Today, humanity suffers in agony because the consciousness of many remains in the third dimension, and at the same time we are already in the fourth dimension.
The fourth dimension is a bridge that reliably, but at the same time relentlessly leads us to where we are headed: to the five-dimensional world of consciousness, to the truth…
The truth that permeates the fifth dimension of consciousness lies in the experience of “I am”. Perhaps those unfamiliar with the field think that we are moving into a state where everyone will be for themselves, but the opposite will happen - and is already happening.
Consciousness "I am" is the culmination of unity, oneness, in it live all the high vibrations of harmony, love, peace and bliss.There is no room in the fifth for the low vibrations of greed, hatred, and the like that are characteristic and predominant in the third dimension. Last but not least, the fact that a high vibration always beats the lower one is known to everyone.
Everything present in the fifth dimension is much faster and more powerful than ever before. There is incredible speed in thoughts, vibrations, and frequencies, so it usually also happens that when someone is completely attuned to the universe in general, they manifest their ideas incredibly compared to others. It is the result of a deeper understanding of what the universe really symbolizes.
The illusion of the third dimension fades when you are in the fifth dimension, but it does not happen in an instant, it requires its course in time. Some may already be moving forward, while some are suffering stuck in the limitations they are used to. How unnecessary grief, suffering, burdens of worries are for man, we will understand only when we move into the fifth dimension, in which ego, anger, and vanity simply dissolve.
In the fifth dimension, you would realize that everything you experience is just oneness. You are one with the whole universe and you feel it in yourself. Your heart chakra will open for the first time and you will feel true serenity and bliss. By opening the third eye, you will see that your intuitive powers have been constantly increasing.As a result, you value someone else’s well-being as much as your own.
But how to remove the illusion of separation that we have permeated for generations and generations, and accept the love of the fifth dimension?
To do this, you need to increase your vibrations.
1. Start using a filter for everything that travels through your subconscious - it is a storehouse of different thoughts and patterns that constantly affect you the way they want you to.
2. If you want to accept the love of the fifth dimension, systematically begin to eliminate and heal the pains and fears that the past has imprinted on you like a seal. As you work on yourself, you will also be able to come to the aid of others in overcoming their fears and pains. Charity starts at home, right?
3. Try to add meaning and value to your life. Therefore, you may need to focus solely on what heals you.
4. Always live in the present. The past is dead, and you are creating the future with the present moment.
5. Try to spend as much time in nature as possible. The serenity and beauty you will feel will regenerate you into a loving being.
6. You have no idea why someone did something because you didn’t live their life. So forgive their sins.
7. Never take things personally. You are one with the Universe - there is no self here.
8. Always listen to your heart. It will rejuvenate you with passion and zeal.
9. Remember the positive in life - there is no room for negativity.
10. Never imagine losing something - every scenario can have a cause for loss, but it also has a winning bet. Bet your life on it.
Thank you for reading my article.
Greetings to all from @Teji
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