A trial might convince you

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Avatar for Tomi-Ajax
2 years ago

The issue and the headache about writing an article every day is that you have to come up with a topic to write about within 24 hours.

The headache

Since this site isn’t official in the sense that you can write about virtually any topic of interest that pleases you. But the thing is that you wouldn’t want to write about the same topic or in the same way or the same line of thought everyday. Doing so would make your writeup boring to your readers.

Therefore you have to constantly be on a look out and be observant for something exciting and informative to write about without plagiarizing.

The challenge here to me isn’t writing an article itself; but looking for a topic to write about. That is the challenge and it is tough for people like me who spend most of my time indoor.


I have come to notice that writing about your experience is always the fastest way to write an article.

Writing about what you experience

I remember the day I went to repair my phone at the Carlcare centre, and I decided to write an article about it. Within an hour I have written more than 600 words and it was almost reaching 800 words.

I definitely feel it is easier writing about what you did or experience. For example, let imagine you took a trip to Paris and you have to write an article about your trip. Such a write up I believe won’t be difficult because you only need to recount how your journey went.

But writing a topic entirely from your mind is more difficult although not for some people. Some people are so imaginative that they can create a fictional scene or discuss a topic that comes out of the blue.

One thing that is certain about writing whether it is official or unofficial write-ups is that they improve with practice.

Freestyle writing

Initially when I started typing I wrote: “Today is the first Sunday of the month". I didn’t have a clue of what I wanted to write and I just decided to let my mind and hands do their job.

I call it “freestyle writing”, I think I got that idea from rappers who are challenged to rap to a particular beat that they haven’t heard before or they are being given some certain words to rap about without knowing them beforehand.

It is difficult to rap like that because like all musicians most rappers write their raps before releasing their songs. So not all rappers can freestyle because it takes a lot of mental task and ability to form meaningful rhymes with words within less than 10 seconds.

The unprepared sometimes comes out best

But sometimes the best things that we do are the things we don’t prepare for. I have seen clips of people jokingly trying to attempt something very hard and they achieve it. It is always a surprising moment.

There are some great songs that we listen to today that were gotten from freestyling and not that the artist was trying to do anything serious.

Just in football also; some of the best goals scored are also scored by players who decided to try their luck by kicking the ball.

I remember during 2018 FIFA World Cup, there was a spectacular goal that was scored by French player named "Pavard".

He was a defender, the ball was in the air and it was coming toward him and he decided to hit back the ball toward the opposition goalpost with a long stretched kick and it result into a wonderful goal. If he hadn’t kick the ball he wouldn’t score.

Give it a trial

Sometimes in life we just need to try different things and just freestyle them. If you didn’t give read cash a trial I bet you wouldn’t be reading my article today. Sometimes the best things are found by giving them a trial.

Like they usually say in commercial advert; "a trial will convince you". But I feel the reality of that sentence is that; "a trial might convince you", because in the end you might not be convinced after the trial.

Remember this article was also a trail. And I wrote it within 30 minutes.

Happy Sunday

Thanks for reading

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Avatar for Tomi-Ajax
2 years ago


Though I used to do the freestyle way but now a days it is not easy for me tp complete in just 30 minutes because I have to attach some photos and that makes tge delay. And sometime I just can not focus what to write that also eats my time. But I am in one or one and half hour position to finish my writings, lol!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I feel your challenges, I also experience them.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Writing about your daily experience is the easiest form of writing and that's what I do when I am in school coz the school environment is always full of interesting gists. But now I am always at home and my life rotates around one particular routine daily, I dare not write about that 😆 so I have to go through the pain of cooking up a worthy topic everyday and sometimes I am lucky enough to get inspiration from social media

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sitting in one place limit one's daily experience . Yeah social media is filled with interesting stuffs too that one can write about but I hardly do that

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Breakfast na national cake, Finesse, adulthood na scam are all big songs that came out from the Nigeria music industry this here and they are all freestyles.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah that's true. And yet they are bangers

$ 0.00
2 years ago

we give it a try to write something different everyday and try to convince ourselves that we can do it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

This is a great platform, my friend. We can write about anything. ahhahahaha but it's hard to find a topic

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes it can be hard sometimes

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Definitely dude

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Getting a topic is different but writing from experience is vast!... I honestly write about prompts given to us in discord and luckily is about more like personal experiences.... I think you should look out for word prompts!...

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I don't do well with prompts because I'm too selective about what I write

$ 0.00
2 years ago


$ 0.00
2 years ago

"And I wrote it within 30 minutes." For me that would be a record. I don't know why, but it takes me a great deal of time to write a good article. Like you said, practice makes perfect. I think I am getting there, though I have not written anything for about 5 days now.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah it is a record, but on a normal day it takes me hours to write an article. And when I can't find what I can write about I don't publish on that day.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Writing about how my day went or about a particular event that happen in my area is very easy to write for me and that's what I do most times when I am out of topics. It's easy and fast to complete.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It is really fast and easy as you said

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You are right it's very hard to think of a topic to write, because if the topic is not attractive to the audience then there is a possibility you will get less or few viewers. I am a Free style writer because am an introvert person and I don't like socializing with people.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's why I only publish every other day hahaha. My mental energy can't produce an article everyday, or else I will get exhausted and demotivated in writing.

I am proud to my co-writers that can write everyday ❤️

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Well practice makes progress. Start practicing

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You are right my friend it's challenging to choose what should be write today. I mostly shared my personal experience and stories from my life. My basic purpose is to impre my writeup day by day and make it more interesting and attracted

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's a great plan. And I hope your write up has been improving

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I go along oftentimes with the keys you noted. I'm more of writing my experience and that gives me easy writing. Also, sometimes if I'm finding it difficult to write, I just start up the introduction stage and before I know it, I've given a good rant🤣

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Same here, once I can write a paragraph the flow continues.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You write it for just 30 minutes? Wow! me is writing an article for an hour and most commonly more than an hour. You're right that it is easy to write daily or life experience.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It normally takes me up to 2 hours, to draft an article. I was just luck in this case to be in a very good mood to write

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wow hopefully we are in good mood always so we can write in a short time.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

What a great trial from you. You see the way the article takes on a format entire that's entirely different from the first sentence of the trial. Freestyling or free writing is a great way to start whenever we find it difficult to come up with ideas from our life experiences and the good news is anyone can do it. Thank you for the inspiration, Tomi-Ajax.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Glad to inspire, yes anyone can freestyle just let your mind lead your hands on what to type or write

$ 0.01
2 years ago

The unprepared come out good most times for me, there's divine inspiration at times, without no one tell you. You will just know you are writing, in most cases they are meaningful and making sense

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I do believe in divine inspirations, some great invention were made out of coincidence

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2 years ago