. That work is not possible to be done via the Internet.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Working at home is a thousand times stronger than anything, both digital and practical, and if you are your own boss, don't even talk about it.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Working from home makes employer gainer in terms of remuneration.

$ 0.00
2 years ago