Meet A Living Legend

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1 year ago

When you doubt yourselves and think you can't and you haven't enough resources to do something or achieve your goal. Then the further story or information which I am going to share with you may hit you hard and can even put you in shame. Often being complete human we tend to underestimate ourselves. We have the same legs, hands, eyes, ears, brains and only difference can be intelligence but is it enough to put us down?

What about a person who can excel in a particular sector even though they can't speak and listen, in fact, they represent nationals and have won some big achievements in their life, not only this motivated and trained other person and helped them to achieve the same and are still doing it?

This feels like a character from some fictional movie.

But let me introduce you to a Lady, yes a female who can't speak and listen yet became a top gymnast who won 10 gold medals, 23 silver medals, and 11 bronze medals in gymnastics in national level, and now she is acting as a coach and training athletes to achieve the same. And the most interesting part is that most of the national awards are won in the normal category, not in the Handicapped category, can you believe this? Her name is 'Anju Dua', firstly I respect her guts and dedication to improving the standard of sports and athletes.

Her Story

She is from the Northern Indian state of Haryana. She was born mute and deaf. But after 4 years she used to play with normal kids and they had a gymnastics club nearby where most of the kids used to go and so she also joined them. The coach there saw young potential in her and encouraged her parents to let him train her and pursue her career in gymnastics as she has also an interest in it and was even competing with the normal kids. The parents agreed and slowly her name came to the limelight as even though being a handicapped she used to compete in the normal category and won several medals in that category.

Her Dedication To Sports

Due to competing with normal people, she became tough and an expert in this field.

She was later awarded the 'Arjuna award', the second-highest sports award in India. While playing she was offered a government job also which she refused as her main focus was to become a coach and bring value to the gymnastics sector which she greatly did.

She uses sign language to communicate with her students and has already trained more than 100 gymnasts at the national level.

An Example Of If Want Anything, Go Get It

Her example is enough to put great motivation in individuals as well as can put shame on many of us who are just talking, most of us say we will change this/that and focus on our goals but what we do, I don't have to tell you. Just a reminder for you and me that people especially women like these exist in the world. There were lots of hurdles to stop her from reaching her desired goal still she never gave up and worked hard till she achieved it.

Of course, she got good support from a coach as well as from her parents which some may not get but when you have goals like this, some forces will be there to lift you and some will be there to drop you down. Have a dedication so strong that even small support is enough to push you toward your goals.

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Final Thoughts

I felt very good and motivated learning about her and got reminded me of my place and actions. That I need a lot of correction in my life. And if I compare my life with hers, I have still more capabilities than her, it's just like as normal people we tend to think normal and act normal. While those people who suffer a lot think differently.

Also maybe there can be similar examples like her in your place. She isn't that famous but as you know she doesn't need the popularity, her work is enough for her and she will make a bigger name in future.

I respect and thank her a lot along with wishing more success to her. You aren't just making India proud. But the whole women, handicapped as well as the human community proud.

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Written by
1 year ago


That is indeed very much motivational and inspirational blog. One should learn from that great person. Despite being mute and deaf she got what she wanted . Thanks for sharing

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Her dedication and desire to get what she wanted is a great example for everyone of us.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

That is very much true

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Stories like that of Anju Dua makes me feel bad for the time and resources I'm wasting.

I know of a man who doesn't have hands yet he own a farm and he farms with his legs. I was surprised when I saw the and instantly - I felt lazy. Perhaps I'm lazy 🤔

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Really inspirational and motivational for all of us, who have complete body parts and we sometimes lose hope and give up on our aims and motives. We have everything if we compare ourselves with the disabled one....

$ 0.00
1 year ago

This is a reminder to every one of us to use the features we have to best potential not cry for the ones we don't have.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

This kind of story exists more than we imagine.
What we need are more people to reveal them,
as you have written this one.
The hard part is seeing past all the fake celebrities
these people hidden under monsoons of glamour.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Celebrities mostly have beauty to offer nowadays, no values no ethics. That's the reason we are seeing such mentally week teenagers nowadays because their idols aren't that strong like these people.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Brother, Thanks for sharing her enriching story through your blog, I never knew about her before thanks to you. Indeed, people like Anju Dua and many more like Arunima Sinha, the list is never-ending, inspire many people across all socio-economic groups.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Its surprising to see such people even exist, I thought it only happens in movies but my views are changed knowing about such people.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

When I heard living legend I usually think of one person Michael Jordan haha

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I don't know who he is, will look for the name.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Wow she is indeed rightfully a legend. May this serve as a motivation for those people who have no infirmities yet has a lot of excuses in life.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

And it will also be striking shot to the ones who were feeling demotivated lately.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Truly. I am actually one of those people 😂

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Absolute motivation topic. When we are given all the blessings in life, we still complain instead of thanking Almighty. Kudos to this lady who is a real miracle to the sports team.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

She is a gem in gymnastics industry, her story makes us realise us to use and value the things and facilities which we already have.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Such models are source of motivation for others where they always cry for less resources and services. Anju Dua sets an example for millions that will power , commitment to do and dedication can give you wings even you are deaf.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I'm very surprised to know that she is even teaching and making athletes that's some big effort done by her.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Our disability didn't matter. We should continue our job with passion and consistency, there will be time when whole world will accept your efforts.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yeah, things don't come easy for us and it will shape us a lot through obstacles and difficulties but we must stick on with our passion or work.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Anju Dua's story serves as a great challenge to me. We should never let our disability define us.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Her example is a challenge and example to healthy people to use whatever resources you have to the maximum potential.

$ 0.00
1 year ago