Combining Ecology And Economy Will Ensure Human Survival

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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Ecology, Economy, Nature, Earth, Disasters, ...

Now there is no month of the year in which there is no suffering from some natural calamity. Recently heavy rains in some of the states of India - Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Gujarat, etc. happened which were not normal. Water fell continuously for 32 hours and a red alert situation was announced. The system of deep depression of stormwater is now wreaking havoc in Pakistan. More than 1100 people have died there. The devastation caused by flash floods in Uttarakhand, Himachal Pradesh indicates that all is not well. If we leave out the monsoon too, then the scorching heat is disturbing the whole system, where on one side the fire is consuming the forests and on the other hand heat waves are causing frequent health problems. The time has come for us to reconnect with disasters and our needs, as we have not shown much seriousness in such incidents.

I agree we have created such departments in our country, which provide assistance and protection in times of disasters, but the biggest need is that we study disasters and work at certain levels so that we can reduce their impact.

  • One department should focus on how to minimalize the harmful effects of such disasters.

  • Secondly, what to do when surprise disasters happen.

  • Lastly Pre-Awareness campaigns on how to act in such situations.

Now see, whether it is North India or South, its states were prone to disasters in one form or the other this year which is very unusual as some places have had a normal climate for the last few decades. But now, For the past two decades, continuous excessive rainfall has been a big problem in North India, for example, the state of Assam got a more severe flood this time and was the first Asian region to get half submerged in the flood I think in this Monsoon. And what do the floods of South Indian states Kerala and Tamil Nadu indicate during the winter?

The Only Reason

This is because we have completely destabilized the entire ecosystem and behind this is our incomplete understanding of development. Today it becomes very necessary for us to understand our system and decide the style of our development. India is doing great in the development sector but worst in the Ecology sector. There's no counter plan in big construction projects like building dams, roads, highways, etc to nullify the damage they do by cutting trees, land and mountains. Recently, I read in a newspaper that most of the highway and ring road projects built in my state, were only passed and made on the word of planting 1000-10000 trees but in later 5 years of work done investigation came out and it's just in papers they haven't planted anything.

And as a counter-speech, the people involved in that construction are saying they paid all the trees' price to Forest Department and it was their duty to plant them, lol. Enter selfish politics and business.

This may be the case for most of the developing countries where in terms of technology and economy they are improving at a great pace but in terms of Ecology, they are decreasing it at the same rate of growth in the economy.

It is time that we prepare a blueprint for the future by connecting the economy and ecology together. It is also important to know which is the most important ecosystem in the world. Trees and fertile land are must to balance the ecosystem.

Humans can't live by making only big futuristic buildings which many of you have seen in Sci-Fi movies. We are freaking endangering one species of an animal once or twice a year. Humans can never maintain Ecology alone no matter how much they evolve. Every other species is required to maintain the balance of life.

But the actions which we are taking in the name of development are killing them and their places slowly. I saw a video of a Indian southern state today a tree filled with hundreds of birds and nests along with baby birds was cut live when they were on the tree. The humans didn't bothered to at least something to save the young ones. And with a big bang on the road 50% of the birds died at the spot because they didn't wanted to leave their child and eggs alone.

This could have done in a more planned way in which the birds would have effected minimal but as humans we only think about ourselves. The video is very disturbing so I'm not sharing.

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Final Thoughts

If we don't combine Economy and Ecology soon these natural disasters will occur frequently to the point of taking humans and animals with them.

Support the natural environmentalists, follow them and sign their petitions against such projects sometimes we are able to save the nature sometimes not but it's better than nothing.

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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Ecology, Economy, Nature, Earth, Disasters, ...


Everything in this world is interconnected and thus it is called an ecosystem. The loss of one species may seem as nothing but it affects us in great multitude. We must indeed make conscious effort to take care of each other and the world we live in.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You got the right knowledge, humans don't understand that they aren't the only ones living here.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

We were never alone in this planet. And well we will not be possible without the other organisms living with us.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Indeed it is one of the biggest reasons, "destabilizing the entire ecosystem" and "no counter plan". Agreed the cutting of tree and forest have effected lots of things, including birds, animals and other lives. In my point of view the disasters also take humanity from the world

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It affects everything in the earth even the nature.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes natural disasters cause a lot of damage. We have to globally find a way to deal with them.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Less harm to nature while doing development seems like a good way for now.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Natural disaster is in full wave. The after effects affecting the health condition of the people are even more worse. I was watching the flash news in TV inthe north hit states by rain. It is so fearful and painful as well. Here they don't try to find a permanent solution for this only temporary solution for time being. Really sad to hear the story of the birds being cut down from trees. Inhumane nature.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

What we are doing, whole world is facing the consequences. Even the level of seas and oceans is increased.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Very true indeed..this article is definitely an eye opener.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It is evident now how those we say as development is actually destruction of the order of things. We are reaping the consequences.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

In the name of development we do 10X damage to the environment.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Exactly brother we should synchronized economy with ecology. Many people still not know its value but from your article it is clear we should invest on tools to minimize loses through these natural disasters.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yup even common people can easily support this cause.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It has become the order of the day, things going cablowy. who cares? no one

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Just a normal day on Earth, I guess.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

There are laws , institutions, authorities and departments to care such things and prevent the disasters but unfortunately no one is ready to work and no one ready to accept the neglence/ failure. Every one putting blame to other and poor country men suffering worstly.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Obviously, the responsible department ones hide when actual situation arises. It shows we pay tax for nothing.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

These are the results of the dice given to nature. sorry for pakistan. aid was collected in our country today

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Some people break the nature and whole world suffers for it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

god punish them

$ 0.00
2 years ago