Day 19 of 31 Days of Halloween!! Real life Paranormal Occurrences of Horror Movie Film Sets!!

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2 years ago

Who here loves horror movies as much as I do?? Normally, he answer would be no but these days, many people are watching haunted/Stalker related movies a lot and this is the reason why year after year, we get more and more sequels/Prequels of famous Paranormal movies.. just take few examples, The whole Conjuring universe... it has now released 7 horror movies .. and Insidious, it goes like chapter 1, 2, 3... The Poltergeist..., The Paranormal Story 1, 2, 3, 4, The grudge, Ring, The Omen.....and need I go on??? this applies to even serial killer movies like The Halloween...So when a whole franchise is dedicated to taking Paranormal movies, they including the directors, cast members, set members, crew and everyone involved are sometimes affected with the effects of that movie.... There are many instances that many of these members and even the Film set have been seriously haunted by many Paranormal activities in real life just as they show in the movie. We are going to see some famous hauntings of some famous movie sets. Some of the actors have been seriously injured, and some even deaths....

Annabelle Comes HomeΒ 

Just before the film was about to be shot, the lights went out on the sets and did not turn back on no matter how much they tried. When they questioned "Annabelle, are you there?", it was then the lights turned back on

Rosemary's baby:

Rosemary's baby is one of the disturbing movies ever, anything that involved kids in the center, it is down right creepy right?. The sets of this movie was so haunted that one of the producers of the movie received a threat note saying he will die painfully.. just a couple of weeks after receiving that note, he had to go under surgery because he fainted in the sets... Not only that, the music composer died and another producer got a stroke... even the entire cast suffered because of food poisoning one day.

The Twilight Zone:

So many people were terrified during filming on the sets because it is said that a helicopter crashed on the sets,.. and the curse like bad omen also caused so many deaths of several actors... it's later adaptation also caused the death of actor Vic Morrow and also another 2 child actors... what is more disturbing is the actor Vic kept saying that he had bad dreams of him dying during the filming and even took life insurance before starting his filming....very terrifying and sad indeed.

The Crow:

Who here knows Bruce Lee? I think everyone does.. his Son named Brandon Lee was the main actor of this film and he died during the sets of The Crow when he was shot when a prop gun released real bullet and he could not survive it. A weird coincidence is that years ago, his father Bruce lee had a similar scene in one of his movies "Game of Death" where the prop master shows how to use prop guns and Bruce Lee pretends to be dead on the sets... this is so weird isn't it?

The Poltergeist

This movie is both terrifying on screen and off screen... and also famous for many deaths and hauntings during the filming. In the first movie, there is a scene in where the actress falls in a muddy pool where she sees many skeletons of people who were buried there and the director thought it would be real fun to use real skeletons for that scene.. .people strongly believe that this is why the sets of this particular movie was so seriously haunted and resulted in many deaths. One of those famous deaths is of the child actress Heather O'Rourke... she died just an year after filming this movie which started with flu like symptoms and her heart faced a major cardiac arrest the next day when she fell and died.

Dominique Dunne: She played the elder sister's role for heather. She also faced a sad death when she broke up with her BF and he then appeared in front of her house pleading her to take him back when she refused. He grabbed her neck and choked her until she was unconscious and left her there to die.. such a sad sad death...

Julian Beck and Will Sampson

These are another 2 actors who passed away during filming when the former died because of cancer and the later died after is surgery of heart transplant. Down right chilling isn't it?

The Exorcist:

To say that this movie is a cult favorite is an understatement because this was the first ever movie that paved a way for paranormal movies in Hollywood... during the filming, the entire process had to be stopped for 6 weeks because the house that was constructed as a part of the film was completely burned down because of fire except one single bed room where they kept the possessed Regan... Three more actors got killed and it had gotten so worse that they had to actually call a priest to bless the sets.....I literally have no words....

The Nun:

The Nun was undoubtedly one of the most scariest and disturbing spirits Hollywood had ever made... during filming a scene of the Nun, the director gave way for the cameraman to film the scene and he entered a dark room in the castle they were filming and he saw two shadow figures that he couldn't explain.......

And that is all for now guys, sorry if you want more but I'm ending it now even though I have so many movies in my list... because it is too disturbing with this list as it is, if you guys are interested, I will make another post soon enough as part 2....


I'm planning to conduct a Halloween writing contest... let me know what your thoughts about it, are you guys interested to participate? because ya'll need to write about your real life experiences if any, or your friends' relative's experiences... or any horror story you have ever heard... Shall I do it or no, lemme know...

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2 years ago


Hello, I was very surprised that at this moment your article is monetized for $ 6.66. a good number for LUCK IN HALLOWEEN

$ 0.00
2 years ago

This article answered the questions I have in mind for a long time. I love watching horror movies (at day time of course 😁) and I've always been curious if the people involved in the movie set also experience creepiness during film making. It's really creepy to know that some of them experienced some sort of curse or vengeance from the souls of those haunted places. I hope it's possible for film makers to consider shooting at places that are not haunted and just make it look spooky with props and decorations while maximizing special effects at the same time. I am actually writing a halloween series of 4 articles next week up to November 1st and the 4th article will be my personal experience coz I found an item I owned that is involved in my scary experience. It may not be as scary as the movies but if ever your writing contest will push through, I will join.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

yes very true, filming with props itself is creepy, imagine shooting at real haunted places and real skeletons

$ 0.00
2 years ago

you know what? I really wanna go visit the famous conjuring house LOL, I really love that house, I have watched a lot of documentaries about that house.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oh please.. I have recnetly watched an hour documentary on it and it was the creepiest thing I have ever seen, I would never want to visit that place lol

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I also want to watch Horror Movies, some of what you said is I already watch. The best movie is exorcism of Emily Rose.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oh well, I have not watched that movie but watched so many documentaries about Annalise Michell the woman who actually went through that in real life and this whole movie is based on her story.. so creepy

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I think some places where they filmed are really haunted, and the spirits within the places are toying with them. They toyed so much that these people died.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚@blackdoll the biggest fan of horror movies. Oh my God, what a scary moment but i've watched only the nun before that was acted in a catholic church with All of them as reverend sisters. Pls don't make me remeber that scary moment i had watching it and All alone in the room

$ 0.00
2 years ago

you sound like a person who could be pranked on so easily, dang I hate that we are far, would have scared you everyday brother lol

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hahahaha...pls don't o!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Everytime i watch a horror movie I cover my eyes with my hand so I can't see the scary part HAHAHAHA I always do that so I can't see how scary the horror movies are lolπŸ€§πŸ˜† .

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hahaha sometimes I just fast forward lol

$ 0.00
2 years ago

There is less and less. How did you come up with this idea of ​​making 30 horror articles in a row?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I was Inspired by social media... They do series like this... I wanted to do that here as well as I'm an author of paranormal stories, kinda suits me :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Some of the actors on those movies died maybe on natural cause like illness but maybe some of them had been cursed. It's important not to disturb those places that supernatural entity lived, it's also important to ask permission first or else the consequences would be heavy. Even in my country, horror movies and documentaries are spotted with ghost and other entities.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

They used real skeletons during the filming... I cannot except more notorious actions from humans lol

$ 0.00
2 years ago

hello my friend, good selection of movies, just today I wrote a post about the exorcist and its curiosities in I would recommend seeing Jeepers Creepers is a good movie saga. ahh by the way the contest is an excellent idea, I would very much like to participate

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I love it when you participate, and I promise am gonna check ur pos about The exorcist... :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Even in our country, they interviewed actors from horror movies and they said that what they feel is not acting but real. And yes Sis, I'm interested about the contest, for sure there's a lot who will join it; like me:D

$ 0.00
2 years ago

This is awesome, so many has already shown interest to participate... I can't wait to post about it :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes, I have read it too. Specially, the one on Rosemary's Baby. The film itself is a creepy & horrible. People still feel uneasy watching it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That movie is all about taking the baby and killing it to please the devil, gives me creeps even to think about it

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I'm very much interested in the contest. I have some scary stories too 😬 and I know alot of people going to freakout 😁

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I will post about it in 2 days, watch this space dear :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago