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Written by
2 years ago
13TH FEBRUARY, 2022.

Hi everyone. Happy Sunday. How was service today? It's another new week and gradually, the year is moving towards the end. Let's all go after our goals for this year.

Just like you have read the title of this article, sent a notification to me last night that I have more than a hundred views. I am most grateful and I appreciate every member of this family that has made this possible. In just two weeks of active writing, you have made my journey smooth. Thanks for all comments on my articles. Thanks for all upvotes. Thanks for the likes. Thanks for reading my write-ups. Thanks to all my subscribers. I have seventeen subscribers at the moment. And I wish for more. It has been an adventurous journey of two weeks. I appreciate it. I also thank my sponsors in advance for their plans to sponsor me.

Special thanks goes to the greatest tipper. Thank you so much. You really noticed me in time and motivated me to write more everyday. Thanks for the creators of this avenue to write and earn. Though I'm still learning to write appropriately, I know I'm improving.

Apart from writing, I can't count the number of articles I have read here. I didn't take record of it. Maybe I should start now. I have learnt many lessons ranging from marriage to business to personal life to treating others and much more. It is sad I didn't write any of the lessons down but, I hope to retrieve them from my brain whenever I need them😇. I'm still on my goals for this month and I hope to achieve all by God's help.

I will like to answer some random questions.

1. Tell me about yourself

As I have written in my first article here, I am Tife for short. I love my name. I'm a bonafide citizen of Nigeria. I joined two months ago and active use began exactly two weeks ago.

2. What made you smile today?

First, I can smile for the ability to wake up peacefully. Many we slept together last night can't wake up this morning. I thank God for the privilege of good health. I didn't wake up in the hospital.

Second, how I began my writing journey makes me smile. So many mistakes I have learnt from. It's an amazing experience.

3. Have you been on any interesting trips lately?

The last trip I had was a visit to the University of Ibadan Zoological Garden. I loved the sight of the animals created by God. Some of them have lived up to a hundred years on earth and yet still alive. I saw different kinds of animals that I have never heard their names before. I took some pictures with the only giraffe called 'Ajoke'. I still marvel at how people risked their lives to capture these animals alive from the forest. Indeed, God gave man abundance of wisdom.

4. Do you think you are an introvert or an extrovert?

I am an introvert. I would ascribe this attitude to the fact that my parents, especially my dad is also an introvert. He is very gentle and I look very much like him. I don't talk a lot and if I do, it must be for an important reason. Being an introvert, I don't like calling or sending voice notes. I prefer texting to express myself because I'm shy.

Thanks for reading ❤️

$ 1.29
$ 1.20 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.03 from @Frankmart
$ 0.02 from @Momentswithmatti
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Avatar for Tife.
Written by
2 years ago


hey dear.. i read your article.. i am amazed ad was wondering how the Ibadan Zoological Garden looked, i wished you added photos

$ 0.01
2 years ago

It was an interesting trip. I only took pictures with the giraffe

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I'm also an introvert, but it's not really obvious because I still relate with others. Congratulations on your 100 views, more to come

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thank you

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Keep moving forward, this is the right way, congratulations for those first 100 visits, soon you will not notice it and you will be very advanced.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Congratulations deary. 1000views in a bit 😌😌

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Congratulations on your milestone of 100 views, I am looking up to you and wish I also reach that number and even surpass it too

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Congrats... More achievements on your way I pray

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Congrats my friend🎉

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Congratulations for unlocking the hundred views. Now you're road to 250 and then 500 views. Good luck and cheers to more articles to write... We're the same, I'm an introvert too

$ 0.01
2 years ago