Maybe you remeber this quotation from '' The Devil's Advocate''. It is told by John Milton, the Devil himself. This movie is very deep, it has very strong message, and when you think a bit more about it, you will realize that point of the whole movie is actually vainty.
Vainty of one young man, who knows how good he is. He knows that he is the best, he knows that he can get to the top, he know that he will have all what he would love to have.
A bit about vanity
How do we know where is the border between 'I know that I am good', and vanity. People need to be self-confident, people need to know how good they are, how much they can, but people need to know that they are not the best.
No matter how good you are, you are not the best. Nobody is the best. And, we are all replacable. Our boss, our partner, our friends, everyone can replace us. That is hard sometimes, sometimes it is very easy, but everyone can be replaced with another person.
You can do it, but you are not the only one
You are maybe a good doctor, good pizza maker, good lawyer, good actor, but you are not the only one. There are also some other people, who are also good. They can do same things as you.
Your value is not bigger thatn their value.
You are equal human being, with similar abilities.
Someone is a bit better, someone is a bit worse.
Accept other people's opinions
There are many people, who know something what you do not know, who have seen something what you have not seen, who have been somewhere where you have never been. Because of that, many people can tell you many things that can help you a lot. Many people have amazing advices for you. Many people are there for you. To help you. To make you become even better than you are now.
Well, listen to those people, look what they are showing to you. Think about their advices. Think about their life experience. That can help you avoid many mistakes that they were making during their lives.
And, things that you do not know yet, you can find out by listening to other, or by making mistakes that htye have already made.
If you decide to make mistakes that is not good for you. Of course, there are some mistakes that you will have to make by yourself, but there are also some that you do not.
Vanity as deadly sin
Vanity is one of the seven deadly sins. People who are too proud to confess that they are sometimes wrong are sinners. And, guess what, that is true.
I know, some of you do not believe and story abnoput seven deadly sins may be happy to you. But, think about it a bit. People, who are too proud to even think of other people opinions can make a lot of damage to themselves.
You can make horrible mistakes and destroy your own life.
Back to the movie
Now, we will again talk a bit about ''The Devil's Advocate'', at first he is accepting the Devil's offer, because of his vainty, he is sure that he is the best, that nobody can be better than him ever. He is sure that we will have them all, that he will get to the top very soon. He is sure that top is his place, that top is something what bolongs to him.
And, at the end, when he saw what he has to give if he wants to get to the top, he is rejecting the offer. Again, because of vainty. He again thinks that he can do whatever he wants, he thinks that he is stronger than Devil, that he is better than him, smarter than him...
What is your opinion?
Is the young lawyer really better than his father. Is he really the best one? Is he the one who has the control over the situation?
Who is the one who can do whatever he wants to do?
Who is the best?
Who is the most powerful one, and why?
How do we know that we are powerful enough to do in our lives only what we want to?
Where is vanity? Is it between success and failure, between saddness and happiness?
Vanity is not good, I do not like vain people. Be what you are, be happy with what you have, enjoy life, and don't want what others have, be unique