There Are No Experts In Crypto

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1 year ago

If you see and follow a crypto expert then trust me he/she ain't one. If you don't believe me, then where they are now in this bear market, can you see them posting Crypto-related stuff, the confident posts of predicting this that, the bull run is coming, haha none everyone is just cooled off like somebody put ice water on them. No Expert advice and tweets now and that's what I want to convey today, that there's no such expert in Crypto as of now.

If you follow and think someone like that immediately stop that attitude.


  • The number one reason is that it's still a new technology in fact if you look back till 2021 very few people were into Crypto and they still haven't had the basic knowledge of how manipulation and insider work goes around in Crypto. The new tech is still vulnerable to hacks and failure as you can see clearly in the bear market the struggling of lots of Crypto companies and even currencies and tokens. I think a person involved in Crypto for above five years can make some confirmative predictions still not enough though.

  • The uncertainty of rise and fall, lots of factors are involved in pump and dumps, sometimes it's followed by technical and fundamental analysis when it has got some trend or sometimes it relies on some big financial and sometimes all the above. And in the end, it's still not enough.

Stay Away From Such Influence

There's no expert in Crypto all are learners here because Blockchain technology is still in its developing stage. I have been following a great Entrepreneur for a few years and when he entered in Crypto I also got hyped up and followed his movement where he made a coin and is the CEO of it. When it was a bull run and after that for some months, I saw next level promotion, motivation like it's the next big thing. It did raise to 50-100% but eventually it went down like crazy, as he entered at the wrong time, and soon the bear market came dumping the coin to the next level. And after that I rarely saw him sharing Crypto advice and promotions and as the market is a bit normal now he came back again, though he's not sharing Crypto-related things now just some life lessons, like how he got caught up in the bear market and hard moments. As a great Entrepreneur, many of them followed him and invested in his coin and now they are almost valueless, haha. Luckily I invested less than 10$ in it.

I still remember the expert-level promotion and influence he used to do back then, like he knows everything about Crypto, but the bear market showed the real face.

So Who's The Fool?

Obviously, it's the people following them, that Do your research or DYOR is not a joke or a light word, also be wary of being influenced by people claiming to be experts in the sectors where they have just started or in the new sectors. The influencers have the talent to present themselves best and sell almost anything, even nonsense, haha. So don't be a fool and be extra careful in the future. Most of the time influencers get carried away and think like whatever they pick on they will be able to boom it but the reality is infront of you.

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Final Thoughts

This is not only for Crypto-related stuff but for every stuff. Don't fall for one year-old experts. 10 years or above that experts are better in terms of them, though you may see them as outdated but in the end, their words are more valuable and correct due to their experience. And remember to value the words of an actual practitioner not just some bigshot who is from a different sector.

Mostly the influencers act as experts, so keep those people in check and don't fall for their charm.

It will take some years for a UFC fighter to be a good boxer in boxing and vice versa.

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Written by
1 year ago


I agree

$ 0.00
1 year ago

The influencers have the talent to present themselves best and sell almost anything, even nonsense, haha.

Exactly! Their convincing talent is awesome, and they manipulate people into believing in them and the products they advertise.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Since people are new to digital revolution we aren't able to differentiate between reality and their charm and that's what I want to tell everyone to beware in this digital world from such people.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Cryptocurrency is a nascent technology. How can there be experts in a new tech application?

$ 0.00
1 year ago

That's what I intend to ask to some fellow entrepreneurs saying they are experts in Crypto, join their movement haha

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I agree with you there are no expert on cryptos all er new, and people are just trying to create ideas so that they can be eunique, nobody is entitled to the title am the best in crypto

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yup, everyone portrays themselves the best here but their experience and knowledge is still not enough even for an intermediate level.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I hate to admit it but you very very right, crypto is very volatile and all they say are just hearsay and theories they wanna believe, or others, just to have a quality and solid content.

But at the end of the day, its just theories, almost everyday, I see post that next week next month, its the greatest comeback. But no one is real, no one ever predicted that it dump this low.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Haha, I want to laugh and cry over those predictions.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I agreed with you, there is no one expert in Cryptocurrency. Every prediction can be false, so we should make our perception before anything.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yeah, follow your prediction, make mistakes learn from them and also learn from big figures mistakes.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

It's really a gamble. Something my country men would call "try your luck".

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Where you can lose and earn a decent amount of money in just minutes and hours that sector is from gambling family only, hehe.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I go through such foolish thing in march this year when on twitter my country man was advising to by a coin because it is going to moon within a week. I bought quickly but that coin becomes history after a week.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Haha, I also got caught in lots of scam like that. Interesting fact, most of them never accepted their mistake and are still shamelessly promoting such things.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

It is very interesting thoughts. I loved it. You are absolutely right in the Crypto World there how could there be an experts when it is still not yet be fully developed

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Exactly, so be wary of people when you follow Crypto experts or people like that.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

It might be difficult sometimes to know who is an adapt and someone who claimed to be an expert.

Most experienced crypto trader I have met don't brag about it but they have the results.

And few times, the experience ones faces challenges in calculating and predicting whether it is going to be bullish or not

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Agree but the bear market showed that still people know very little about crypto even the experts.

$ 0.00
1 year ago