I am rooting for you!

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Avatar for Sequoia
2 years ago
Date: June 30,2022
Author: Sequoia

When everything become so uncertain and your hope is sluggishly fading away, please remember that this too, shall come to pass and you will see another rainbow in the horizon after this storm. I know, things might not look like you expected is to be, but it doesn't mean that it will stay like that forever.

Process might be far different from the results that we are looking forward to, but it always the end jutifies the mean.

For now, focus your attention on the good things in front of you and don't uou ever bother to stress yourself over the things that you cannot control.

I am well aware with all your dreams and goals, but darling, every amazing and great things take time. If you want something to last, you have to extend your patient onto it.

Try not to overdo and fast forward everything and you will realized that it's not always about the destination that matters the most. Most of the times, it's the fulfillment, joy and learnings that you acquire along the way.

Breath and tell yourself that it's okay not to be okay because you aren't a robot. You have emotions and just like any other human beings, you have limitations.

Comparing won't help at all. Instead of envying other people with what they have, make them your inspiration to achieve what you want.

Bear in mind that before they get where they are, they've gone through a lot of failures, comparison and discouragements as well. The thing is that, they just didn't give up and continue to fight despite of being strike down over and over again. And that, my darling, is called SPIRIT!

I want you to know that victorious people are not the ones who never fails-no one is like that anways, they are the people who never gives up .

You are already victorious, you just have to believe in your capability and skills. You just need to confident with what you have.

You feel like you aren't ready yet? Well, lemme tell you something, we will never be 100 percent ready. Sometimes, we just have to take that leap of faith and see things slowly unfolds in front of us.

You got this girl. Your time is not about to come, because it's already starting.

Bloom like the only flower in the field.

I am rooting for you!


Author's Viewpoint

After a very long time, I am writing my article again in a mobile. I just feel writing this one in my phone since I am too tired to get my laptop. I was awakened by my cat's loud meow. Well, it's fine since I have to attend Baccalaureate mass today. Still can't believe that I am graduating ❀

Thanks for your time reading this one. Have a nice day ahead!

Sponsors of Sequoia

Thank you to my amazing sponsors. God bless you!

$ 3.16
$ 3.02 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @mommykim
$ 0.05 from @tired_momma
+ 2
Sponsors of Sequoia
Avatar for Sequoia
2 years ago


Wow, congrats to you my dear Sequoia! God bless your next journey, I am rooting for you!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks siiiis.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

beeb ...one thing I am really proud of is amidst everything you're standing proud and all..congratulations on your achievement

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks beeeb ko

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ang ganda naman ng sissy ko! Gusto ko yung pag ayos sa buhok mo, you look gorg!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

salamat sisss. hiih bet ko din yang hair

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Keep moving, jan naman tayu magaling ehhh lumalaban kahit nahihirapan and that's the spirit of a Filipino. We always have this attitude na kahit pa mahirap na ay kakayanin. God bless to you

$ 0.00
2 years ago

True. laban kahit hirap na hirap na

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wow, your words will make someone's day including me! Thank you for cheering and believing in people!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you for reading this as well.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks for this thoughtful words. I feel empowered ate. It's like you are talking to me right in front of my face.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

hiihi. thank you for the appreciation

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Keep fighting lang jud bahalag ka surrenderon na

$ 0.00
2 years ago

gani sis. wala tay mabuhat kay ana jud ng life

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Enjoying the process to achieve happiness requires a commitment to change because difficult processes will make life beautiful.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

indeed. I agree with you

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Just keep pushing, ready or not, we just need to believe and trust God to provide for us along the way.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

yess.Thanks for dropping by

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Beautiful inside and out 😍☺️

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks. so are you

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ang ganda naman!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

MAs maganda kapa sisyy

$ 0.00
2 years ago

if others believe in us so we are to believe ourselves. ate you look amazing and beautiful smile.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yess. They didn't believe in us for nothing

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Can I just say, you look so gorgeous!!!! 😍

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you ate hihih

$ 0.00
2 years ago