Why Noise.app Is A Good Idea.

32 189
Avatar for Telesfor
1 year ago
Topics: Blogging

I found out about Noise.app a few months ago, to be honest I was too busy with myself to take a closer look at the app. At first glance, I even thought it was just a copycat that had nothing to do with noise.cash. Why should noise.cash set up an offshoot, I thought. The website works well and is successful. However, I quickly realised that Noise.app is not a fake. Many of my friends were there, and they wouldn't do it if Noise.app was a scam app.

As I have not been active on Noise.cash or read.cash lately (I have not been active on any social network at all, I needed time to find my centre again and rethink my future), the development in Bitcoin Cash universe and in Noise has passed me by. I needed peace and distance from the world (including the online world) and even set my spam filter so high that very few emails got through to me.

A few days ago I checked my spam folder because occasionally mails arrived there that were important to me after all, and I saw a mail from Noise. They invited me to migrate from Noise.cash to Noise.app. I thought about it for a moment and did it. What happened then shocked me a bit, after the migration started I could no longer write posts in noise.cash. In noise.app I could post, but when I found some of my friends (this was very easy because I had them on my homepage immediately), I could not comment and write to them that I have now arrived at noise.app. That was really frustrating. I saw everything, the posts and comments but I could not participate as I was used to. I felt like an outcast, as one who is behind a mirror transparent from one side (like in those crime movies), who sees everything but is invisible to everyone else.

This could not stay like this, I had to change it. Since in my noise.app - account already many older posts from the noise.cash - Accout were transferred, I checked them a little. Under my old posts were also coments there, also the coments were also transferred noise.cash. I found a friend, in this case it was idksamad78699 and I could write him about my problem. After idksamad78699 wrote a post about me joining Noise.app, everything happened very quickly. The message spread in no time and after not too long I could use noise.app normally. I could join conversations without any problems. I can see the comment field everywhere now.

At the first moment I thought - nice that it works again and nice that it happened so fast. I'm lucky that I already have so many friends in Noise.cash and read.cash who didn't forget about me even though I wasn't active for a while. But then I immediately thought about new, unknown users. How do they need to feel and how do they achieve possibility of being seen? That must be very difficult. I wrote a short post about it in Noise.app, which led to a small discussion with Simon, the creator of read.cash, Noise.cash and Noise.app (by the way, it was a pleasure to get in touch with him again after a long break).

His reasoning got me thinking and I understood the genius of the idea. Onboarding on Noise.app is indeed significantly more difficult than on the usual social platforms, but what makes noise.app so special? That's the fact that I don't just follow the people I'm interested in (that's the case everywhere), I follow the people I TRUST, and vice versa, the people who TRUST me follow me. Noise.app is not (only) based on interests, but mainly on trust, and trust is one of the strongest bonds. So every new user must be trustworthy, at least with one member, the longer they stay in the network and behave trustworthy, the more trustworthy they will become and the more friends they will have.

Trust is built up for a very long time. It can take months and years and can be squandered within a very short time, so a network built on trust must be very stable and robust. It is possible that it will grow slower than many other networks, but a bad social network can grow quickly and then fall very quickly. People will quickly leave it and take their friends elsewhere. It looks like that's what's happening with Twitter right now. It's possible that Twitter will become a ghost town inhabited by bots in the future. And if Noise.cash is lucky, maybe some of these Twitter refugees will switch to Noise.app. I wish it very much.

$ 21.54
$ 11.00 from Anonymous user(s)
$ 9.34 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.10 from @Omar
+ 22
Avatar for Telesfor
1 year ago
Topics: Blogging


Wonderful thoughts. We should follow the rules and let it serve the purpose... It's built on trust

Indeed Sir Simon has came with a wonderful and unique idea. This could be an anti-spam place

$ 0.00
1 year ago

But still read cash is a bunch of matrix who can't stand with truth. Censoring people who are against with their agendas.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

My initial thinking about noise app were also similar and I was reluctant to join the app, and now I am so happy that I joined it earlier the one good feature which I am loving Is messaging

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I really missed you during those times you distanced yourself from the world around you; especially the online world.

I’m glad reading from your post again. It’s been a long time indeed.

I’ve been very busy too with my projects. I’m glad that most of them has been accomplished and useful to my community and to Bitcoin Cash ecosystem.

I’ve migrated from Noise.cash to Noise.app, yet I think I need more time to explore it. Thanks for sharing your experience.

Yours Max.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Hello Max. Thank you very much for your comment. I am very happy to hear from you. I will be reading my friends' posts in the coming time, including yours. I have a lot of catching up to do.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

You stated a lot of the reasons I am finding it difficult to "get going" over there. But I do think the premise is a good one for WHY they did it this way, and it will be only a matter of time before I find my legs again and can use noise.app in a way that is more enjoyable. But I do understand that it will take time...

But things that take time often turn out to be things worth doing once the time has been spent getting to where you want to be.

$ 0.06
1 year ago

Hope we can trust on Noise in this new version.... it will be really good, we will see. But not sure about Twitter is gonna be a ghost city. It's a bit better now, before many accounts were deleted by that strong censorship so in the end it could become empty as only those teams could speak and no one else.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Before, accounts were deleted on twitter, now there may be a lot of fake accounts. We will see.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yes it's an issue that must solve... but too many were deleted really. We will see...

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Personally, I'm sceptical. I don't trust Musk, but I didn't like the Twitter before either. I didn't use it at all. I don't need the Twitters, Facebooks, Instagrams and TikToks. I'm pretty convinced that eventually all these things will disappear.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I don't trust either but some of the comments he did were right, just watching, the previous situation was unbearable, at least some of those people are not there anymore. Hope more garbage/files will go out and will find out more... and also hope as you say there are other options. Of all of them I just use Twitter, I get sometimes some useful info and some friends (those not deleted) are there, nothing else.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I really love noise.app. I very much agree with the idea of trust being build over time.

Welcome back to online world! I also took a few months break from the hustling earlier this year. Sometimes these breaks are very needed 💙

$ 0.01
1 year ago

I started in scarp in noise.app. That was way before the migration and I don't have friends to follow me there. but yeah, noise.app was built for the better

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I started in scarp in noise.app. That was way before the migration and I don't have friends to follow me there. but yeah, noise.app was built for the better

I see 409 followers in your profile in noise.app

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Oh, same with me here. I just recently knew about noise.app when my noise.cash friends celebrated their first month on the app. I was busy and inactive for almost months too on social media, but I am here again, getting back on my online social life. 😅

$ 0.01
1 year ago

It works when you follow each other, that's when you can comment and engage on each other's posts. Happy migrating, by the way. I also did it a few days ago.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

It was the evolve of noise cash into an apps wherein most of the nornal use we use in application, and it was easier to access and to make accesible all the time

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I find the App much better and TBH is a pleasure to have less comments (genuine ones) then the usual "nice", "well done", etc :D

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yes, definitely. Such comments were only there to attract attention. Argentina did it. Now it's Morocco's turn.😀

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Will be a good one tomorrow. Time to enjoy football

$ 0.00
1 year ago

In Noise.app, you can see someone's post and follow that person, but if that person also follows you, you can comment and interact.

Looks like Noise.app has made its move thinking long-term. The growth might be slow, but it will be sustainable.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Indeed, NoiseApp is a perfect BCH-powered project for micro-content publishing. It also has options for donations in fiat to PayPal.

Twitter may still be favorite for many. That is why probably CashRain project adopted Twitter as a social media.

(At the time of my reading this article, the website of NoiseApp was rolling but couldn't open! It is an unexpected problem in its server.)

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Thanks for the comment. Noise.app works fine for me.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

It has been long time we last hear from you sir! Well, noise.app is growing slowly but steady and hope that would win at the last. But read.cash will be all time best for us.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Thank you for the comment

$ 0.00
1 year ago

You are always welcome dear!

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I have a feeling Twitter peeps will migrate eventually. By the way, have your tried cashrain? It's another cool BCH platform that you should try. Mmm, I think I already saw a community with your name, but I'm not sure. Hehe.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yes I joined and tried it yesterday, but I have no a community there. Maybe I will write here about it soon.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Nice. Will definitely join in your community once you have one.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I totally agree with you Telesfor! Trust is earned over time and with the generation of ideas that lead to it.

I've been following you for a long time here on read.cash and on noise, an app like Microreylatos, and although we don't interact frequently, I suppose you must have references from me in both places, because users like CryptoMax (here on read.cash), Pantera, Simon, Scott, and others are common contacts between us, precisely because of that point, that of trust.

Noise.app is an interesting evolution of noise.cash and I am glad that you are very happy with the way it works, but I dare to tell you that I sense that many better ones will come, probably next year, and it would not surprise me in the least that audio and video conferences will be incorporated among these improvements...

A great greeting and a pleasure to see you back on all these networks.

Microrelatos in noise.app and noise.app reinaldoverdu at noise.cash

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I saw you on noise.app but ignored for now because I don't understand Spanish, maybe I will learn it though, it's a beautiful language. I follow you now

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Oh I understand, I am bilingual, but I usually do rounds of posts in both languages, that is, I choose certain days to post only in English, and others only in Spanish.

But thanks, and maybe it's a good idea to learn Spanish, there are many posts from colleagues and very interesting information.

Thanks for the follow!

$ 0.00
1 year ago