If only I could...

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Avatar for TeacherLynlyn
1 year ago

Some things happened in the past that the words "what if" keep running through my mind.

I know I cannot turn back for what has been done, and I never get back what I lost, but these words "If only I could" keeps hunting me to my present.

Here are things that if could only turn my life back and change in my life:

  • If only I could turn back time, I want to change myself from being soft-hearted and easily attached to people.

For the past few years, I've been soft-hearted, and easy to get attached to the people surrounding me. I quickly build trust with the people I always talk to, and I'm not too fond of goodbyes. So to please them not to go and not to go away, I make things that favor them,  especially my time and efforts, to show them that I'm grateful that they are there and I'm so dependent on the things that they want to make our relationship that I guess is worth it. And when the times that they will leave, it hurts me like hell, and it leaves scars on my heart that I cannot get rid of quickly.

These things are what I change about me, for being so soft-hearted that somebody will quickly take advantage of me and abuse my emotions, until such, nothing is lefts in me but pain.

  • If only I could turn back time, I would take the opportunity to use the days I wasted for nothing.

There are a lot of days in my life that were wasted for nothing. I roamed a lot and wondered without vision, which led me to nothing but regrets. If I could only turn back time, how I wish I had used that time to hustle and work hard, I would not suffer financially.

  • If only I could return time, I would never waste my money on material things and pleasure.

This is one thing that I regret most of the time, wasting my money on nothing and investing in something that doesn't last long. The reason why I suffer financially now is the decisions that I made without considering the future. If I could turn back time, how I wish I saved all the money I can now use for better things and valuable investments.

  • If only I could turn back time, I learned to say No.

There are a lot of situations I regret the most now for always saying yes to everyone. I wasted all the time instead of making those moments for me to grow up individually. Saying yes consumes all my time and efforts to blend with them and never be out of place.

These are things that keep me wishing how I wish that I could turn back time, and if only I could.

Despite all of these regrets in my life, I'm still grateful that I have learned something that makes me stronger and wiser now. These mistakes have taught me to be better and never repeat everything that breaks me down.

Now, I'm surviving from the past mistakes I encountered in my journey; I am building up myself now to be the best version of my life and be the woman I want to be and want o to become for the following years of my life.

Now that I have learned so much, I will never return to my old self. I will do everything to improve my life, whatever happens, and whatever it takes.

 So for everyone struggling from the past, move on and look forward to the things you have right now. Keep going and never come back. Use the things that happened in the past to motivate you. And be the best version of who you are now.

Trust yourself; you can do it if you believe!

Hello everyone! 🙂 Happy Wednesday to all! Keep safe and be happy! 🙂


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Avatar for TeacherLynlyn
1 year ago


The story which you narrates at the beginning of the article in which you mention that you get attached with people is normal for everyone and it is learning phase for people and I think you also have learnt from these things that people are there for their own purpose no one really cares for other in my view there are only two relations which always be loyal to you and they are your parents I also have experienced the same things in my life but now I have learnt the behaviour of people

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Thank you for dropping by :) I'm so glad that I've learned something from my past now and hoping that I will not do the same mistakes again.
Thank you so much! ♥️

$ 0.00
1 year ago

If only I could return time, I would never waste my money on material things and pleasure.

I also wish I could do this. I wasted a lot of money on material things and pleasure, now I don't even have most of those things anymore. I could have invested all those money many years ago and it would have brought good profits now. But it's no use thinking about these things and having regrets, we should just move on and try to do better next time

$ 0.01
1 year ago

I agree with you. I have so many regrets about wasting my money . So now, I've learned and maybe this time, it's our chance to spend our money properly and wisely. Thankyou so much! ♥️

$ 0.00
1 year ago

In short, this calmness and attachment is due to the respective profession you are in. Be as you are never regret.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

I think your right my dear friend. Thank you for dropping by. ♥️

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I've been a YES man for years but recently, I learned how to deal with and handle my emotions. It's true that being too kind will easily manipulated

$ 0.01
1 year ago

I agree with you, and we should be aware sometimes because manipulation feels like love but it's not. Thank you for reading!

$ 0.00
1 year ago

We all wish we could go back in time to change some things we have done. There are many times in the past where I do things to please people and forget to love myself more. This really affected me and I stopped as soon as I realized, people will always take advantage of you once you are being attached to them more.

Loving myself more is my priority and setting some certain limit and it has helped me.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

I'm so glad that you learn to love yourself more now. And you're right, when you are being attached so much to someone they will use this to abuse you and take advantage of you. Loving ourselves now will help us a lot to grow, so keep it up!. Thankyou so much! ♥️

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Me too sis. Ayaw ko din magiging soft hearted at easily to attach people kasi at the end ako lang lagi nasasaktan. Ang hirap talaga. Yan ang ayaw ko based on my experiences also.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Yes po ate, ang ahirap at masakit po sa pakiramdam lalo kapag dumating na po yung araw na dapat mo na sila e let-go. Sana mapractice po natin yan and be more powerful to manage our emotions po. Salmat po, magandang hapon! :)

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yes sis. Dapat we know how to handle our emotions. Grabe yung pain talaga. Walang anuman sis. Magandang hapon din.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

What if i could travel in time machine that would be a great idea and i will go in the mughal empire it would be like that my dream came true

$ 0.01
1 year ago

I guess you're right if we could only have a time machine. Thank you for reading my friend :)

$ 0.00
1 year ago

We have this kind of what if's in life. But you know, those what if's will be gone if we truly the best of our lives. Like, you always do your best without reservation. I hate regrets.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Indeed Denn! It is so hard to have some regrets. So we should do things for the best and live our life to the fullest! Thank you so much :)

$ 0.00
1 year ago

same tayo super soft hearted kong tao kaya lagi akong nasasaktan .

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Kaya ng po ate, kaya need natin na e practice to be strong and to be more powerful more than with our emotions para di na tayo nasasaktan. Laban lang ate! :)

$ 0.00
1 year ago

dati na rin akong naging manhid.di rin maganda eh dapat balance lang hehehe

$ 0.00
1 year ago

heheheh tama naman po sis, dapat balance po hehehhee.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Saying "No" talaga teacher yung gusto ko din maging ugali noonpa man at mabuti naman ngayon kasi naadapt ko na at naiiwasan ko na ang magpadala sa mga pamimilit ng iba

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Buti po kung ganoon, ganyan din po ako. And now narealize ko na ang dami ko palang sinayang na pgkakataon for saying yes to others na hindi naman nagbebenefit sa pag grow ko individually. Now that we've learned, let's be better now :) Thank you for reading :)

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yes we all need to learn how to move on. Living in the past and thinking of "what ifs" can be torture if we begin obsessing about it. Like you mentioned use the past to better yourself. Btw I tip you for this in Noise because I'm low here and need to figure out how to deposit some more funds. Take care your reads are always good

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Thank you so much for that! :)
Yes, you're right "what ifs" can really torture me in thinking about it, and it results in me feeling demotivated sometimes. But I guess now, I need to focus for my future, and that what's matters the most now. Thank you so much again for the support.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

A lot if things we really wish we could change, especially those mistakes that limited us and made us remained in our current position. But most times, its just right for us to learn a lesson.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Indeed, these mistakes from the past will surely remind us of a better future. Thank you for reading! :)

$ 0.00
1 year ago

If I could only turn back time I will listen to my instinct 😁 and I will be more frugal 😊

$ 0.01
1 year ago

I agree with you, how I wish I could do that and be frugal. :) Thank you for reading :)

$ 0.00
1 year ago