Let me start here - I ❤️ Video Games
Obviously I am "old school" so I Totally Remember this guy ⬇️ and TRUST ME I would eagerly give away all my quarters (even today I still play at local bars and gaming lounges etcetera) 🤩⬇️ - GAME OVER? 🥺 Nooo...
So PLEASE do not take this as an anti-gamers Rant
I think video games are a great way to spend free time as an adult or child. They can offer escape and engage the mind while many games use logic and reasoning skills. I'm sure there is also something to be said about the coordination it takes but that depends on the game and set up of course. 🤔🙂
Ok, so back to my (not) rant haha. I have asked my female friends about this issue (ranging in ages from about 26 year old females to women in their 40s+) and there is definitely a theme here (or ALL my friends are 😵😵 and we need a bootcamp in how to choose better men / mates / whatever 😂😂 or a combo 😂)
I have dated a few guys that play or even consider themselves hardcore gamers.
Again, NO problem with gaming in general. I feel that as long as you are an adult that takes care of their responsibilities (like, feed your kid, pay your bills, take care of YOURSELF, feed yourself, the basic of adulthood - I'm sure you understand) Then your time is YOUR TIME - do what you want to do.
(I personally can't talk, I waste time everyday and watch old movies way more than I care to admit, but again I take care of my responsibilities - isn't that what grownups are supposed to do ? 🤔 )
So, I am NOT the judge of your free time
What I totally do not get is these guys that game all day and do not have a job - WTF???
I dated a guy (recently I am 🤫 embarrassed to say) that would - no exaggeration - get up at about 11am, then eat and play until maybe 2am or 3am every day
Did he have a job? One guess - er, no (but he loved to whine about how life was so hard and he couldn't find work)
So I just have to post here. When did it become ok (socially acceptable) for Men to loaf around and game all day and not work?
I think this same guy would have been ashamed to be so lazy back in the 80s or maybe even 90s but since then perception has shifted. Many of the women I spoke to have either experienced a similar issue or has a close GF living in a similar situation. Like one of my GF's has a guy who works part time or odd jobs but games way more than he looks for work or helps around the house (I'm sure his thumbs are so tired😆).
WHF is going on?
Again, I 😍😍 games also - But after work
After all, Somebody has to pay the dang wifi bill 🤣🤣
Ladies, please comment if you have similar stories or GF who "feel the pain" Ha. I'm in the United States, but curious if this is a "thing" in other parts of the world.
Thank you for the photos :)
lol as a man... this feels very accurate. I have lost friends from university because after we graduated, this is essentially what they do. Now one old acquaintance works part time at a shoe store, still drinks more than enough and smokes pot, and is pretty much in the exact same spot we started in 8 years ago