Insecurities (Part One)

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Written by
2 years ago

It's not very often that people talk about topics such as this, and for good reasons. It's human nature to want to front our best part, our strength to the world, while hiding the weak and ugly part of us from public knowledge at least.

This has become increasingly hard because of the advancement in technology and our ways of living that makes it possible to almost never forget things that we might come to know. This is especially true of the internet and social media space where nothing is ever really forgotten; they are more like temporarily buried, only to resurface at a time you least expect.

However, every single individual that has, that is and that will leave on this earth will have experienced a number of insecurities, no matter the kind of family, ethnic group, country, society, religion etc that he/she is born into. It has no respect for race, gender, background, education, class or age. It manifest itself in a lot of ways.

The American Psychological Association defines insecuritu as 'an overall sense of uncertainty or anxiety about your worth, abilities, skills, and value as a person, conveying the message that you’re at risk or in danger of something or someone'. It usually results in a general or specific lack of self-esteem or the presence of negative self-image.

It has been known to stem from a number of factors. It could come in a variety of form ranging from social insecurity, to job, relationship, body image, as well as health insecurity. The list is quite lengthy. People with insecurities are sometimes seen to be emotionally unstable and quite terrible in making decisions or judging a person's character. Most times though, they are very patient people, as they tend to belittle themselves and their needs, hence accommodating others at their own peril if need be.

What Causes Insecurity

The causes of insecurity are diverse, but a lot of them have lack in common. These causes include abusive relationship, absence of a supportive family, lack of financial, material and basic needs, a low level of emotional intelligence, keeping secrets, lack of transparency and openness, health conditions, frequent disagreements, poor performances in work or academics etc. As stated earlier, we can't possibly exhaust all of it in this article.

Signs And Symptoms Of Insecurity

1. Anxious when relating with people

2. Generally uncertain about almost everything

3. Feeling inadequate

4. Low self-esteem

Other symptoms according to includes,

5. An overly high sense of self that is used to conceal true feelings

6. Perfectionism to the point of never being satisfied

7. Strong desire to be alone and avoid social situations

8. Struggles to believe others and build strong relationships based on mutual trust and understanding

9. Poor communication patterns that focus on the other person’s needs and wants more than their own


Like I've said before, every living human beings on earth must have experienced one or the other form of insecurity. The effect can be really damaging physically, emotionally, socially, mentally and otherwise. This has necessitated research into ways to handle it.

Of course, the method adopted will largy depend on where you're sourcing your help from. In the western rich countries, access to a therapist is easy and not even close to what it is in Third World countries. In such places with little to no access to counselling services, they will have to find ways to improvise.

On the second part of this article, we will talk about ways to deal with it and of course some of my own personal insecurities and how I might have or not have dealt with them😁😂

Thanks guys, for always taking your precious time to read, upvote as well as comment on my articles. I really appreciate you guys

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Written by
2 years ago


N one s perfect but we should always try as much as possible to live a happy life

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I guess being insecure is something common to life itself as we've all had a taste of it one way or another. Well I can't wait to hear your own personal experiences, I'm sure it'll be something we can all learn from.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

That's the whole idea😁😁

$ 0.00
2 years ago

We all have insecurities and that is natural but it will warm us if we let it control us.

$ 0.02
User's avatar EJ
2 years ago

We ought not to let it control us as it bring real harm

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I am full of insecurities growing up but have learned to accept my flaws and love myself more..

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's right... Dealing with it all starts from loving yourself more

$ 0.00
2 years ago

We in developing countries don't have access and many even know don't about therapies

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Too bad.. We have had to come up with substitute ways of dealing with our problems

$ 0.00
2 years ago