Are Your Assets In Safe Hand?

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1 year ago
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Why I prefer crypto currencies more than the gold? As we all know that cryptocurrency is digital currency which we can store or hold in our personal digital wallet securely. If your device lost or stolen, you can immediately change password or can take necessary steps to save your assets from lost. Storing gold can be considered as analogue system of saving asset that I don't prefer for several reasons.

First reason is security concern. Many people save their gold in bank locker, what if the bank become victim of bank robbery? What if someone try to misuse your gold in the bank? That would be very rare but still has possibility so why taking risk? Using gold jewellery is risky too, as many people lost their precious life when they tried to save their precious asset gold from robbers or from others corrupts. Gold can be a good asset but it has risk too.

Now question is, are your assets on safe hand? You are saving your money and gold in a bank for many years and they are already your trustworthy. Does they compensate when your asset will be in danger? Like I mentioned about the bank robbery. If they mention in agreement that they will compensate then your assets are on safe hand but if not then you should think about your asset safety at least twice.

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Digital currency is more safe and secured as asset because here you have less chances to be hacked. First of all, don't let others know how much asset you have in your wallet. Hackers target those people who already having big amount of asset in their wallet. Use multiple wallet, for example I use Trust wallet, binance and coinbase as crypto wallet and keep save wallet details in a safe place, if you don’t trust online drives use personal drives and save keys and password in a multiple places, if your personal drive lost then you atleast can recover or get back information from some other source where you saved it securely.

In bank and other institute your asset saved by people and information securely saved, look I'm not against banking systems as they are also getting smart and provide online banking facilities but I feel more secured with crypto coins as the wallet information on my hand and for assets which hand could be more safest than our own hand?

Ornaments and jeweleries are girly thing but as a girl I never feel attraction to it but I'm really very attracted to cryptocurrency since the beginning I start earning it and saving it too. I consider my crypto savings precious like gold and I've full access to my asset and I have no need any third party security to save my virtual wallet. I've heard in binance and coinbase our assets can be access by these service providers, its like banking system but Trust wallet is more trustworthy as the seed phase saved by us only so no third party access on that. Bank officers and other service providers are trustworthy too but it always more safe when your assets are on your own hand. I'm not telling you stop trusting those service providers whose saving your assets for several years, just be more secure with your asset.

Note: I'm not a financial advisor.

Thanks For Reading!

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1 year ago


Sure the world heading towards digitalisation but Crypto need lot of things to settle down especially for common investor. Still it has high uncertainty and unpredictability. Gold still has reliable value and handy worth.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

I prefer cryptocurrency. You have absolute control of the crypto that you hold.

as a girl I never feel attraction to it

By the way, it is very difficult to find a girl who is not attracted to jewelry. ;)

$ 0.02
1 year ago

With the rate of increased hacking and theft, one never really knows how well to safeguard valuables. We are all just trying to be vigilant.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

I am hundred percent agree with the points you raised against gold and in rights of Cryptocurency... Moreover the Cryptocurency can be enrolled in a very less amount and gold could not. For example we can have a Cryptocurency of 20 dollars and could make 40 from 20. Gold doesn't have this facility.. Cryptocurency is much more different than physical assets and keeping them secure is easy as compared to physical assets. ❤️

$ 0.02
1 year ago

May be we are different girls in the matter of jewels as other girls are interested in gold and jewelleries but we are interested in crypto currencies because I personally believe cryptocurrencies will give you more profit in future as compare to gold and the most important thing about crypto currencies is you don't have to worry about security as they are digital.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

I consider that our asset is not safe at any place including cryptocurrency. I am not blaming to cryptocurrency . If we think that we can loss our asset in bank . Then, some people Also thinks that someone can scam with them in cryptocurrency. Scams and frauds are present in world as dangerous virus. We should also beleive upon Banks. Positivity makes human brain imaginative

$ 0.02
1 year ago

Our assets can be unsafe anywhere. The safety of our assets (fiat or crypto) is not only the responsibility of the institute or company we saved our money with, we also have our role to play as owners. We have a responsibility to help secure these assets by keeping our personal and financial information safe so they won't be easily accessed by hackers or scammers.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

I think digital money is safe to transfer but not safe to holding or turning all into in digital assets. Because crypto is unpredictable and horrible for sometime. It can make you rich in single moment and can be poor in single moment too. But i think till now my assets are safe to me.

$ 0.02
1 year ago