Surprise! Your background now determines your future.

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Avatar for Ulquiorra
2 years ago

With the way things are going around the world and especially my country, it seems there's very little hope for those who come from a non-privileged background when it comes to obtaining governmental posts and other political appointments. Nepotism and favoritism is running rampant. People only care about their kind and view the poor as either incapable or a threat to them.

When you go to look for a job, the first thing they ask you is not "what are your qualifications" but "who sent you?". In many cases you have to know someone to get a job. If you insist that you know no one but have the required qualifications, they go through them as if they are interested but give you some other reason which is completely trivial or unreasonable as to why you can't be accepted. This has made the systems or various institutions fall below par since all those who hold the important leadership positions or otherwise got there nit by qualifications but by "knowing someone". This is why the system is deteriorating at an alarming rate. Most of the people who are put in this position know little or nothing about how it functions so they can't really do anything. This can be seen in our political systems where the outgoing governor or president recommends or even find a way to manipulate votes for the person he wants to take his seat because he is his relative or because he knows him. Other political leaders put their relatives as their subordinates or in positions next to their own so that they will have a greater chance of taking his seat when he vacates. This "favorites" of his can be found as ministers or commissioners without knowing Jack about what they are "ministering" or "commissioning", leading to further deterioration of the system.

In institutions like the education Institution which is among the most important sectors for the development of a country, it seems to be rampant there too. People who know nothing or care very less about education are put in this position. Just look at the situation we are in now, the ongoing strike and all, I really don't think that those in charge care about you education as they claim to.

What saddens me the most is not that the people put their favorites in this positions. It is completely fine to be a little selfish sometimes, what pains me that I most is that this is done at the expense of others. You put a person who knows nothing about what he's managing because you know him, while putting others in a detrimental state because of the incompetence exhibited by those in the leadership positions while those who are fit for the position are left out simply because of their background. ..when it isn't your place to put whoever you want because it isn't your personal business. Why do business moguls leave things to their children? That's because they own it. It is theirs and they are free to do whatever they wish to do with it.

The trend now is that poor people are giving it all up now, looking for alternatives elsewhere. Those whose patience has worn out thin are resorting to fraudulent ways to make it in life, many of them are degree or masters holders and then they're caught by the law and tagged criminals.... All these can be described in only one word.... Sad.

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$ 0.04 from @Ling01
$ 0.03 from @Tomi-Ajax
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Avatar for Ulquiorra
2 years ago


No one cares about qualification and competence anymore. They are only concerned about what they will benefit from you by helping you out .

$ 0.00
2 years ago


$ 0.00
2 years ago

This is why the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer

$ 0.00
2 years ago