Vrnjacka Banja is the most beautiful spa in Serbia for me. As a child, I stayed with my parents in the summer, and today I often travel to the spa with my students.
Vrnjačka banja je za mene najlepša banja u Srbiji.U detinjstvu sam sa roditeljima boravila leti a danas često putujem u banju sa učenicima .
We are always accommodated in the hotel "Breza". Our favorite hotel with friendly, cordial staff and excellent food and cakes. We stay 7 days with a doctor and a recreationist.
Uvek smo smešteni u hotelu ,,Breza".Naš najdraži hotel sa ljubaznim ,srdačnim osobljem i izvrsnom hranom i kolačima.Boravimo 7 dana sa doktorom i rekreatorom.
During the stay we get to know the natural beauties of Vrnjačka Banja. These are 4 springs of mineral water: "Snežnik", "Slatina", "Jezero" and "Topli izvor"
U toku boravka upoznajemo prirodne lepote Vrnjačke banje.To su 4 izvora mineralne vode :,,Snežnik", ,,Slatina", ,,Jezero" i ,,Topli izvor"
Although the healing properties of this spring were known at the end of the 19th century, the use began in 1916, at the initiative of Austro-Hungarian officers deployed in Vrnjačka Banja, who cleaned the spring and installed a pipe for the use of water. Teacher Darinka Cavdarović Telebaković, as a sign of gratitude for the healing in 1920, placed a fountain at the place of the spring. Since then, the need for water from the spring has only increased, so that the work was done on several occasions, all with the aim of increasing the capacity of the spring, so today, after the last catchment, the spring has three wells at a depth of 30-51m, and one that is Today, Snežnik is one of the most visited and most used springs in Vrnjačka Banja, and the greatest credit for that goes to the healing water from this spring whose temperature is 16.8 ˚C and belongs to the group of cold, slightly acidic and poorly mineralized waters.
Iako su lekovita svojstva ovog izvora bila poznata još krajem 19. veka sa korišćenjem se kreće 1916. godine, i to na inicijativu austrougarskih oficira raspoređenih u Vrnjačkoj Banji koji su očistili izvor i postavili lulu za korišćenje vode. Učiteljica Darinka Cavdarović Telebaković u znak zahvalnosti za izlečenje 1920.godine postavlja česmu na mestu izvora. Od tada potreba za vodom sa izvora samo se povećavala, tako da su radovi vršeni u više navrata, a sve sa ciljem povećanja kapaciteta izvorišta, pa danas, nakon poslednje kaptaže, izvor poseduje tri bušotine na dubini od 30-51m, i jednu koja je na dubini od 67,7m.
Danas je Snežnik jedan od najposećenijih i najkorišćenijih izvora Vrnjačke Banje, a za to najveće zasluge idu na račun lekovite vode sa ovog izvora čija je temperatura 16.8 ˚C i spada u grupu hladnih, slabo kiselih i slabo mineralizovanih voda.
The water is slightly turbid and yellowish, it belongs to the alkaline-alkaline-earth, carbonated mineral waters. The water temperature at the spring is 14.3˚C. Slatina got its present appearance in 1984. The water from this spring has primarily a balneological function and is used in the treatment of rheumatic diseases, blood vessel diseases, and injury conditions.
Voda je blago mutna i žućkasta, spada u red alkalnih-zemnoalkalnih, ugljenokiselih mineralnih voda. Temperatura vode na izvoru je 14,3˚C.
Slatina je današnji izgled dobila 1984. godine. Voda sa ovog izvora ima prvenstveno balneološku funkciju i koristi se u lečenju reumatskih bolesti, bolesti krvnih sudova, stanja povreda.
What is special about this spring is that, located in the valley, on the left side of the Vrnjačka river, and between two cold springs (Snežnik 16.8˚C and Slatina 14, ˚C), the Jezero spring is a hot spring. . The water at the spring has a temperature of 27˚C and this information gives a special charm to enjoy by the small pond.
Ono što je posebno kada govorimo o ovom izvoru, jeste i to da, smešten u udolini, sa leve strane Vrnjačke reke, a izmedju dva hladna izvora ( Snežnik 16,8˚C i Slatina 14, ˚C ), izvor Jezero je topli izvor. Voda na izvorištu ima temperaturu od 27˚C i ovaj podatak daje posebnu draž uživanju kraj malog jezerceta.
The shade provided by the park, which is dotted with various trees in this part, allows for a pleasant rest after a walk. The source itself and the accompanying facilities provide many opportunities, both for the elderly and the young. The lake is a confluence of various cultural and other events and certainly completes a beautiful picture that gives us Vrnjacka Banja.
Hladovina koju pruža park, koji je u ovom delu prošaran raznim drvećem, omogućava prijatan odmor nakon šetnje. Sam izvor i prateći objekti pružaju mnoštvo mogućnosti, kako onim starijima, tako i omladini. Jezero je stecište različitih kulturnih i drugih manifestacija i svakako zaokružuje jednu prelepu sliku koju nam daje Vrnjačka Banja.
During our stay, we visited the "Bridge of Love", the "Homeland Museum" with an ethnographic, historical and artistic collection of objects, the summer house of General Jovan Belimirovic, the king's deputy during the time of the minor king Aleksandar Obrenovic, the church of the Holy Mother of God, the shoemaker's shop and the giant opanak.
Tokom boravka posetili smo ,,Most ljubavi", ,,Zavičajni muzej" sa etnografskom,istorijsko umetnučkom zbirkom predmeta, letnjikovac generala Jovana Belimirovića ,kraljevog namesnika u vreme maloletnog kralja Aleksandra Obrenovića,crkvu Svete Bogorodice,opančarsku radnju i ,,Džinovski opanak".
Morning gymnastics "Greeting to the Sun" is a special joy for children.
Jutarnja gimnastika ,,Pozdrav Suncu" je posebna radost za decu.
In the evening, various activities and competitions of an entertaining nature are organized with music in the Disco.
U večernjim satima se organizuju različite aktivnosti i takmičenja zabavnog karaktera uz muziku u Diskoteci.
These are unforgettable evenings full of laughter, songs and games.
To su nezaboravne večeri pune smeha,pesme i igre.
We missed this year due to the pandemic, but I sincerely hope that I will soon visit Vrnjacka Banja with my new generation.
Ovu godinu smo zbog pandemije propustili ali se iskreno nadam da ću uskoro posetiti Vrnjačku banju sa svojom novom generacijom.
HVALA! @Snezana28
Wonderful Snow. I was in Vrnjačka Banja. It is best to visit our beautiful country with children