When All The Governments Gave Up!!

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2 years ago

Good evening lovelies, how are you all doing?? Sorry for vanishing from the site as I wanted to take some break for myself as everything started to getting on to me, I just wanted to sit silent and do nothing else.. is it just me or does any of you can relate to this behavior to just drop everything suddenly, go sit in a corner and stay silent for a while? It happened to me yesterday.. As all of you know I posted my paranormal finale of Sam's story the other day, it was a 4 part series and by the end of it, I had to take a break to stop my brain from exhaustion. Because when I start to think about something, I just cannot stop.. Sometimes it is a blessing and sometimes it is a curse...

Anyways, that's not the topic of today... I have been observing twitter and the world news from past few months and observed a pattern in the world that each government in each country is slowly started to give up on the current situation of their countries... I guess it started with UK or something, not sure.. the government declared that there would be no more restrictions regarding Covid and people may wear mask, may not and nobody in the government gives a shit about it anymore.. and last month precisely, the whole Europe adopted the same trend and removed all the restrictions by declaring "People need to accept the situation and have to learn to live with covid around.."

Yesterday in India, they released news on national television and also on Twitter that there would be no more restrictions, no more Sunday curfews, night lock downs, weekend restrictions or close of theaters and malls.. and all the schools will be operated from Feb 1st again like nothing ever happened.. So basically every government in this world wants their people to behave like Covid never existed and they just gave up on implementation of protocols anymore... I guess the biggest reasons could be

  1. Elections are about to be held in our state which means the political parties need money for which they would have taken donations from private schools and colleges and would have permitted them to open so that schools can collect massive fees again in full.. after all, they all want money.. they do not give a damn about the middle class public and that's a known fact isn't it?

  2. Maybe the governments are really fed up with the fact that the vaccines do not work and there is no proper resolution for stopping this virus and there is nothing they really can do

  3. And maybe they just stopped caring because majority of people started to follow protocols anyway as I too have been observing several people not wearing masks anymore...

On the same note, India is still today averaging between 250,000+ reported cases on every single day and God knows how many unreported are there and I as a Mother been really really worried to send my daughter to her school... There is only one month left for her term to finish and I just wish they provide online school like usual and then comes 2 months of Summer vacations and then they can call students back to school.. because now is NOT really the time to put students at risk as Kids are among most of the people who are getting infected more these days and Covid have some long term side effects which I really want none of the kids to go through... sucks to suck I guess...

How's the situation in your country guys? do you want to follow protocols or you want to adopt mass immunity too??? lemme know in the comments...

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2 years ago


This article makes me remember a novel I read sometimes ago. "Things fall apart as the center could not hold". I just pray and keep praying everyday that things don't get worse as it already is, as it seems everyone has now become helpless and quite hopeless.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

We still have lockdowns and restrictions here and it is next to impossible to be back to school again this year. It is very favorable for the kid's health

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The government might have given up, like probably they feel like, we all gonna die some day so no need for the restrictions, and for sure, all this restrictions will actually block funds from going into the government revenue purse, imagine all this local businesses shutting down, also if the fact of removing the restrictions is for the election when the virus is real, then such decision is nothing but selfish

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Seriously, it happens to me already for a lot of times. We should just give ourselves a break we need that toom

Wahh, here in our place it's still restricted and we're just following the protocol for our safety. If ever they remove that we will just discipline ourselves

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Many people dont really follow protocols and how long will govt keep on restrictions.Its better to adapt the things in the way they are

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I don't know why I am not surprised. With the vaccination, and the fact that the world has not vwen able to recover from the last lockdown, I don't think there will be another lockdown. I suppose we just have to live with it and adapt.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I'm just imagining if eventually the world give up on covid-19, how the rate of increase would be. Here in my country, I think we've given up already long time ago because schools are operating on a little checks, students only put on Mask on official functions. Also, a lot of us believe that covid-19 isn't real because of the way the government handled it from the start, that's why most people have refused to take the vaccine

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Actually we are at the most tension with the kids. Everything is open just off school. I do not know what to be studying kids. The kids can not pay attention to Online class.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

In my state everything is opened except schools, colleges, for this reason lots of parents are raising their voice against this as they want face to face class for their children. I can't understand their logic, I mean they can continue their online class until this pandemic situation come to an end.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It might be an unpopular view point, but I quite like this attitude. All the people who wanted it are already vaccinated in UK. I haven’t worn a mask in ages and I regularly go out to salsa parties. Before every party we do LF test and only go if it’s negative. Yet after most parties there are some covid cases among people who attended. I’ve had it once right at the beginning and didn’t catch it since. Most of my friends had it too and I think there needs to be time when we stop hiding from it or else we would live in fear forever.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

My friend, you are absolutely right, a person is always worried about her child, I hope the children will not be harmed in the meantime, but thank God, the children's bodies have shown more resistance to this virus than the adults. We aren't under any particular restrictions right now, but it has been cultured for us, and we always wear our masks, and we don't travel in crowded places...

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Most people in Nigeria never gave a sh*t about the protocol anyways

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The government don't care as much as they claim. People are going about without masks, having unrestricted public functions and the likes over here

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Very true, same situation here.. it is very sad

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah, it is

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Every government is corrupt & they are only thinking about their own benefits. Even the covid is like business for them.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I'm 100% convincedit's a money making disease because it made 7 new billionaires on earth

$ 0.00
2 years ago

And see, the top 5 has an Indian.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It's a damn-if-you-do and damn -if-you-don't situation for any government. You do something, a group will oppose it. Do something else, another group will complain, Do nothing, everybody complains.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

you actually made a lot of sense here

$ 0.00
2 years ago

As the election is getting nearer here in Philippines, our people in the country are busy making memes against the candidate presidents and I find it very immature.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The Presidents do not care about you people except to become millionaires themselves.. so I do not find any issues with that

$ 0.00
2 years ago