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1 year ago

The meaning of exhausted is completely tired up. The situation is same with me but the reason is I don't know with which I am tired up. This time my mind is filled with so much tensions and I don't know the cause of tensions.

Maybe this is called depression. I don't know how to deal with it I know that most of the people could not understand but I am saying but some of them who are facing the same situation like me night can understand the feelings inside my head.

I am also not aware where to start? I am sad but don't know the reason maybe things are so much complicated. And might be my life routine is so much tough and I could not decide where to go which is my destination.

These are some random thoughts in my mind. I am facing this from last one year you know I could not sleep in night. Whenever I go for sleep I am just tossing and turning that's how my nights are going. Even I could not tell anyone what is going inside me because I think that there is no one who can feel what is going inside me how many things are going on the same way in my mind. Sometimes I feel that I don't have any tension but I have made them in my mind without any reason.

My life is so smooth going with flow when I was in FSC. When I was in college I was enjoying everything I was so bright student having tears in my eyes. I always wish to for those days but those days can never came back. Life is a wave which will remain in travel . It has just one stop and that stop is death.

I have so many friends but the level of those friends is different with some friends you can share your happy moments and you show the Bright side of your life but with some friends you have a good laugh and there is another category of special friends with which you can share your sad deep time and I think these friends are the most important .

I have two most important friends in my life one is haider second one is safiullah .safiullah is living in UAE and he remain busy in his work he is doing so much struggle for his life . We met just once in our life but we are so much close friends . I will tell the whole story about friendship with him in next article.

Haider is also my bestest friend. He is also so close to my heart his family condition is not good and I have seen the pain in his eyes . He has passion to do something big in his life and I also want to see him on a big position. These days he is here and also he is nearby my village , his village is just two kilometers away from my home so he came to visit me after every two or three days .

So from yesterday I was feeling so much pain in my head due to so many unwanted tensions. I called him and we talked about almost an hour. It is insane because I am an introvert person and and I really don't know how to talk so long on call but with him I don't feel that time is going when I talk to him I feel comfortable my anxiety and my tension faded away. Because I think he knew my heart. I am really blessed that I have some true people in my life. When I called him I told him the whole scenario he is a good listener. He only said one thing " live the moment " . I think this the best advice which he gave me. This is the one thing which I am lacking in my life my life was not so as it is going now and I will make some corrections in it.

I should clean up all the bad and negative thoughts from my mind and should meditate that would be the best key to have relief .

May be you have observed , I was not very much active on readcash and the reason was this....... I want to solve this I want happiness in my life I know that it is hard to live happy all the time but at least we should have a try we should do struggle for it and if we see then we conclude that everyone is doing work and seeing hardships for happiness in his life.

Please please please guys it is my humble request pray for my mental health. I want to smile .....

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1 year ago


Feeling the same too for the past few days. I don't know. Must be the weather and factors in life too. I have read to channel some energy and to take my mind off things.

It's good that you have friends to rely on in times like these. That is important. If only I'm there maybe we can go for coffee or a long walk or something lol! Cheer up!

$ 0.00
1 year ago

We're on the same page my friend. Hold on, you are not alone. We'll get through this.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Awh don't be sad we are here for you available 24 hours you can talk to us your family your friends;. The best thing is you can talk to Allah my offering Him prayers he will surely gonna listen you! Stay strong stay safe. have a blessed Friday

$ 0.00
1 year ago

All the best fir you my friend. Let me just remind you, that whatever the reasons behind why those emotions and feelings that you have are temporary, everything will be fine soon. Please choose to be happy, you made this so far just to give up. Fight all your might. We're always here. ♥️

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Hold your head high dear, you don't have to let anything deprive you of your joy. Things were meant to be better and worrying over it was never an option. Go meet friends and loved ones, occupy your mind with new activities and watch depression flee.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I'm sorry about that my friend. Talk with your friend and family friend. We are always here for you to help you also. Always pray and be strong always friend.

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1 year ago